15. who am i anyway

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It's currently 2 am. I can't fall asleep and we need to wake up early tomorrow for some reason. Training I think? I dunno though I suck at listening. I toss and turn in my bed.

Suddenly, my mind wanders over to the thought of Todoroki. Then, Midoriya. Then, Bakugou. Then, Kirishima. They're so much better than me. I've never been one to wallow in self pity, but, when I look around, I can't help but feel a pang of envy.

WHATEVER time to sleep UWU




uuuuuuuuuggggggggggghhhhhhhhh. Why did I make that my alarm. What's wrong with me.

I hop out of bed and put on the school training outfit. I go to the bathroom and do bathroom things and head out to the training area.

"Hey, Y/N-chan! Woah, you look terrible. You're eye bags are so dark and, did you brush your hair?" I run into Ochako on my way there and she gives me a worried look. I let out a sigh and a shrug and continue walking and she quickly follows me. Once we get there, Uraraka whispers,"Are you...okay?"


"I believe they're called daddy issues N/N" Finger guns Denki from across the room.

"What no I meant I'm s-"

I suddenly end my sentence when I see Aizawa-sensei and a deflated All Might enter the room. "I want you guys to better yourselves at your quirks. The Provisional Hero License Exam is coming up in a few days. You all better shape up, laziness will not be tolerated." Aizawa speaks in his signature monotone as everyone gets to work.

This has been how the past few days have gone. Training, no laziness, can't sleep, wake up. But, of course, me being, well me, I haven't improved much at all. I can hear some people calling out to me, probably wanting to practice together, but, I sort of tune them out and go to a corner by myself. Suddenly, I notice All Might coming up behind me.

"A-All Might!" I gasp while bowing,"Shouldn't you be near everyone else?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"No, young Y/N, I wanted to talk for a second. I've been observing you all these past couple of days and I think I've discovered your weakness but, I think you caught what's wrong too."

"My. My weakness? I have a couple. No like a shit ton. But, what do you mean?"

"I think it's better for you to take some time to yourself. When your training your distracted by everything but yourself. So, today stop comparing yourself for a minute and train from a distance, see what you can do." His skeleton-like face gives me a small smile and I can't help but smile back. He bows and returns to the others.


"I CALL THIS BABY, THE EARTH-BRAKE MWAH HAHAHA!" I laugh maniacally as everyone in the class watches me do the new attack I've practiced.

I lift up my hands and the earth below me breaks and lifts me up destroying some of my surroundings. I let out a smirk as I lift up debris and use my wind power to make it swirl around me displaying how I would attack those around me but, making sure I won't actually hit anybody. I vigorously throw my hands down and the debris falls down and to get down, I use some of my water power so water pours out of my fingertips and shoots into a near by crater.

"CANNON BALL LOSERS" I jump from the top of my earthy tower into the little pool I made. The minute my heads out of water. I hear a bunch of my peers cheering or marveling at my new trick. I turn my head to see Aizawa with a small smile and All Might with a thumbs up.

"Woah! Y/N THAT WAS AMAZING!" Squeals Mina.



"Good job Y/N-san!"

I thank everyone as I walk over to the door to go to the vending machine in the hallway to get something to drink. On my way there, I notice boom boom and icy hot sitting on the floor most likely taking a break for a little bit. I decide to be a good samaritan and buy them waters from the vending machine as well.

"Hey guys, I got you water from the vending machine. I'm b-e-a-TTTTT" I sigh as I hand the two boys water.

"Thank y-"

"I don't want your fucking water. I didn't ask! Are you underestimating me?" Katsuki growls while gripping the water I gave him. I giggle in response,"Do ya not want it?"

He huffs in response but, then opens the water bottle and chugs it.

"Boys, boys,boys, what complex creatures. I'm contemplating becoming a full on lesbian and become one of those crazy feminists." I sigh, whiling my mouth and then sipping my water.

"Lesbian? I thought you were American-" PPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTT.

I spit out my water.

"TODO, D-DID YOU JUST MAKE A VINE REFERENCE?" I cry laughing while gripping my chest.

"You find them funny so, I thought it would make you laugh. You do show everyone those videos 24/7." Shouto shrugs giving a small slight smile.

I see Katsuki frown seeing how much I laughed at what Shouto said. He looks down at his water bottle. I slowly stop laughing and wipe my eyes of all the tears I had. I bring my water bottle up to my lips again.

Bakugou smirks. "THIS BITCH EMPTY, YEET" and blasts his empty water bottle into the distance.

PPPFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTT. i wasted my money buying my water bottle.


A/N it's ok to be sad. living is the hardest thing ever. respect elders for the long lives they've been dedicated to and hope you'll live life as long as they did with a willing mind, keeping in mind though you cannot control what happened to you, you are in control of yourself.

song recommendation: Amber Run - 5 A.M.

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