At a Navajo reservation in Arizona, Max and his old friend, Wes Green, are admiring a dreamcatcher on display at a market "Navajo legend says the web of the dreamcatcher protects the dreamer by holding the nightmares in the center, while good dreams travel down the feathers to bless the person sleeping" They move on, while behind them, (y/n) yawns in boredom. Gwen is next to her and annoyed "Speaking of sleeping..." She pushes (y/n) forward "I know Mr. Green is Grandpa's old buddy, but can this trip get any more..." (Y/n) sees a beautiful girl performing a native dance and is instantly smitten "-cooler?"
"That's my grandaughter, Kai" wes points at her "Wes, last time I saw her she was barely walking. Now look at her!" Wes smiles "She's performing a ceremonial Navajo dance" he told her, she nervously fixes her hair trying to look nice "You know, I was hoping to see one of those before the summer ended!" Gwen raised an eyebrow at this "Since when have you been interested in Native American spiritual dance?" (Y/n) Shrugs it off when Kai finnish her dance, she walks past (y/n) brushing her hair behind her ear and walks to wes "You sure you're not doing a rain dance?" Gwen asked her "Positive. Why?" She looks at they sky darkens as it starts pouring rain. There were purple flasesh of lightning "That's why!" Everyone RAN to take cover, as (y/n) runs she Saw a Werewolf, it Growls at her, before it takes off it, they all got up in the rooftop however KAI didnt make it on time and got chought by the food "KAI!"
and they head out for higher ground. Unfortunately, Kai is caught by the strong push of the water, and she's carried along with the flood "Help!" Instead, (y/n) decides to go herself, and he jumps on top of a barrel "grab my hand!" Suddenly, they notice a wall that may crush them if they continue down the stream, but luckily, they jump up to hang onto something. Kai smiles at her "thank you but why are you still holding my hand?" She blushes and let's go, they climbs back up to meet up with the others, Up on the roof, the alien rips off the satellite receiver.
"I never thought I'd ever see one" Mr. Green started as they stops in the museum. Freshly dried after the flood had died down and left the town behind "One what?" (Y/n) Asked, standing besides kai "A Yenaldooshi. Navajo werewolf. I thought they only existed in folklore. Their presence is a sign of pure evil" wes grabs a tranquilize gun "I must find it. I'll tranquilize it, then bag it" Max steps up "I'll go with you"
"Count us in!" (Y/n) Steps up, with gwen "Me too, Grandpa!" Kai said Wes Shook his head "You know only braves can be trackers, Kai" Kai frowns at this "Who made up that rule?" Gwen asked, frowning "It's been that way for centuries. Times change, but traditions don't. You, (y/n), and Kai will remain behind" wes states "But..." Max cuts gwen off "Their land, their rules, Gwen" the Elder mens walks out of the museum leaving the girls behind "Kai seems bummed. Maybe I can cheer her up!" (Y/n) Started, looking at kai "Since when do you care about what girls care..." Gwen raised an eyebrow, then realizes "Unless you LIKE her!" (Y/n) Blush at this "What?" Gwen smiles "That's it! Like, you so like-like her!" (Y/n) Covers her mouth "okay yes i do! But can you please quiet down!" Gwen giggles at this "don't worry i'll help you get the girl" the red head pats her shoulder. "Hey kai do you know anyware outside we can hang while we wait" gwen asked her
The girl nodded, leading them out into the town again. Ending up Sitting on one of the houses roots which they got up using a ladder. Watching the stars, gwen sat down betwn Kai and (y/n) "So, I guess my cousin saved you" gwen broke the silence awkwardly "yeah thanks for that again btw" Kai said to (y/n) making her blush Gwen smirks "By "okay", do you mean like on a dork meter she'd only be a nine out of ten?" (Y/n) Nudge Gwen said as she laughs at this while Kai looks on in confusion.
The Elder mens got back from the trip and told them they almost got attack but lucky they survive it.
