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Chase's POV
"Skye? SKYE!?" I yelled as she was in trouble. "Ryder! Skye is in trouble. She tried to contact us and she said Mayday! Mayday! Going down! GOING DOWN! We have to go after her!" Ryder looked a bit blank and was thinking on a plan. "Okay here is the new plan. We still have to rescue the Porters and Jake. Also we have to find Skye. Chase we still need you for the winch." Then he went to his paw pad and called the others. "Pups. Skye's missing and we have to find her. Zuma, Rocky, Rubble, we need you to look around Jake's mountain. The last time we saw her was in the thicket. We need all paws here. We'll rescue the Porters and Jake and then we all will find Skye."
"Rubble on the double!"
"Let's dive in!"
"Green means go!"
I was still scared. Of course I want to help them, but I was scared that Skye would be injured in the crash. Maybe even killed. Tears sprang to my eyes at the thought of her being killed. It was to soon for my Skye.
Skye's POV
"Ugh." I moaned as finally woke up. I tried to get up but I yelped as I felt my leg trapped and couldn't get up. "Ahhhhhh!" I screamed as I felt like my ribs have been broken and saw something red on the snow.... Blood. As I tried to get free from the debris. I must be losing blood as I saw a huge gash on my stomach and back. I tried not to freak out, but it was no use. I was going to die. "Help" I said weakly. I know I was in the middle of nowhere and no one is going to be here. I tried my pup tag but it must have broken in the crash that it needed to be fixed. What such luck. Then out of nowhere, a growl came and a mysterious voice came. "Look here." It sound male and seductive. "A cockapoo pup!" "Yummy snack today!"
Chase's POV
The thought of Skye being killed is pounding in my head. If she died, I would be alone, sad, without Skye. I had to rescue the Porters and Jake first and quickly. We arrived at the ledge and it looked very steep. I don't know how long they'll last. "Chase! We need your winch!" I barked "RUFF! Winch!" My winch came out and quickly gave it to Ryder. First came up Alex, then Mr. Porter, then Jake. "Thanks for saving us!" said Alex. "We were really stuck and I thought we'd never get out!" said Alex and talked on forever more about how they were stuck on the ledge. My thoughts came to Skye and then I asked Ryder if I could find Skye. "Yes Chase and quickly. It's getting dark." Marshall went to check Alex, Mr. Porter, and Jake if they were fine. Thank goodness they were fine. I don't know about Skye. I jumped into my truck and began through the forest. I met up with the other pups, including Everest. "Have you guys found a trace of Skye or anything?!"
"No dude"
"Sorry Chase,
"We can't find anything! How big is this forest!"
I sighed softly. We're trying our best to find her, but it seems hopeless how can we ever find her?

A/N So Skye is alive. (For now!) and the pups can't find her. Can they find her. Sorry if this chapter is a bit short. I need to improvise for this chapter. Also I have my first concert on Monday so this is my uniform for the concert. Also. I can believe I made 2nd chair. I was expecting 5 or 6 chair but my director said I was too good so he put me in second. The shoes are hiding the logo because it shows information about the school I go to. Also I wanted to show you the shoes.   We will be playing the Star Spangled Banner and March of the Armed Forces. Please here those. They are very pretty. My school is well respected for our music and athletic programs state wide and nationwide. We got someone from Canada who wanted to be our assistant director. Well BYE. See you in the next chapter.

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