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Two years later
Skye's POV
I had a lot of butterflies in my stomach and I could've exploded. "Hold on Skye. Just a few more finishing touches. Don't move." said a now 12 year old Katie, making my wedding dress. Yes, I'm getting married to Chase. It was just so romantic when he proposed. I could've fainted and died on the spot

He led me to a small forest. Not like my old home, but kind of similar. And in my surprise, a candlelight dinner for two was there. Just me, Chase, and some peace. We shared a big plate of Mr. Porter's famous spaghetti with extra meatballs. As we ate our own strings, somehow we went into the old and classic spaghetti kiss. Then Chase accidentally smeared sauce of my face and we started a small war between sauce. Each of us throwing a bit of sauce. After all of it was gone, he bent down on one paw and asked the biggest question I'll never forget. "Skye? Will you marry me?" and of course, I said yes."

End of flashback

"And.... There! All finished for tomorrow!" Katie said beaming. I just stared in awe at the dress. It wasn't very fancy but, nothing very plain. A/N I can't describe it very well so I'll show you a pic. Just add in a flower crown and veil.

"It's beautiful Katie! Thank you. Thank you! THANK YOU!" She smiled. "No problem Skye. I want you to have the best wedding in Adventure Bay." I smiled. "So when are you going to marry Ryder!" she blushed and said "Not yet."

Wedding day
Chase's POV
It was a beautiful spring day. Not too hot and not too cold but, I was a nervous wreck today. I wanted to marry Skye but now I feel like I don't have any guts to do it. "Buttewflies in youw stomach huh." Zuma said behind me. "Don't worry Chase! You'll be fine! In a few hours, you'll marry Skye." Marshall said behind me. Marshall was the best man at the wedding today following Zuma, Rocky, and Rubble. I sighed. "I just feel like Skye deserves better than me. What can I do to make her happy?" "Well one thing first. She thinks your an awesome pup Chase." Rocky said. "Yea! She'll love it today. She wants you. Not another. Believe me." Rubble said firmly. It helped a bit. "Thanks." I said.
Skye's POV
I was so anxious today that I felt like jelly. "You okay Skye?" Everest asked. She was my maid of honor following Katie and three open spots for my deceased sisters. Alana, Kristi, and Maya. "Yea Everest. I'm fine." but really I wasn't. "Skye what's a matter?" Katie asked. I sighed. "Chase deserves someone more stronger and better than me. I'm pathetic and weak." they both shook their heads. "Skye, you fought wolves and came back to life when it wasn't possible. He wants you for you." Everest said firmly but I still wasn't sure. A knock came at the door. "Guy's! The wedding starts in an hour we got to get there!" said Marshall. I swear I saw Everest go red and Marshall go red too. It would be perfect if they got married too.

Time skip to the chapel
I stayed in a little room until the wedding with Everest and I know as time went by, I was more of a wreck. "I'm going to see if everything is alright." Everest said as she went out of the room. I was left there all anxious. A small gust of wind came in and six shapes formed to be my entire family. "You look beautiful today Skye!" Alana said beaming. "Totally! I wish we can be there alive though." Kristi said. "Oh! My little daughter is going to get married!" Mom sniffed as she came to hug me. Dad was just there, tears streaming down his cheeks, just beaming with pride. "Honey." he said. "No words can describe of how happy I am to see you get married and I'm happy to have Chase as a son-in-law." I just wept there and hugged him tightly. Maya then whispered "Oh and BTW, mom and dad want to know when you and Chase will have your first pup." We all looked at her crazily. "Okay, I'll admit. I want to know when I'll get a niece. Really! I want you to have a girl!" We all just rolled our eyes. Typical Maya. Then Carson said in a very low voice "Good luck today." and they left in a flash. Everest came in. "Skye, Its time."
Chase's POV
I felt anxious to see Skye. I swear as I was led to the front part of the church, I was jumping. "Dude, just welax." Zuma said trying to calm me. Then the wedding music came into play. I got in my position and saw all our friends here. Then I saw Skye in a very stunning dress that my jaw dropped to the floor. Ryder escorted her down the aisle. God she was beautiful. Then she settled beside me. "Friends. We are gathered here today as we join these two pups in union." Mayor Goodway started.

Time skip throughout the entire wedding since I don't know all the words in what the priest says.

"Chase, do you take Skye to be your lawfully wedded wife as long as you both shall live?" I stared deeply into her pink eyes and said "I do." "Skye, do you take Chase to be your lawfully wedded husband as long as you both shall live." She stared into my eyes. "I do." "Now, if you have something to say to each other. Say it now." Mayor Goodway said. I took a deep breath. "Skye, I love you deeper than words today. Two years ago, you were beaten and bruised badly, I had nothing but tears left inside of me and if you didn't make it alive, I wouldn't be me anymore. I'm so happy to be here with you today." Everyone here was crying softly in tissues. Skye was tearing up as well. "Chase, your the most brave and handsome pup I've ever met. Ever since you saved me from the forest and Victor's cave, I felt nothing but gratitude and love inside of me. I would be honored to be your wife." we both looked up a Mayor Goodway and saw her crying as well. She cleared her throat and said the final words. "And by the power invested in me... I now pronounce you both husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." "You don't need to ask me twice!" I said as we leaned for a dip and a kiss. Everyone clapped and cheered, and howled. We headed down the aisle and into the limo for our honeymoon. Skye threw the bouquet and Everest caught it. She looked at Marshall as he blushed as red as his fire truck. I laughed. As we drove off I looked at Skye. Just yesterday, I had a crush on her and now, she's my beaming bride and wife. She looked into my direction.  "Chase, I'm glad we are okay. Just yesterday, I was a girl who had a crush and now, you're my husband. I'm so honored to be you're wife. I love you." I looked into her eyes and kissed her. I love you too.

A/N So THIS is the real ending to this story. Tell me how you think and I will love to write more stories about this ship. So this is possibly the longest chapter I've written. Just about 1284 words. Bye! 👋

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