Chat Conversation

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You are now connected with Larry!

Zai :


Larry :    

Zai :

Are you Miss Delera's cousin?

Seen ✔

Zai :

Hey, seener :(

Larry :    

The heck. Do you know me?

Zai :

Yes. I always see you wearing
Blue polo.

Seen ✔

Larry :   


Larry :   


Zai :

You're an Engineer, am I

Seen ✔

Zai :

Helloooo youuu!

Larry :  


Zai :

You liar.

Larry :   

Haha. Yes I am.   
Why'd you ask?      
Do I know you?  

Zai :

No. Oh, by the way.
I'm Zaire. Your stalker.
Lol. 😜

Larry :     

Hi Zaire.     

Zai :

Ola! How are you?

   Larry :    


Zai :


Seen ✔

Day after today ,

Zai :

Hello again.

Larry :    


Zai :

How's your day?

Larry :    


Zai :

Good to hear.. 

Seen ✔

She pouted. *

Days come...

Zai :

Ni hao ma!  I saw you lately.
You seem to be frustrated. Are

Larry :    

Here, feeling sick. 

Zai :

Ohhh, rest well :)

Seen ✔

After 2 weeks ..

Larry :     


Zai :


Larry :   


Seen ✔



She blushed.

One day later,

Larry invited you to create gcash! Make a Gcash account
now and get P50 credit!

She pouted.

Seen ✔

Three days later,

Zai :

Hello! How are you
Now? Are you feeling well?

Larry :     

Here...feeling better now.
How 'bout you?  

Smile escape to her lips.   

Zai :

Fine. Too. :)

Larry :      


Seen ✔

Days come....

Larry invited you to create gcash!
Make your gcash account now
and get P50 credit! 

Zai :


Larry :      

You can create your
Own gcash account now.

She pouted again and just
seen it.


Zai :

What for?

After one day...

Larry :  

Just create acc so I can have
My credit.

Seen ✔

That's sound ridiculous!

After one month...

Larry :  

Hello. How are you?

Zai :


Larry :   

Long time no chat. You didn't
Chat me for one month. Are you

Zai : really count
How many days I've been
Inactive in fb?

Larry :   


Larry :    


Seen ✔

Larry :

I miss your chat.  

Zai :

Good to hear...

Zai :

-Sorry. I got busy these
Past few days..

Seen ✔

One day later...

Larry :   

I miss when you're the
One who's chatting me first.


One day later...

  Larry :

I miss when you're being
So concern to me like you
Know me that much.

Seen ✔

Larry :

I already know you.
I even saw you--these past few days.

Seen ✔

*Zai : feeling nervous and shy


I miss you.

Larry : 

-Lil' girl.  


Hey, are you okay?

Zai :

Why are you so
Concern? You don't know
Me well.

Larry : 

I know you well.

Zai :

What if...I'm a secret..

Killer? Are you still
Going to be concern
To me?

Larry :  

I don't think you're
Like that. Too angelic to be
A criminal.

Zai :


Larry :

What? 😂

Zai :

You stalked me?

Larry :

Am I that obvious?
But, well, yes.

Zai :

How adept are you
In Fb stalking?! >:|

Larry :


Zai :

You changed.

Larry :

Did I change?

Zai :

Why are you so
Hyper that much?

Zai :

I bet you ate

Larry :

Just ate chocolates. 

Zai :

That's sound
Delicious. Give
Me some. 

Larry :  

Sure. Wait for me.

Zai :

Wait- what?

Zai :


Larry is typing...

*tok* tok*

she gulped.

After two days....

Larry :  

Hello there, beautiful.

Zai :


Larry :

How are you?

Zai :

Well, I'm fine.

Larry :  

Won't you ask me
How am I?

Zai :

How are you then?

Larry :

Not fine.

Zai :

What? You sick?

Larry :

I'm not feeling well.
Not when you let me
Court you.

Zai :


Seen ✔

One week later...

Larry :  

I know that you
Like me. 

Zai :

Why would I? '_'

Larry :  

Don't you dare deny it.

Zai :

I don't kid!

Larry :   

I don't kid too 😆

Zai :

But...why? When?
How...did you?

Larry : 

Someone told me.

Zai :

Aash! 😐

Larry  :  

Someone close to you.

Zai :

Please say no. I might die.

Larry :


Seen ✔

Two days later...

Larry :


Larry : 

Do not be upset.

Larry : 

I owe her. I introduce her
To my friend.

Zai : 

You mean...Braze?

Larry :

You're  right.

Zai :

You know, you're old
enough to know the difference
Between right and wrong. -_-

Larry : 

What i did isn't wrong.
You know too, I did it with purpose.

Zai :

What's your purpose then?!

Larry : 

You're too nosy young lady. 😌 

Zai :

You can Just
Tell me that you're selfish.

Larry :

I ain't.  I can give you
Everything you want.

Larry :


Zai :

What the heck? Are you
kidding me? 😂

Larry :

I'm being serious here.
Don't ruin the moment.

Seen ✔

Larry :


Larry :

Tell me what you want.


Zai :

No. I know that
You can't give me what
I want.. 😃

Larry : 

Come on...

Larry :

I know what you want.

Zai :

Then why are you still
Asking me what I want,

Larry : 

Just want to hear it from you.

Zai :

Fine.Just promise me that
You'll going give it to me.

Larry :  

Of course.

Zai :

I want chocolates.

Larry :

Sure.Anything else?

Zai :

I want you.

Zai : 

Now, can you give
me what I want?

Larry :    

Sure thing.   

years later....

Zai :

Zai is waving at you!

Larry :

Hey there, wife.

Zai :

Want anything so
I can cook it now?

Larry : 

No need, baby.

Zai :

You can't say no. What do
you want to eat , love?

Larry :

I'm craving for you.

Larry : 

I want to eat you.

Zai :

Except me, okay! 😶

Zai :

You're still busy?

Larry :


Zai :


Larry :

But I can finish this tomorrow.
This can wait.But me can't wait. 😉

Zai :

You're really impatient.

Larry :


Larry : 

Give me a favor, baby.

Zai :

What is it? Hmm?

Larry :


Zai :


Larry :

I want baby.

Zai :

Perhaps I can give you

Larry :

I can't wait.

After some minutes...


I miss you.   

Zai :

When will you be
Home? I miss you too.

Larry :     

I'm done with work.
I love you.     

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