Chapter 10: The Halloween Festival

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By the time Aggie finished re-charming the house, it was three in the morning. Kennedy was allowed to skip school the next day in order to get some rest. Aggie offered to let her sleep in her room with her the rest of the week, something Kennedy was extremely thankful for.

Reggie and Avi called after school. Their gasps of surprise as she told them about the boogeyman were enough to fill her gut with dread once again.

"I slept through all that when you were at my house?!" Shrieked Reggie from the other end of the phone. "If I would have woken up, I'd have given that boogeyman a nasty kick."

"That's very brave Reggie." Said Avi on his end. "But I don't think that would've stopped the boogeyman. Can you ask Aggie if there's a way we can help?"

Fortunately there was. As an extra precaution, Aggie made a Boogeyman Buffer for the house and then made extra ones for Reggie and Avi to hang in their homes.

"This Boogeyman buffer wreath should stop any boogey from entering the house." Explained Aggie. "We will make a wreath out of silver, to ward off evil and a firestone, soaked in the sun for hours. Like I said before, boogeymen don't care for light. The bushel of madwort is for protection against trickster magic, like the green mist and the boogeyman's shadow form."

"You mean the shadow is a trick too?"

"Kind of. Boogeymen are technically shape shifters but they are still made of flesh and bone just like you and I."

Reggie and Avi's parents were extremely concerned when they heard what happened to Kennedy and were more than happy to hang a Boogeyman Buffer for protection. Aggie instructed everyone to hang it somewhere in the middle of their homes, preferably a place that is well lit with natural sunlight.

For days, Kennedy felt on edge, jumping at the slightest noise. In Mr. Miguel's class, they did a Halloween science experiment where they made witches brew with vinegar, baking soda and food coloring. Kennedy almost jumped out of her shoes when Sage Mitchell, one of Summer's goons, accidentally dropped the glass bottle of vinegar on the floor. Sage wasted no time in telling Summer and the rest of their gang at recess.

"What's the matter scaredy cat? Are you afraid of your own shadow too?" Jeered Summer.

It's not my shadow I'm afraid of, thought Kennedy. After a few uneventful nights Kennedy decided to put all thoughts of the boogeyman out of her mind. The boogeyman buffer was obviously working, so why worry? Good thing too, because although Kennedy had been trying her best to learn the Radiate spell she just couldn't do it. She tried and tried every day, but even when she stood outside in the sun, trying her best to absorb the light around her, she couldn't cast the spell.

"I told you querida, Radiate is a very tricky spell to master." Said Aggie when Kennedy began kicking up dirt in frustration. "Absorbing the light around you is no picnic, It took me years to master it. Don't give up, let's try again."

Aggie stood in front of Kennedy, facing her with her arms relaxed at her side. "Focus Kennedy. feel the warm light from the sun bouncing off of you. Now instead of letting the light bounce off, pull it in. Let it soak into your skin, into your bones into every inch of you. Then, think of a pure thought."

"But that's what I don't understand." huffed Kennedy in frustration. " What do you mean by a pure thought?"

"That is what makes this spell so difficult. I cannot tell you what a pure thought is because it is different for everyone. It must come from within you and only you." explained Aggie.

Kennedy practiced over and over again, trying to think of different things that she felt were 'pure thoughts'. Playing in the park with Reggie and Avi when they were little, the puppies playing in the window at the pet store downtown, opening presents with Mama Tina on Christmas day. Nothing seemed to work.

As the day of the Halloween festival approached, Kennedy's excitement for the costume competition returned. It became all she, Reggie and Avi talked about. The week before the festival the trio of friends set about gathering all their old clothes, ripping them into a perfectly mangled zombie costume.

"It's perfect, querida! This costume would make an actual zombie green with envy." Gushed Aggie.

"Thanks aunt Aggie, but there aren't any real zombies out there right?"

"No, no, no cielos no! Although there was that one time.......oh never mind." Said Aggie brushing it off as she walked away.

"One time what? Wait, aunt Aggie, you have to tell me now!" Cried Kennedy as she chased after her.

On the morning of the festival, Kennedy woke up bright and early. Aggie was putting the finishing touches on the Halloween decorations. Ever since Kennedy told her class that she lived on the abandoned hill, she had gotten nothing but questions from kids who had driven by with their parents. It's not like you could miss Casa Lapa, the old crooked house looked nothing like the ones that neatly lined the surrounding streets.

