Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

The mall of LA was my heaven. Literally.

Jasmine and I were aimlessly strolling through the stores, since we had already bought our outfits for tonight. I decided to go with a cropped black lacy shirt with a tight high-waisted skirt, and Jasmine was going to wear leather shorts with a white, lacy cropped shirt-similar to mine.

"I really wish Beau and I were public, tonight we won't even be able to hug or dance." Jasmine pouted, checking out necklaces, often picking one up and placing it next to her neckline.

"I still don't see what the problem is, you all act like Mrs. Denise is such a cruel person."

Jasmine laughed mockingly at that statement. "You haven't seen her mad. She would fire me in a second if she found out and I really want to get this job."

"What job?" I asked curiously.

"If I do well as a trainee, then she will hire me in her company and one day I may become a big star's manager." She answered, staring ahead dreamily. "But anyway, back to Beau."

"Still Jasmine, at least you have a real boyfriend." I pointed out, nodding my head when she showed me a really pretty statement necklace.

"You have Luke, too." Jasmine smirked at me, grabbing the necklace and bringing it to the cash register.

"Yeah, sadly." I groaned, making her laugh.

"Oh come on, you act like you hate each other, but I can see the way he looks at you."

"With pure, agonizing hatred?" I asked, smirking.

Jasmine smiled back as we exited the mall and was about to say something when a loud commotion was heard. Girls began running hysterically to the entrance of the mall, and Jasmine-of course- wanted to find out what was going on, so she yanked my hand and pulled me in their direction.

Man, a lot of people like yanking me in malls.

"Jazzy, what are you doing?" I hissed, trying to release myself from her grip but failing.

We finally reached the hordes of screaming girls, and I had to stand on my tip-toes to actually see what was happening.

Then I saw it.

Luke and Beau were standing in the mall, casually strolling in from the entrance to be welcomed by their fans. They were currently taking pictures with them and when they spotted us, Luke gave the most fake lovey smile I have ever seen in my life.

The fans turned around to see who they were staring at and screamed when they noticed it was me, "Luke's girl." They all made room for me to pass through, obviously wanting to see some 'Lori' action.

Yeah, our name. Lori. It sounds like the name of some kind of horror movie. Luke and I cracked up when we heard it.

I walked in the circle of fans and Luke came to hug me. Jasmine followed and stood next to Beau, who awkwardly sat there, but their little glances to each other said it all.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered in his ear as he hugged me.

Luke kissed me on the cheek, causing fans to squeal and snap photos. "Denise. Play along."

Ah, that explains everything.

I stood in my tip toes and kissed him on the cheek as well, before separating.

"Tori, can I take a photo with you?" A young girl, who looked around 14 asked, taking me of-guard. Luke gave a reassuring smile, and I walked over her.

"Sure." I stood next to her as she took a selfie, putting on a huge smile. After I took one picture, a bunch of other girls wanted more. Some even wanted with Luke and I, so we both stood on either side of them and snapped photos.

After a long, good half-hour, we excused ourselves, and left the mall, Beau and Jasmine right behind us.

"What was the point of that?" Jasmine murmured, not pleased at her boyfriend, who had kissed his fans on the cheek and had picked them up.

"Denise wanted Luke and Tori to interact with the fans. It worked." Beau gazed at Jasmine, trying to hide his urge to kiss her, since they were still in the public parking lot.

"And how are we going home?" I asked, making Beau laugh.

"Welcome to the Janoskian-mobile." He pointed at a black sport car, which had an open back, but was currently closed. It had black tinted windows, making it impossible for someone to look in.

I whistled in approval. "It's yours?"

"Yeap." Beau smirked.

"Not for long." Luke playfully nudged his brother. "I'm taking this baby once I get a license."

"HA you wish little bro." Beau unlocked the car and settled down in the driver's seat, and Jasmine sat in the passenger seat, arms crossed, still mad.

Luke awkwardly stood outside. "Jazzy's mad, so Beau will make her feel better and in a few moments they will be making out. I do not want to witness that."

"You're over-exaggerating. She's pissed off, they won't be making out."

"I think I know them better than you do." Luke said in a sing-a-song voice.

"I think I know women better than you do." I sang back.

Luke snorted. "Want to make a bet about that?"

"Sure. If I'm right and they aren't making out, you owe me 5 bucks." I stuck my hand out, and Luke shook it, smirking.


To prove a point, I opened the back door and piled inside, only to find Jasmine and Beau passionately kissing, not even stopping when I went inside.

Luke came in as well, shutting the door after him, laughing when he saw me pout. "I accept my money now."

Grumbling, I slapped the 5 dollar note on his opened palm, crossing my arms.

