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Zane and I sat at the kitchen table, sipping our morning coffee and exchanging playful banter as we often did. Our conversations always took unexpected turns, and today was no different. We found ourselves joking about the possibility of forgetting our future kids at school, and the hilarity that ensued had us in stitches.

"You know, sugarplum," Zane began with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, "I can already imagine us being those forgetful parents who accidentally leave our kids at school."

I burst into laughter, nearly spilling my coffee. "Oh, absolutely! We'll be the talk of the town. The parents who can't remember their own children's names."

Zane joined in, his laughter filling the room. "And the school will have to call us every afternoon, reminding us to pick them up. 'Hey, it's the forgetful duo. Your kids are still here. Just thought you might want to know.'"

We continued to create absurd scenarios, imagining ourselves in various forgetful parent scenarios. We envisioned rushing to the school in pajamas, hair disheveled, frantically searching for our invisible children. We laughed until tears streamed down our faces, clutching our stomachs in the midst of our ridiculous daydream.

"But imagine the kids' reactions," Zane said between chuckles. "They'll be like, 'Mom, Dad, did you seriously forget about us again?' And we'll just shrug and say, 'Oops, sorry! You know how it is.'"

I wiped away tears of laughter and added, "And they'll be so nonchalant about it, rolling their eyes and saying, 'It's okay, we're used to it by now. Just make sure you bring pizza when you finally remember!'"

We couldn't contain ourselves, bursting into another fit of laughter. The idea of our future kids teasing us for our forgetfulness seemed strangely endearing. It was a playful reminder that parenthood, despite its challenges, could be filled with lighthearted moments and shared laughter.

As our laughter subsided, we exchanged smiles, a shared understanding of the joy we found in each other's company. Zane reached across the table, taking my hand in his.

"You know," he said, his voice filled with affection, "even if we did forget our kids at school, we'd always find a way to make it up to them. Our love for them would make up for any absentminded moments."

I nodded, squeezing his hand gently. "Absolutely. We might be forgetful, but we'd never forget the love we have for our children. We'd always find a way to make them feel cherished and adored."

Zane smiled, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "And they'll have plenty of funny stories to tell their friends. 'You won't believe what my crazy parents did!'"

We both laughed at the thought, relishing in the shared joy and connection we found in our humorous musings.

As we finished our coffee and prepared to start our day, the joking and laughter lingered in the air. It was in these lighthearted moments that our bond grew stronger, our love deeper.


I stood in the bathroom, my heart racing with excitement. Tears streamed down my face as I whispered to myself, "I can't believe this." It was a moment of overwhelming emotions, a mixture of surprise, joy, and a hint of nervousness. This wasn't something Zane and I had planned, but life had taken its course, and here I was, holding a positive pregnancy test in my trembling hands.

Taking a deep breath, I wiped away my tears and composed myself. I knew I needed to share this incredible news with Zane, my baby father. But how? I pondered quietly, trying to find the right words to express the magnitude of the moment.

Exiting the bathroom, I found Zane in the midst of getting ready for work. It was a busy morning and we just had breakfast, but I couldn't wait any longer to share the news. Walking up behind him, I called out to catch his attention.

"Remember how we talked about forgetting our kids at school earlier?" I asked, my voice filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation.

Zane turned around, a curious look on his face. "Yes," he replied, his brows slightly furrowed.

I took a deep breath, clutching the pregnancy test tightly in my hand. "So, I guess... uhm..." I trailed off, feeling a wave of emotions surging through me.

Instead of finishing my sentence, I extended my hand, showing him the positive pregnancy test. My heart raced as I watched his eyes widen in surprise.

"Is it too soon?" I managed to whisper, my voice trembling with both fear and excitement.

Zane's reaction was nothing short of pure elation. He ran towards me, grabbing the pregnancy test from my hand, his eyes sparkling with joy. He pulled me into a tight embrace, holding me as if never wanting to let go.

"Too soon?" he exclaimed, a mixture of laughter and happiness in his voice. "Of course, it's not too soon! Are you for real?"

I chuckled, feeling the weight of uncertainty lift from my shoulders. "That's what the pregnancy test says, Shaw," I replied, using his nickname.

As we stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, we shared a moment of sheer bliss. It was a realization of the incredible journey ahead, the beginning of a new chapter in our lives as parents-to-be.

Zane's joy was contagious, and he couldn't help but express his excitement in his own unique way. "We will have our own little cum pet," he cooed, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

I playfully slapped him on the chest, trying to stifle my laughter. "Please don't call it that," I teased, unable to contain my own smile.

Zane laughed wholeheartedly, his joy radiating through the room. "Okay, okay," he conceded, still grinning. "If it's a boy, we can call him Ramesh, and if it's a girl, Margo."

I raised an eyebrow, feigning seriousness. "And you will definitely not be in charge of our baby's name."

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~The end~

[ Jk, there's one more bonus chapter ;) ]

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