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I started to worry and I nudged Dana in first period: English with Mrs Britain (I know, what a name!)

'What happened to Gabe?' I wrote, passing a carefully disguised note to Dana.

'Something about a girl texting him. Said it was important. I think it was a bit too important,' Dana replied, cartooning a sad face. I gawped and grabbed my pen.

'You mean... you think he's CHEATING on me?!?!' I scribbled, frantically. Dana looked at me and nodded sadly. I felt tears welling up in my eyes and I had to let them out.

'Mrs Britain, Mrs Britain, please may I leave for the toilet?' I asked, gulping.

'Miss Sky! You know the rules, no toilet breaks in class!' Mrs Britain scolded, sternly.

I stood up and went to her desk.

'Miss Sky...' Mrs Britain began but I stopped her.

'I know, I know but it's really important, Mrs Britain. It's just that time,' I lied. Mrs Britain looked puzzled but her face paled as she realised.

'Oh, oh right. Well, off you go then, dear, take as much time as you need. Go to Madame Hillock in Reception if it's that bad,' she said, touching my arm lightly before shooing me to the bathroom.

I escaped and broke down in tears. Gabe, cheating on me? It couldn't really be true. He loved me, I just knew it. He wouldn't. If he did, he knew how upset I would be. Would he really put me through that? All for a girl?

Well I knew one thing for certain.

I had to find out.

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