"Aw, is someone a sore loser?" Luke teased, poking me on my ribs, making me laugh. He hit a ticklish spot.

Luke raised an eyebrow with a devilish grin. "Is tough Victoria Madelyn, ticklish?"

I squirmed further from him, but it was too late. Luke had already started tickling me on my stomach, making me laugh as I tried to pry him off me.

"I-hate-you." I said in between laughs.

"Me too." Luke climbed over his seat and pinned me underneath him, so our faces were very close to each other. He stopped tickling me, just staring in my eyes, before using one of his hands to push some loose hair off my face.

Luke's face leaned down slightly, not losing eye contact with me. Was he going to kiss me?

"Kiss him you idiot!" A small voice murmured, as he leaned closer.

I was about to lean forward, but Luke seemed to snap out of his daze, and pulled his face away.

"Tori, you actually thought he liked you? Taylor didn't, no chance would Luke." Another, louder voice said in my mind, sending a weird emotion through my body. Why did I care if Luke liked me or not?

"Were where we?" Luke gave a smile, breaking me from my thoughts as he started tickling my stomach again.

His suddenness caused me to shift quickly, accidentally kicking him in his personal-very personal- area.

"Ouch!" Luke cursed, before falling on the car's ground dramatically. From all the noise, Beau and Jasmine finally tore their faces from one another and saw Luke on the floor, laughing hysterically.

"Hmm would you look at that." I hovered my face right over his, our noses almost touching. "Tough Luke Brooks got defeated by a pipsqueak?"

"I was going easy on you."

"Yeah, yeah." I stated mockingly, putting on my seatbelt.

Luke sat back on his seat, trying to hide a smile but failing, as Beau started driving away

"Beau, we're lost. Admit it already." Luke groaned at his stubborn brother, who had decided it would be fun to take the "long way".

Yeah, so much fun Beau.

We were currently very far away from civilization, riding on a single lane which was surrounded by wild grass that had turned yellow from the lack of water.

"Luke, I'm the adult, I know where we are." Beau defended himself, making Jasmine face-palm herself.

"Do you see any buildings here? We are probably hours away from the hotel! We have a concert!" Luke muttered, staring at our surroundings.

Suddenly, the car stopped.

"Um, guys, we have a bit of an issue." Beau bit his lip, trying to start the car again.

"A bit of a problem?!" I screeched, standing up and banging my head on the ceiling. Luke laughed at my pain, but I shot him a glare, causing him to stop immediately.

"Don't tell me we ran out of gas. Please don't say that." Jasmine groaned.

Beau stayed silent.

"Beau, are you planning on answering?" She asked, hitting him playfully on the back of the head.

"Well you said not to say we ran out of gas, which we did." Beau rested his head on the steering wheel.

"Let's take the long way, it will be fun." Luke muttered, mocking Beau as we all piled out of the car.

I pulled my phone out to call one of the boys, only to find we had no reception. "Beau where the hell did you take us? There is no reception!"

The sun was now setting and in half an hour, this place would be pitch dark, since it was already 6:30. The boys had their concert in an hour and a half.

"Guys, there's a car!" Jasmine pointed to a set of lights that was heading our way.

"Finally, some good news." Luke sighed, raising his arms in the air so the car would stop.

They slowly stopped next to our car, and rolled the windows down. An elderly couple were seated inside, holding hands. They looked normal, except for the foil hats on their head that had little foil antennas on it, which reminded me of some kind of Alien movie.

"What's the problem?" The lady smiled at us, and we grinned uneasily back.

"We, um, ran out of gas." Beau rubbed the back of his head, unsure what else to say to the odd couple.

The lady looked at her husband, nodding her head. "It must be the aliens, Kurt, I told you they would be back."

"Aliens?" Luke questioned, and I pinched his arm. We only need their gas, not their crazy stories.

"Yes, son, we are part of the AAS, which stands for Alien Abduction Security." The man held his wife's hand tenderly. "We're survivors from an alien abduction."

Really Luck? Out of everyone in this world, you gave us these mad people to help us?

The four of us looked at each other, not sure what to say next.

"That's...impressive." I weakly answered. "But we are in quite a hurry, can you please let us have some gas?"

"Sure thing." The man got out, and easily assisted us.

When they finished, the man patted Beau on the back. "Take care of them, Aliens can be anywhere."

"Of course, sir." Beau answered, and we hastily got in our car and sped away, trying to get away from them as fast as possible.

"Why do these things always happen to us?" Luke murmured, before cracking up, the three of us joining in.

What a crazy night this would be.


HEEY GUYS ! this was pretty much a bit of a filler chapter, and how crazy was thaat?!

P.S @Akaysha_Hazelxoxo is my guurl k? k x

Adios for now my beautiful unicorns!xo

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