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(n.) the messy, tangled, and disheveled post-coital bed hair 

Word credit to word-stuck on tumblr

George Daniel x Matty Healy

3k words

The only thing worse than the walk of shame was the walk of shame plus a bad hair day. As if his hair wasn't messy enough, with curls on top of curls on top of even more curls, but in the morning after a good fuck, it was a disaster. Knullrufs, George had informed him the previous week after one of their bouts. He had a sweet smile on his face, his chin resting on Matty's chest as he looked up at the smaller boy. "It's basically crazy after-sex hair," he had explained. George was working towards his English major, and unusual vocabulary was one thing he had an intense passion for. A stupid smile came to Matty's face as he walked down the side of the road.

"This is just sex," he whispered to himself, snapping the hair tie around his wrist against his skin as he repeated his usual mantra a few more times. Whatever the relationship was between him and George, he was determined not to let himself get feelings for the older boy. He wasn't quite so sure why he was so firmly against having feelings for George, but it was there and it was very prominent. All they really did was fuck and talk for a bit. But there was something about George that felt right to him. Although he knew that this was just a Kalverliefde (temporary affection between two young people), a part of him couldn't help but think of the what ifs.

He could picture himself being with George. Instead of walking down the street by himself, he could imagine him and George holding hands and laughing as they walked down this very street, the street that he associated with heartache and daydreams. He could see them laying down on the grass outside of the university, Matty's head in George's lap as they talked about their dreams and George stroked his hair. He could picture them just relaxing there in George's bed, the bed that's usual filled with sweat and dirty talk and hormones, not even saying anything to each other, just having their bodies touching and enjoying each other's company.

It was all a fantasy, Matty constantly had to remind himself, especially as he was forced back into what was actually real as a car caused water from a large puddle to splash onto him, completely drenching him.

"Oh fuck me!" Matty yelled after the car, completely aware of the fact that the car driver couldn't actually hear him. He looked down at his clothes, which were completely soaked through and sticking to his body. His hair flopped down into his eyes. "This is fucking fantastic," he muttered, removing the hair tie from his wrist and pulled his hair back into a small ponytail. He was officially in a bad mood. He still had to make his way to catch his bus back to his and Adam's flat, and there was no way the bus driver would let him onto the bus like that.

He sighed dramatically as he realized the best option was just to turn around and go back to George's. It wasn't like he was dreading seeing George again, he just felt slightly inconvenienced at the thought. So with a deep breath and an internal pep talk, Matty began the walk back to George's house. He was wearing his heeled boots, so he almost fell a few times in the span of ten seconds before taking a moment to collect himself and marched his way to George's flat.

He was surprised at how quickly George came to the door, but he was even more surprised by his lack of a shirt. All he was wearing were a pair of boxers and a warm smile.

"What on earth happened to you?" he asked, moving to the side so Matty could enter. He stepped inside carefully, trying to avoid looking at George's half-dressed body.

"Some asshole drove into a puddle and splashed me."

"Damn. He must've been going pretty fast." Matty chuckled lightly. He stood in the middle of the small kitchen, not quite knowing what to do or where to go. "Why don't I throw your clothes in the dryer?"

"That'd be lovely."

"I'll run down to the laundry room. You can borrow some of my clothes." Matty didn't reply, just turned a light shade of pink at the thought of wearing George's clothes. "Is that alright?"

"Yeah, I'd appreciate that." George smiled again and motioned for Matty to follow him into the bedroom. The bed was perfectly made. Matty felt weird being in the room completely dressed, not even planning on getting on the bed at any point. He'd never seen the room this clean. It looked more like George's room and less like just George's bed. Matty hesitantly pulled off his clothes as George went into the wardrobe and pulled out a hoodie and a pair of pajama pants, which both boasted the name of the university they attended.

"Here you go. I'll be back in a minute." Matty smiled sheepishly and nodded. George left the bedroom, and a few seconds later, Matty heard the door open and close. He just stared down at the clothes in his hands, not quite sure about what had just happened or how he ended up standing completely naked alone in George's flat. Not wanting to still be undressed when George came back, he quickly pulled the shirt over his head and stepped into the pajama pants. He immediately regretted not just walking home. The clothes smelled amazing. He couldn't place the scent exactly, but he knew it very well. It smelled like George. It smelled like home and warmth and it just felt so good being enveloped in it. He couldn't refrain from wrapping his arms around himself and closing his eyes. The sun drifted in from the window and onto his peaceful face. The sound of footsteps took him out of his mind and he opened his eyes again, unwrapping himself. He exited the bedroom and went into the living room. George had opened a window and was sitting on the windowsill. His bare torso was leaning half out the window as he lit a cigarette. The bright sun rays made his hair glow a fiery ember color. He saw Matty out of the corner of his eye and held out the cigarette towards him. Matty approached him and took it from his large hand.

