Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The hotel in LA, was pretty amazing.

After 13 hours of plain boredom -since Luke completely ignored me and Beau and Jasmine wouldn't stop eating each other- we were finally able to exit it.

And now, we were all situated at 'The Venue', a 5 star hotel, ready to unpack our bags.

The only problem: I am sharing a room with Luke.Yes, in the beginning I did freak out and Luke demanded the manager to change our rooms but unfortunately there were not any other rooms. We then decided that someone would take the couch and the other would take the bed.

Which would explain why Luke and I were practically running through the halls to our room to declare who the bed belonged to.

"This isn't fair! You have longer legs!" I yelled, still sprinting.

"Not my fault you're a pipsqueak." Luke smirked, finding our door and unlocking it with the card.

We both barged into the room, running to the bedroom. At this point, it was obvious Luke would win the race since he was already far ahead but I decided to use another technique.

Luke was about to sit on the bed but before he could, I threw myself onto him, causing him to collapse on the floor.

He groaned and I jumped onto the bed, hysterically laughing. "Aw, look at that, the pipsqueak beat the big boy."

"You cheated." Luke growled, sitting up and rubbing his neck. "Man for a little person you are vicious."

"Bite me." I smirked but it turned into a frown when Luke pulled me by my ankles onto the floor.

"Two can play at that game." Luke hopped onto the bed.

"That is not fair, Luke! I won!" I hissed, getting onto the bed too. I sounded like a little kid.

We both did.

"Finders keepers, losers weepers." Luke mocked.

"You didn't find the bed you moron! It was never lost!" I placed both my hands on the side of his stomach, and tried to push him over the bed.

Didn't work out as I had planned.

"Ugh you are so fat!" Groaning, I still attempted to push him over.

"Honey, have you not seen these abs?" Luke smirked, pulling his shirt off.

I tried to keep a straight face but I probably failed miserably. Oh Mother Nature, you did well with him.

"Anyway, since the bed is obviously mine, I am going to the supermarket for a minute." Luke sat up, fixing his shirt.

"Wait! I want to come!" The words flew out of my mouth unintentionally. "Not for you, but because I need some things."

Luke gave me a fake smolder. "Honey, its not good to lie."

Mother Nature? Are you there? Please, take his mouth away.

"I need some stuff." I huffed. It was true; I did.

Some girly things

Very personal girly things.

Which I had stupidly forgotten to bring with me.

And it's close to my time of the month, if you get what I mean.

Crap cupcakes.

"Like?" He asked in a bored tone. "So I need to drag you now?"

"Yeah." I replied, grabbing my bag. "And none of your business. Its personal."

Luke gave me a perverted smile and I whacked him with my purse. "You are gross."

"That, is very true."


"Luke, you are taking forever." I hissed under my breath so no one heard me. We were in public, which meant there was supposed to be no fighting and lots of hand holding.

"Baby, be patient." Luke said loud enough so an elderly lady smiled at us, probably thinking we were in love.

Even the thought of that makes me barf.

We were in a small local supermarket, that was pretty empty. Better. That meant no fans would be around.

I do not want to meet claustrophobia again.

"What are you even doing?" I groaned. We had been in the same aisle for the past half an hour.

"I'm looking for my man deodorant." He said, grabbing my hand as he noticed some people were looking at us. Ugh.

"Your man deodorant?" I asked disbelievingly. "You have got to be kidding!"

"Besides these amazing looks and abs, how do you think I get all the chicks?" Luke whispered back.

That's the thing about Luke. Sometimes(well mostly never) he can be a decent guy but the other times(which is mostly always) he is this arrogant player.

"Just get your perfume and let's get out of here, honey." The word tasted like bitter lemon to me.

"Man deodorant." He corrected, making me mentally face palm.

Finally, after ages, he grabbed his wanted product and left the aisle. At this point, the only people in the market was a little family and the cash register.

It seemed perfectly normal and peaceful.

But then hell broke loose.

Since the moment we went to the cash register, three black masked men stormed in. Holding guns.

"This is a robbery! Put your hands in the air."

Crap cupcakes.

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