Kennedy was happy when the questions started to die down, that is until Aggie went all out with the Halloween decorations. Kennedy wanted to run the day she came home and saw what her aunt had done. It looked like she had bought every ornament in the city. Kennedy cringed at the sight of it but gave a forced smile when she saw Aggie proudly grinning at her handiwork.

But today, not even the overly decorated house could put a damper on her spirits. For the first time since she started going to Magna Heights, she was itching for school to be over. As soon as the bell rang she darted out of the classroom and raced her friends to Aggie's car. Everything they needed for their costumes waited for them at Casa Lapa.

"By the way, I finally finished your 'special' item that's sure to help you win the contest."

"Ohhhh what is it aunt Aggie!"

"It's a surprise, I'll give it to you before you leave."

The three friends whispered in the back seat trying to guess what it could be. When they got to the house, Kennedy led everyone upstairs to her room. Once they were dressed in their costumes, they all clamored in front of her mirror, admiring their craftiness.

"We look zombi-riffic!" exclaimed Avi with a smile.

All three of them headed downstairs to wait for Avi's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor were going to chaperone the festival along with Avi's little brother Prem. He was a sickly boy and usually had to stay home. but today he felt well enough to tag along. Kennedy begged Aggie to come but she said she had something important to do.

As they sat by the bay window expectantly looking out for the Kapoor's car, Aggie came dashing out of the basement with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. She had her hands behind her back as she approached the children.

"Now for that special surprise I promised." Aggie stretched out her hands in front of her and opened her palms to reveal three green candies.

"Oh, thanks Aggie but we are going to wait until after the festival to eat candy." Said Avi.

"This is no ordinary candy querido. You want to win the costume contest, si? Well, chew on these. Something magical will happen that'll guarantee you get first place."

Kennedy, Reggie and Avi each eagerly took their candy and stuffed them in their mouths. Kennedy looked in the mirror and saw that her skin was turning a grim zombie green color. Her eyes turned yellow and her face became all scared.

"Ew! You're oozing Reggie." Giggled Avi.

"Haha! Don't worry children. It's all an illusion. The effects should wear off by the end of the evening."

Not long after that the children heard the sound of the Kapoors car pulling up in front of the house. They ran outside and were greeted by Prem who was donning a zombie costume similar to theirs.

"Rawr! I'm going to eat your brains!" He growled. Prem wore surgical masks to prevent germs from getting in his mouth. Today, he was wearing one with zombie teeth drawn on it. Mr. Kapoor chuckled as he picked up his son. Once he got a good look at the three friends before him, he came to a sudden stop at the foot of the porch.

"Wow! Amazing job on the zombie makeup guys!"

"It's not makeup, it's Aggie's magic. We'll win the contest for sure now." Reggie squealed with delight. Reggie was super competitive.

Kennedy turned to wave at her aunt. "Bye aunt Aggie, we'll be home by ten. Have fun handing out candy."

Aggie's eyes widened. "Ah! The trick or Treaters! I almost forgot to put my 'costume' on." She snapped her fingers and transformed into her true elfish self.

"You can't dress like that!" Declared Kennedy in astonishment.

"Oh but I can querida. Humans can't tell the difference between what's real and what's fake during Halloween."

Kennedy had never thought of that, it did make sense however. "Well, alright then. Have fun."

"Pura Vida!" Called Aggie as they drove away.

The drive to the festival was short, just a few streets over from Casa Lapa. As the car pulled into the parking lot all the children pressed their faces against the windows. From the outside they could see a Ferris wheel, merry-go-round, fun houses and more. As they trekked up the path to the entrance the sweet smell of funnel cakes and cotton candy wafted their direction. People in colorful costumes strolled about enjoying the evening with friends and family.

"Let's do balloon darts." Insisted Reggie. "Dad's in charge of the booth this year."

Kennedy had never played before and was surprised when she beat her more experienced comrades. Reggie called it beginners luck as Mr. Nash gave her a big handful of candy as a prize. Prem wanted to win a prize too but barely managed to send the dart flying far enough to reach the balloon.

"Here Prem, we can do it together." Prompted Avi. Together they popped just enough balloons to win a stuffed elephant.