"You look like you're drowning in those," George said, taking in Matty's appearance. George was easily a foot taller than him, and the way the clothes fit Matty's small body exhibited that.

"It's not my fault you're a fucking giant," he replied, taking a deep inhale of the cigarette and blowing it out the window. George moved over so that Matty could sit on the windowsill next to him. Matty handed the cigarette back to George and sat down. He pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them, pressing his knees tightly against his body. This made him look even smaller, which George took notice of and chuckled.

"You're so small and cute," he said. He tossed the cigarette out the window and smiled. Matty's face turned pink again. He didn't reply. The pair just sat there in silence for a minute or so. "How're your brother?" George asked, breaking the silence.

"You remembered I have a brother?"

"Of course I do. The first morning we spent together you had to leave early to get him. Do you remember that?"

Matty smiled, thinking back to that moment. "Yeah, I think I do."

"And then you came back the next day because you forgot you were wearing my boxers and your mum got pissed."

"I've never seen her so angry before that." George smiled and looked out the window, reminiscing on their time together. Matty was overcome with emotion, and he wasn't quite sure why. Maybe it was because he was touched by George's fond memories of him. Maybe it was because he realized that he didn't know a single thing about George, besides the fact that he was an English major and they attended the same university. "Are you alright?" George asked, turning back to Matty. A look of concern came across his face and he extended a hand and placed it on Matty's knee. "Mate?"

"I'm fine," Matty said. There were a few microscopic tears that had collected near the corners of his eyes and he wiped those away with a finger. "I'm fine," he repeated. He put on a smile just to please George.


The clock was broken, yet again. Matty stared at it for a moment, maybe hoping that the little hand would move just by him looking over there. It didn't. He sighed in annoyance and went back to painting his nails. He's had a steady job at the university bookstore, where he spent several hours a day dealing with aggravating classmate and books that were easily a decade older than he was. As it was a Sunday, the store was very quiet. Nobody wanted to take time out of their weekend to shop at a fucking school bookstore anyway, Matty included in that. So he found it fit to sit there and paint his nails, just for the simple fact that he could get away with it. Plus he liked the way it made his hands look. He was a little surprised when he heard the door open; he almost tipped his nailpolish bottle over. He looked up at his customer and a smile came across his face. It was just Adam, his best friend and flatmate.

"Oh, thank god you're here," he said. He put the brush into the bottle and blew lightly over his nails. "I'm starving."

"Luckily for you, your favorite Subway employee is here." He placed a plastic bag on the counter. Matty gingerly took it and looked inside. "Can I come on back?"

Matty grunted and nodded his head. Adam walked around the side of the desk and sat down in the empty chair, his own bag in his lap. Matty carefully unwrapped his sandwich, literally praying to every god he could think of to keep his nails safe.

"So what's going on?" Adam asked, his words muffled by his chewing.

"Nothing, really, I guess. School. Work. Finally gotten around to fixing up my nails." He put the sandwich down and wiggled his fingers. Adam laughed and nodded in approval. The two ate their sandwiches and talked. There was only one customer, and it was just a teacher who was browsing around. The friends then proceeded to launch their empty sandwich wrappers and bags at the trash can that was in the corner.

It wasn't until Adam got up to collect their failures off the floor that George walked in. He smiled once he saw Matty and approached the desk. Adam just stood behind him in shock. He'd never met George before, but Matty certainly showed him enough pictures for him to realize that the boy that walked in was the man who Matty's been fucked by. That thought alone made Adam have to bite his lip to refrain from laughing.

"George. What're you doing here?"

"My teacher told me they got in the new Stephen King's new book about writing. A Memoir of the Craft." He drummed his fingers against the desk. He was wearing a plain white tank top that showed off his perfect arms. He was a drummer, he had told Matty the day of the bus incident, and his arms definitely reflected that.

"Um, yeah, let me get that for you," Matty mumbled, fumbling around on his desk in the attempt to clear his nail painting stuff away from the computer. George watched him work. Adam watched him watch Matty. Matty was watching anything but George. As soon as the computer turned on, he typed in the name of the book. "It's in the non-fiction section under K."

"Alright. Thanks, Matty." He went off into the back of the store. Adam finally moved and went back over to the counter.

"That's him, isn't it?"


"Go talk to him or something."

