Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

"Luke, get off him!" Beau yelled at his younger brother, who had instantly pounded on Taylor after putting me down.

Luke was clutching Taylor by his collar, and had him cornered onto a wall. On instinct, I ran over to the chaos happening in front of me, trying to ease my way between them.

Taylor just smirked. "What's wrong, Brooks? You actually care? She's just using you for the money."

"Shut up." I growled at him, disgust on my face. "Luke! Get off him!"

Luke forced himself to look at me, his face softening slightly. Huffing, he released his grip off of the tyrant, and stepper back, heaving heavily.

"Stay the hell away from me." I sneered, grabbing Luke's hand before any attention was drawn to us.

"Oh, my sweet Tori, you're going to be the one who won't be able to stay away from me!" Taylor yelled out behind us. I didn't turn around, but I could practically hear his smirk.


"I'm calling Denise now." Luke growled, shutting our hotel room's door shut.

My eyes were fixed on the view ahead of us. We had a huge patio that illuminated the room with the Brazilian beaches that were sparkling from the sun. There was not one cloud in sight, that the sky looked almost glass-like.


"Luke, calm down. It doesn't matter." I muttered, trying to sound believable.

He turned around, with an incredulous expression on his face. "This guy tried to force himself on you last time we saw him! You still haven't told me about your history with that ass."

Darn it. I thought he would have forgotten by now about that. Screw you, Luck.

"We can talk about that later. It's only 2! Come on, everyone's at the beach." It was a pretty good excuse, since the rest of the group was now sunbathing in the sun's rays. I wanted to be there also, but Luke was too angry to even consider having fun, and the idea of not being with Luke didn't sound like much fun at all.

"Are you serious? I want to know what he did to you." Luke argued, folding his arms.

"Why?" I stubbornly avoided answering his question about my past with Taylor.

"So I have something to tell my lawyer when I kill him."

Insert mental face-palm right now.

"Please, Luke, I really want to go to the beach. Can we talk about it tonight?" I gave him my best puppy eyes, and he sighed deeply.

"I hate you." He muttered, obviously defeated. I kissed him on the cheek, grabbing his hand again as we ran to the beach.


"Tori, get Taylor the hell away from us." Jai muttered angrily as soon as we got onto the beach. He pointed to Taylor who was sitting on a small chair next to the group, sunglasses on as he sunbathed.

You. Have. To. Be. Kidding.

Taylor turned over to us, smiling happily. "Hey friends!"

"What are you doing?!" I screeched a bit too loud, that Luke almost fell over in shock. But I didn't care. These were my last few weeks and he will not ruin it for me.

"Denise's orders. She said I have to be one of Luke's best friends, to make the fans think his girlfriend and best friend betrayed him. Call her if you don't believe me." He shrugged, obviously checking Jasmine out. She was splashing Laura in the water with a hot pink bathing suit on, showing her tanned legs and flat stomach.

"You? You're supposed to be one of my best friends?" Luke yelled, but Taylor just ignored him.

"Looking good, Jasmine!" Taylor whistled loudly, and Jazzy angrily stuck her middle finger at him.

"Feisty on, aren't you?" He growled at her again.

"Luke, if you don't kill him, I will." Beau muttered, shooting daggers at Taylor.

Annoyed and embarrassed that I actually dated that thing, I grabbed my phone and dialed Denise's number, walking away from our little group.

"This better be good." Denise groaned from the speaker of the phone,

"Taylor?! You had to hire him out of all people?!" I yelled, earning stares from several tourists.

"Oh, such a lovely boy he is. Why, you know him?" Denise asked lightly and my jaw dropped.

"Lovely boy? Are you serious?!"

"Watch it, Victoria. That's my nephew you're talking about."

Now my jaw was so wide that I thought sand would jump into it.

Gee, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all.

"If you don't mind me asking, how much are you paying him?" I sweetly asked, sugary poison tumbling out of my tongue.

"He is such a sweetheart, he is doing it all for free! Isn't that splendid?"

Not wanting to continue that lovely conversation, I hastily hung up the phone, swallowing a huge bump in my throat.

"That little freak." I mumbled to myself as I stormed through the sand back to my friends. And Taylor.

I thew my phone angrily on the blanket next to James, accidentally hitting his head.

"Ouch!" He groaned, sticking his middle finger at me, making me smirk. "You're ruining my suntanning."

I pulled off my little sun-dress, revealing my purple and black bathing suit. Luke was already shirtless, showing off his perfect abs.

"Woah.. You look.." Luke murmured, blushing slightly.

"Yeah, she was always hot." Taylor agreed from his seating on the sun-chair.

Way to ruin the moment, asshole.

Luke linked his hand with mine, sending daggers to Taylor. He pulled me into the water, but as soon as I felt the coldness, I shrieked and ran away.

Luke just dove into it, unaffected by the water. He rose up, shaking his hair with his hand, his perfect body shining in the sun.

Keep it cool, Tori.

"Oh come on, you chicken. The water is awesome!" He splashed me, making me yell again and run even further.

"Don't make me force you into the water." He cocked his eyebrow, smirking lightly.

"I dare you to even try." I sassed, and instantly regretted it. Luke jumped out of the shining water, spraying droplets all around. I tried sprinting back, but he was too quick for me.

He lifted me on his shoulder as if I was the equivalent of a feather, and dove into the water with me still on him.

Once we rose back into the air, I playfully splashed his face. "I finally had a good hair day! You ruined it!"

Luke dramatically glanced at the sky. "The world is going to end now!"

I hit his shoulder, and he smirked, grabbing my waist. "I hate you."

"I hate you even more." Luke retorted, and began leaning it. Our lips were almost touching, when a shout was heard behind us.

"Act fast!" Taylor yelled, before throwing a football towards us, hitting Luke in the face, making him fall backwards in the water.

"Oops." Taylor shrugged smiling, as I furiously turned around to glare at him.

What a vacation this will be.

AHAHAH gotta love the last part;3

Sorry guys but for the next two weeks im gonna have a TON of studying to do-.- I hate finals week-.-
So please bare with me!

I love you my beautiful unicorns x

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