They went on for hours playing games, collecting candy from various booths and hopping from ride to ride until it came time for the costume contest. Kennedy, Reggie and Avi all got in line next to the stage as the announcer made a last call for contestants.

"Welcome one and all to the 24th annual Halloween festival!" Said an announcer in a Frankenstein costume. His voice sounded so familiar, Kennedy took a closer look and realized who it was.

"Guys, it's Mr. Miguel!" Sure enough under the layers of grey makeup was the familiar face of their teacher.

"Tonight we will be judging contenders in three categories." He continued. "Witty Wardrobe, Ghoulish Getup and Best All Around. Witty Wardrobe will be awarded to the contestant that has the most original costume, Ghoulish Getup will be awarded to the contestant that has the scariest costume and Best All Around will be awarded to the contestant with the best costume of the evening."

"Just throw the towel in now guys." Said a condescending voice behind them. "You won't win."

Neither Reggie, Avi or Kennedy had to turn around to know who that voice belonged to, but when they did a gaudy pair of sparkly pink wings nearly poked them in the eye.

"Watch it!" Spat Summer as she took a sharp step back. "This costume took days to make and I won't have you ruin it." In true Summer fashion she was covered head to toe in glitter and ruffles. A silver tiara with fake diamonds adorned her sleek black hair.

"What are you supposed to be? An angry tooth fairy?" Sneered Reggie.

Summer's lips pursed in a tight frown. "I am not a fairy Regina, I am an elf. See my ears?" She said as she pulled her hair back. Sure enough she had pointy plastic elf ears. "My mom flew in a world famous designer to do my costume. I've won every year because of him. He does all the outfits for the top stage plays and ballets. He even made me these wings."

"Ummm....elves don't actually have wings." murmured Kennedy.

"How would you know?" retorted Summer, pushing past them onto the stage.

Summer flashed a toothy smile and twirled around as Mr. Miguel informed the crowd that she was competing for the Best All Around Award. Other contestants soon joined her on the stage. But Kennedy and her friends stayed back, they were after the Ghoulish Getup award.

Once the winner was announced, (surprise, surprise, it was Summer.) Mr. Miguel called the three friends up to the stage. Typically Kennedy wouldn't enjoy standing in front of such a large crowd, but thanks to the work of Mrs. Barry and her mini weekly presentations, she had started getting over her fear.

"Here we have Avi, Reggie and Kennedy. These three little zombies are competing for the Ghoulish Getup award. Go on Guys, give us your best scary impression."

They huddled together, counted to three and ran on stage doing their best zombie growl. The crowd applauded as the trio moaned and gnashed their teeth. Everyone oohed and ahhed at their oozing faces and yellow eyes. The three of them finished their performance and took their place to the right of the stage. When the rest of the contestants had been presented, Mr Miguel took center stage.

"Alright ghouls and gals, it's time to pick the winner of the Ghoulish Getup award. As I call up the contestants I want everyone to cheer the loudest for the ones they think should win first prize."

Mr. Miguel called each contestant up and they were met with moderate cheers. But as soon as Mr. Miguel called Kennedy, Avi and Reggi the crowd erupted into a roar of applause.

"Well we clearly have our winners! First place goes to our frightful little zombies and their bewitching makeup. Tell us, how did you do it?"

Mr. Miguel shoved the microphone in Kennedy's face. She didn't know what to say. It's not like she could tell the truth. Beads of sweat began running down her face. Luckily, Reggie grabbed the mike and answered for her.

"It was magic!"

"Ha ha, magic! What a way to get into the Halloween spirit." laughed Mr. Miguel. "Don't want to give up your secret huh? Fine then, here is your award and congratulations on being this year's Ghoulish Getup winner."

The three friends took their trophy, bowed and waved as they walked off the stage.

"Reggie, why did you say it was magic?" demanded Kennedy.

"Remember what Aggie said? During Halloween humans can't tell what's real or fake. I figured everyone would think it's a joke and they did."

Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor greeted them at the bottom of the stairs with hugs and squeals of delight.

"Can I hold the trophy Avi? Pleeeeease?" Begged Prem.

With the smallest Kapoor leading the way, holding the trophy triumphantly above his head, Kennedy, Reggie and Avi all marveled at how a simple candy turned them into the ultimate zombie.

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