Matty widened his eyes in the attempt to get Adam to lower his voice. "I can't."

"Well, why not?"

"Last time I saw him I fucking started crying for no reason, so no, I can't talk to him." Adam rolled his eyes and took his car keys out of his pocket.

"Fine. I'm out."

He began to make his way towards the door. Matty whispered a quick "Shit!" and got up to go after him. "Hann, wait, wait, wait!" He grabbed Adam by the wrist, but not tight enough. Adam was already out the door. He sighed and turned back around. George was standing there with a book in his hand.

"Everything okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm good. Did you find it alright?"

"You're very good with directions." Matty smiled and went back behind the desk. George handed the book to him, raising an eyebrow when he spotted Matty's nails. "What's this?"

"Oh, it's nothing really."

"They look real nice." Matty looked up at George, then looked back down at the computer when the taller boy smirked at him. "You busy Wednesday?"

Matty chewed on the corner of his lip and shrugged. "Fifteen." George reached into his pocket and pulled out the right amount of money, handing it to Matty."Well, if you can make it, how about 5 at my place?"

"Sounds good." Matty counted the money and put the book in the bag. His fingers briefly brushed against George's and his face grew hot as George didn't break eye contact the entire time. "How about we meet during my break?"

"When's that?" Matty looked back up at the clock (which was still broken) and shrugged.

"Now." With a knowing smile, the two hurried into the bathroom in the back of the store.


"I'm so fucked," Matty announced, falling back onto Adam's bed. He spread out his limbs to match his dramatic attitude, his entire body taking up the bed. Adam just stood there with his arms crossed, staring down in concern at his flatmate.

"You fucked in the bathroom, didn't you," he said knowingly, his voice flat.

"Simultaneous handjobs."

"For fuck's sake, Matty, just ask the boy on a date." Matty covered his face with his hands and let a low groan escape from in between his fingers. "Honestly, you're both crazy for eachother. It's bound happen eventually, just fucking make a move."

"Hann, it's not that easy."

"Well why not?" Matty sat up and let his hands fall onto the bed on either side of him. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling, hoping that some form of inspiration would come to him. It didn't.

"I have no idea." Adam smiled sadly at his friend and sat down on the bed next to him. Matty rested his head on his friend's shoulder and closed his eyes.

"It's going to be okay, Matty. But only if you let it be." Matty sniffled and nodded.

"You're right. I have to tell him."

"You're going to do it?"

"Yeah, I am." He got up suddenly, marching through the apartment. Adam followed him close behind. He found Matty with one hand leaning against the wall as he was furiously trying to put his shoes on. He looked up and moved a few curls out of his eyes. "In fact, I'm going right now."


That's how Matty ended up knocking on George's door for what felt like the millionth time that week. George was completely dressed when he opened the door this time, taking some of the nervousness away.

"Matty? What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I wanted to see you."

"Come on in." He let Matty step inside and closed the door, very confused as to what exactly was up with Matty lately. He followed him into the bedroom where he had sat down. George collapsed onto the bed, pulling Matty down next to him. He put his face in the crook of Matty's neck and pressed his nose against his warm skin. Matty's face grew hot, once again, but he kept his cool and took a shaky breath.

"Torpe," he whispered. George, much to Matty's surprise, didn't seem to recognize the word. He pulled his face away and propped himself up, the support on his elbow.


"Torpe," Matty repeated, this time more confident and collected. "The quality of a young man being to shy to pursue amorous desires."

George took a few seconds to register this, his mind becoming a pile of mush inside his skull.

"I don't understand."

"George, I want to be with you. I mean, what we have here is great, but I just..." his voice trailed off as he racked his brain for the right way to put it. "I just want more, you know?"

"You want to be my boyfriend?" Matty sighed and smiled.

"That's exactly what I want. Yeah." It was George's turn to smile, as his face turned a light shade of pink and his heart rate increased

"That's what I want too. I want to be with you." He laughed and leaned down, placing a tender, and long-overdue, kiss onto Matty's lips. "I want to be with you." he whispered onto his lips again, just feeling so damn good. He fell on his side and pressed Matty's back against his chest, holding his arms around him. They just laid there for a while, for so long so quietly that they both almost fell to sleep exactly like that. And Matty couldn't help but smile as his fantasy came to life right before his eyes. George radiated warmth and something else, something nice. It was love.

I really like this one the entire time I was writing this I was internally screaming honestly

I wrote a good chunk of this while I was in the nurse's office as well lmao

Drop a comment or a vote or something that'd be appreciated thanks pals


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