Later that night (y/n) goes on a walk at night to get some air and exploring the town a little, but Suddenly she spots the Werewolf "oh sh-" it notice her, and started chasing after her, she RAN as fast she can. The wolf reach out It's hand and nearly slash her but iit mange to hit the watch, she rans away trying to Activate the charmnitrix but for some reason it didnt work and the dail turn yellow fora second and back to pink "look out!" She douges the dart, the wolf steps back growling as wes pull (y/n) behind him, they wolf growled and RAN away from them. Wes follows them wolf with (y/n) following behind him "Wait who's that!" (Y/n) Point out in the distance, a navajo boy that looks like the same age as her, with long black hair that reach to his shoulder and naked! In the dessert "young man what are you doing here?" Wes asked him, (y/n) takes a look from wes back. The boy notice her, (y/n) Saw his pretty pink eyes, he smiles at her before passing out
They brought him back to the museum and give him some clothes that include a Sleeveles white shirt and some black pants, as wes question him "so you don't remember what happened?" The boy nodded his head "yes sir i don't remember what to me, i don't remember where IM from nor my name" he told him "well if you don't.. remember your about we call you mingan!" (Y/n) Smiles at him, he smile at her "mingan i like that, your a smart gal"
"where are all those people going granpa?" Gwen asked as max, wes, mingan and the girls finnish talking with the twins people. Sending them off to a safer palace then here while they deal with the wolf sittuasion "Off the reservation. They fear the Yenaldooshi's return, and with tonight's full moon, its power would be greater than ever" wes explained to her "and (y/n) over there almost got attack only worry the town people more, i Heard some of them talk about the wolf might looking for a bride" (y/n) shudders in fear and disguest, Kai sat down next to between her and mingan "your grandpa told me what you did during summer" Kai smiles "he told me alot about you and your alien partners" the white hair girl Scratches her head "oh...its nothing..spesial" she bashfully said "I understand...but i do want to know what are your partners like?" She asked her "well They're kind, funny, strong!... greymater is big helps me alot with projects that i have trouble making, upgrade to! He such a sweetheart; they all are.." Kai raised an eyebrow at this "So, like, what things have you guys done?" She asked "You know, the usual. Arrest criminals, take down aliens..." She notice the boy keep scrathing himself "hey mingan you alright?" (Y/n) Asked him "I'm fine! Just can't stop itching!" He Growls underneath his breath "Gwen, could you scratch my back for a sec?"Gwen shudders "My fingers? On your back? Ugh, I'd rather pull out my nails one by one!" They notice his skin Turns a blus-ish grey, they all started at him with wide eye looks "mingan your face.." "what! Is there's something on my face?" Kai voice crack a little "Actually, more like really hairy!" Gwen looks between (y/n) and him "what's going on?" Mingan feels his face "I don't know!" They back up a little as he howls.
"Were you bitten by the Yenaldooshi?" Wes asked him, as mingan clings to (y/n) like a literal lost puppy "maybe i still don't have any memory of my past" Wes thinks for a momment "The Yenaldooshi can create others in its exact image, and when it does, those followers will seek to destroy those closest to them" mingan only whimpers quitly Max steps up "So, how does mingan...'un-wolf'?" He asked "The only way to reverse Ben's spell is to stop the Yenaldooshi" wes told him "With a silver bullet?" Wes Shook his head "That's in the movies. You must dip a silver pendant in the juice of the [del Matrimonio] cactus, and place it against its heart. And we must do it before tonight's full moon, or you could remain like that forever, mingan!"
"Forever?!" Mingan asked nervously as his hair growsblonger, Kai walks up to them "The Navajo also believe the Yenaldooshi is a god." She tells him. Mingan Perks up "hey (y/n) can you scratch behind my ear?" He said, leaning closer to her "I will get the pendant" wes walks away, mingan eyes drift off to a cow in the middle of the dessert "Hey, is anybody else hungry?" He licks his lips, the girls exstange worried looks.
