Busted by the BFF

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The next morning (a Saturday) I woke up to an unscheduled alarm of 'Nuclear Family' by Green Day. My head pounded and I threw my phone across the room. It didn't shut up. I threw my hairbrush at it. It missed.

'Nyaaaaah!' I moaned, rolling off my bed onto the floor. I forced myself to crawl to my phone and saw it was a phone call from Dana.

'Dana? Why are you calling me at whatever o'clock... 7am?' I groaned.

'Oh, stop moaning, Arianne... or should I say Kaelie?' she hissed. My heart skipped a beat and my blood ran cold.

'How did you know?' I asked, collapsing back on my bed.

'Arianne, you're talking to a girl who got 100% on her website design course. I know how to track URL's! So I get a request from this Kaelie Jay girl who's eighteen from Manheiser. She has the same attitude to boys as my best friend. I decode the URL using a special ICT software pack and boom, here we are. Why did you do it? You do know that is illegal?' Dana said, concern rising in her voice. I sighed and shook my head.

'I can't explain over the phone it's complicated. Look, are you doing anything today? Come over and I'll explain then,' I said, hopefully.

'Fine but only because you're my best friend. I won't do this for anyone else, you know,' Dana agreed, slamming down the phone. I plugged in my headphones and pressed play on the iPhone. 'Truth About Love' by Pink blasted out and I sighed.

'Talk about typical!' I mumbled. I slowly fell back into a doze, listening to a song which practically summed up my whole life.

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