Congrat-you what now?!

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'Dana?' I hissed, softly. I could hear her sobbing in a cubicle.

'It's okay, he's not followed you in here. It'd look a bit weird if he did. Congratulations, that was great!' I said. She unlocked the door and her eyes were red. A few stray tears trickled down her cheeks but she quickly wiped them.

'That was... unbelievable! I actually thought you were properly upset,' I said, giving her a massive hug.

'I guess... I got into the role of you. I just seemed to feel it,' she explained, a few more tears escaping.

'Hey, hey, no tears. It was me he was breaking up with - not you. You really put your all into that break up, didn't you?' I realised, stroking her hair slowly.

'It wasn't just that, Ari,' Dana said, pulling away.

'What do you mean?' I asked. She was really worrying me.

'I really felt that. But not just because I was so into your character. It went down to more than acting because... I'm in love with him,' Dana revealed, casting her eyes down to the floor guiltily.

'You what now?!' I screeched, shocked.

'Arianne, I love Gabe. He doesn't know how I feel, and he never will but... it felt like I was the one being broken up with. I seemed to realise that my feelings aren't going to change, no matter how much I try to hide them or forget about them. I'm always going to love him and that's why the tears came so easily. They were real.'

I slouched against the wall, my knees giving way.

'How long?' I asked.


'It's a pretty simple question, Dana. How long have you felt this way?' I repeated.

'Since the first day I met you both in Year 7... 8 years ago. I'm so sorry. It's killed me seeing him every day, seeing him with you. I wished that he loved me and that he'd realise that soon enough and we could be together. I wished everyday, every moment I could. It took 4 years of you two being together to realise it was never going to happen. I can't help it, I'm so sorry,' Dana said, crying. She reached out for my hand but I slapped it away.

'You. You let me believe you were my best friend when the only reason you spent so much time with me was to be close to Gabe,' I spat.

'No! That's not true, Arianne, I promise! I am your best friend and that won't change because of the way I feel,' Dana said.

'Dana, just go. You can't think that we can be friends after you've told me that you're crushing on my ex boyfriend/real boyfriend,' I replied, pointing to the door.

'I do think we can. I know we can get past this!' she begged, desperately.

'You're obviously dumber than I thought, because we can't.'

I saw Dana realise that I was serious. Fury flashed in her eyes.

'Fine. Maybe you were right. Gabe never deserved you. You're a messed up little cow with no consideration for others. You and Dixon are both the same. You deserved each other when he got you. Unfortunately, you wanted to cast your misery on someone else. Just... cor, you're a hot mess. I will never be your friend. I'm not going to be that fool who makes the same mistake twice!'

She ran off and I burst into tears. I didn't mean anything I said and I'm not sure Dana did either.

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