A sigh escaped Miss Mendeleiev's mouth, as she pinched the skin between her eyebrows. She stood there for a moment, listening to the voices emanating from within the classroom, before adjusting the glasses on the bridge of her nose. She opened the door.
Her heels clicked against the wooden floor as she strolled to the front desk, pointedly ignoring the fact that the students had quietened at her presence.
Stares met her frame. Wide eyes met with other pairs as everyone around had thoughts racing through their minds.
The teacher placed several folders on the table, slightly pushing back in the overflowing papers that threatened to fall out. She pushed aside the pencils scattered about, putting down a tall and silver thermos in their place.
"Good morning, class."
"'Morning, Miss Mendeleiev," three teens answered in unison.
"Thank you, Mr Agreste, Miss Bourgeois, Miss Dupain-Cheng," she acknowledged in return, sending them a nod each.
Her hands folded together on the desk, as she made her posture straight and strict deliberately. "Now, I'm sure you've heard of all the rumours going around that concern Caline. Am I correct?"
"Yeah!" a girl agreed aloud, prompting all to listen in. "I heard she got fired from her job, right?"
"That would be correct, Miss Kubdel," Mendeleiev responded. "Would you mind sitting straight and removing the chewing gum you currently have in your mouth?"
Alix didn't do as said - she only sat with her mouth agape. Her teeth stopped their munching on her candy.
"I will be your substitute until the school has found a suitable replacement to teach you for the rest of the year," the woman carried on, earning gasps from all four corners of the room.
"She was fired?" Marinette asked, not realising that her thoughts had been voiced by herself.
"Yep," a smug blonde replied, smirking whilst taking in the protests of her classmates behind. "A certain someone may have had a say on the final verdict of her job status."
"Chloe," Marinette said sternly.
"What?" she shrugged. "You and I both know she was an enabler for both me and a certain liar."
"Alright, silence!" Mendeleiev commanded, slamming her fist onto the table. Immediately, the shouts died down until eventually no one was speaking.
"Mr Agreste, your question?"
"Umm, was Mr Damocles the one that fired Miss Bustier?" Adrien questioned curiously.
"Oh? I'm surprised that you haven't heard. Principal Damocles is on payed leave whilst an investigation is being conducted on his teaching methods," the teacher informed.
Most of the class sucked in a deep breath. Some of the teens began to shout out again, but others couldn't help the way they glanced to the floor in understanding.
Miss Mendeleiev clapped authoritatively. "Okay, class!" she called. "I think that's enough chatting for the morning. Unless you want to complete the lesson after school in your own time?"
That suggestion caused them all to shut their mouths tight, as they watched her turn to the blackboard behind. She pulled out a chunk of chalk and began to write.
Chloe, who had just picked up her striped yellow-and-black pencil, felt nimble fingers grasp at her right hand. They squeezed tight.
"Thank you, Chlo," Marinette whispered under her breath, soon breaking the physical contact as Mendeleiev opened her mouth to teach.
The blonde felt the familiar rush of heat travelling to her cheeks.
"So, how did the interview go last night? You didn't answer my messages when I asked about it."
"O-Oh, that? Well, I-I ummm..."
Chloe raised a brow expectantly.
Marinette twiddled with her fingers in an anxious manner. She could sense the pink dusting her features.
"We, we may have gotten a bit distracted...?"
There was a small margin of silence.
"'Distracted'?" the girl repeated, getting a nod from her friend.
"So, I maaayy have watched a movie with Chat and fallen asleep with him?"
"What!" Chloe exclaimed.
"N-Nothing like that happened!" she was quick to assure. "I swear! We've done it a dozen times, anyway, and this time wasn't much different!"
The two stared at each other in silence. The blush on Marinette's face burned brighter in embarrassment.
"Hi M-Marinette!"
Said teen jumped at the greeting, yet visibly relaxed when she realised who had spoken. "H-Hi, Adrien! How's it going?"
"Oh! It's uhhh, going well," the boy said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
Unknown to the duo, Chloe smirked to the side of them.
"That's good!" Marinette enthused. "I hope your father hasn't given you any photoshoots today."
"W-Well, he hasn't, thankfully."
"It's about time he gives you a break," Chloe noted. "That man has been overworking you too much, Sunshine."
Before Adrien could prepare his denial of the claim, the youngest there broke in with, "Yeah, he definitely has. I mean, look at the bags under your eyes."
She brought a small hand up, cupping his cheeks as she studied the very structure of his face. Adrien couldn't help they way he stuttered uselessly with red coating his features.
The three turned simultaneously, leaving Adrien to mourn for the lost warmth from his classmate.
"Luka?" Marinette squeaked, seeing his tall figure stood only a few steps away.
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