Gabe's Story

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Author's Note: This is Gabe talking to Kaelie about how he feels about Arianne which is why it is all in speech marks.

'Whenever I'm near her, she seems to light up my entire world. She has the most amazing hair and I was originally sad when she told me she was off on this exchange. I didn't want her to go until I met you. It's like being with Ari only a gazillion times better. I don't want to hurt her, I've already done that. But I can't hide the way I feel and if Arianne finds out, I'll lose her. Even if we're still friends, and nothing more - it's a dream. She's been my everything, always. I still love her and she's fun to be with but with you, it's a different level. Think Cloud 9, Heaven, The End of The Rainbow... all of those put together and yet so much more - that's how I feel with you, Kay. This whole mess... it's not the first time. There was a girl: Bella. She flirts with everyone. She was such fun and she said that I really meant something to her, unlike her other boyfriends. I was privileged and I couldn't help but get involved. If I could take it all back I would but I wish it never happened anymore because I found you and I hurt Ari and I just can't believe it. How could I put her through something like that, good God, how? What was I thinking?! Anyway, everything with Bella's over but now I'm with you. I want to be with you but I want to be with Ari so how can I  make this decision? Help me please! Ari and I are going off but I'm really sorry. I just saw...  this is going mad in my mind. I can't change the way I feel - I love you and I love Ari and Bella just left me messed up inside. I just want to have a new start but I want to tell Ari about us because I want you but I don't know anymore. How we can sort this out, how? Kaelie I never ask you for anything else, well I do, but this is important. Please help me to find a way to tell her about us and still be friends. We need her here  because I'm not texting because this is not a texting matter. It's too important and there's other stuff I really need to say face to face. Please help me. I need you.'

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