Sisterly Chats: Part One

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As soon as I arrived home I heard a wail from upstairs. I ran up and the sobs were coming from my room.

'Grace!' I called, rushing to her side. (You know who you are in real life, hunny. I love you! xxx) She was kneeling on the floor with her phone in front of her, smashed to hundreds of tiny pieces.

'What happened to your phone?' I asked, putting my arm around her.

'Jack smashed it!' she wailed.

'Jack?' I was confused, Grace had never mentioned anyone called Jack.

'He found out that I knew something that he didn't want me to know so he said that he didn't want to speak to me and I pointed out I could text him so he smashed it,' Grace explained, mournfully. This Jack sounded like a right piece of work!

'Did you... you like Jack? Was he your friend?' I asked, softly.

'Well... yes. I did like him. He was a very good friend to me,' Grace whispered, slowly.  I knew what she meant but I didn't let on.

'Grace, Jack doesn't sound very nice. You may like him but he doesn't seem to like you. Grace, you are sad because he doesn't want anything to do with you but he never seemed to like you which means you were always sad. That's not right,' I said. It sounded so professional and posh but the simplest message was told.

'No, I was never sad with Jack. I was forever happy,' Grace insisted but there was no conviction in her voice. She knew exactly what I was saying and, more importantly, she knew I was right.

'Please, sweetheart. You know exactly what I mean and you know what is right and wrong. Remember that,' I said, kissing her forehead.

'I know. I know you are right and I know Jack is wrong. I love you,' Grace said, hugging me tightly. I loved Grace too. If anyone tried to hurt her, they would not get past my barrier. I loved her.

I loved Grace more than any one boy...

Maybe not Gabe though.

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