Matt Sykes

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I managed to get through my first day lessons until lunch when I had the worst lamb and mint pie I had ever tasted. I sat with Kizzy and then a boy came and stood over us. He had dark brown hair that fell down around his face in layers and his eyes were bright green.

'Kiz, can I sit with you?' he asked.

'Oh, Matt, hey. Sure. Matt, this is Arianne Sky. Arianne, this is Matt Sykes,' Kizzy said.

'Sykes, as in Oli Sykes?' I asked, excitedly.

'A fan of BMTH, I see? They're a really good band,' Matt said, nodding approvingly.

I blushed, giggling girlishly.

Matt sat down next to Kizzy.

'So, why'd you come and sit with your big cousin, instead of your cool mates, eh?' Kizzy asked, putting her arm around him and squeezing his shoulder. 'They've bunked it but I'm staying. A, because Mum would kill me if I bunked and B, because I can't miss Art. We're doing our examination piece and mine's of Lizzie Hale from Halestorm. Hmmm, that's one purty girl!' Matt.said, smiling. OMG, I cannot believe this guy likes Halestorm.

A girl shouted Kizzy's name from across the canteen.

'I best see what she wants. I might not be back for a while,' she said, standing up and leaving.

Me and Matt were alone after knowing each other for five minutes. Crap.


'Erm... yeah. So...'

'I hope you don't mind me asking but how come you're here? You don't seem like a criminal,' I said.

'No, I'm not a criminal. My Dad abused me. My Mum committed suicide when I was sixteen and Dad turned into an alcoholic. I remember, after a night out drinking, he'd come home bellowing and shouting and then come up to my room and beat me. My Uncle Ian spotted the bruises all over me and got social services involved and then he got custody of me. He lives near here and thought it would be a good idea to go to school with people who knew what I was going through,' Matt explained, sadly.

I gaped at him, shocked.

'Oh. I'm really sorry, I mean, I shouldn't have asked,' I said, mortified.

'Don't worry, it's okay. I don't mind telling people what happened to me. They're always so nice about it and don't treat me differently just because they know what went on before I came here. It's cool, okay,' Matt said.


There was silence in the room apart from the crunch of munching mouths on burnt pastry.

'Do you want to go on a date with me Friday?' Matt spluttered, quickly.

'Pardon?' I asked, unsure that he'd actually said what I thought he'd said. 'Sorry,' Matt replied, regaining his composure. 'I said, would you like to go on a date with me this Friday night?' he repeated.

'Er... okay then,' I said.

'I mean, that's okay to say no because you've only just met me but I really like you and so... wait, did you say yes?' Matt gabbled.

'Yes, I said I'd go out with you. It'll be nice,' I said, laughing.

'Cool,' he said. We exchanged secret smiles as Kizzy returned.

'So what did I miss?' she asked.

'Nothing!' Matt and I looked at each.other and burst out laughing.

'Weird people,' Kizzy muttered, affectionately.

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