Mingan plops down next to (y/n) and a bunch of raw and still in Shell eggs into a bowl. He then pour milk with the eggs before you Dunkin his head into the bowl. The liqued splater and hit the girls, mingan notice this "hehe, napkin?" He chuckles nervously "The Árbol del Matrimonio cactus!" Gwen looked at her screen proudly. Kai leans next to her it said it only found in the dessert "Let's see what else I can wolf down! Get it? Get it?!" Mingan leaps over the chair and digs in to bridge and eating to food but his featured are starting to look more wolf like
The girls shared horridfied glances "You're looking more and more like a Yenaldooshi."
"Well, I still feel like just me" he said with a puppy smile, he sniffs up something and RAN out of the r.v jumping on the rooftop and baring his teeth in a snarl of a grin before took off, the girls follow him from behind and Saw him trying to Dig up something. The dirt hit the girls, mingan notice this and his ears flop back "Guess you can teach a new wolf dumb tricks!" Gwen huffs "Uhh, sorry" mingan looked down "its fine" (y/n) told him, Wes and max comes back "The NASA tracking station on the north ridge was just destroyed by some sort of werewolf. It almost ripped apart the guards there"Max question him "What did it want?" "It took some satelite equipment"
"And it ripped down that receiver you had here! What do you think it wants?" Mingan asked "Obviously it's angry that technology has invaded what it considers its sacred land. We need to find the Yenaldooshi, and find it fast!" Kai thinks for a momment "You won't be able to look for both the Yenaldooshi and the cactus."
"So let US girls look for the cactus!" Gwen teamed up with girls "Once we find it, we'll call!" Kai informasm them "and don't worry if there's trouble i'll get some help!" (Y/n) Held up her arm giving more point to wes and letting the girls search for the cactus, the guys and girls separate from the group
Mingan looked back at (y/n) and called worriedly "Be careful" both (y/n) and mingan said before walking away
Gwen see the tension between the two and though for a second before joining Kai and (y/n)
(Time skip)
When they reunited again they thought they Saw the wolf again but its-
"Mingan!" (Y/n) Yelled, his fully a Werewolf now "Wes looks at him worried "I don't understand, that should have worked!"
Kai thinks for a momment "Grandpa, the pendant didn't work because, maybe we're not dealing with a Yenaldooshi!" Suddenly the charmnitrix symblol form on mingan lower stomech making. Their eyes widen "Kai's right. Maybe you're not some Navajo werewolf. Maybe you're some alien werewolf...Which is why (y/n) haven't been able to summon her partners, because you're already an alien!" Gwen explained, (y/n) looks at him in Awe
Gwen looks at (y/n) "Did that thing ever grab the watch or anything?" The white hair girl thinks for a moment "Right, when we were fighting...! Both times it scratched it with its claws, and it glowed yellow!" (Y/n) Relise Something"so that how i got Ten-ten! It was a DNA capture mode!"
Wes felt Something wrong "Something tells me we may have some other worries as well..." They snif the air "Do you smell that?"
"What? My wolf breath's not that bad!" Mingan yeld in offended tone, (y/n) giggles at this "A sulfur smell is the sign of lava. But the volcanoes around here have all been inactive for millions of years", they walking in futhere in the cave but then lava pouts out of the walls "So then, that's not real lava?"
"It must have reactivated the volcano somehow!" They RAN as fast they can from the lava "Maybe it wants us off our land, one way or the other!" They run until they reach out to a clif with lava running down below "the gap to wide!" The other is to for them to reach "Time to see how far this big bad wolf can jump! Who wants a ride?" Mingan picks up wes and max and sending a powerfull howl to ground making them Leap to the others side, he leaps back and does it to Gwen and Kai. And finally to (y/n) "hold on tight babe!" He howls at ground he leaps to other side just quick enough before the watch Times out, (y/n) stumble down to ground "The charmnitrix finally timed out! And check this out" (y/n) show off the watch now featuring the loboan sillhouette
"The watch absorbed its DNA!" Gwen yelled "Welcome to the family!" (Y/n) Smiles down at her watch.
(Time skip)
The wolf attack (y/n) as others are given the chance to escape "ugh you stupid dog!" It Growls back at her, she douges it attacks before shooting the machine and making it explode she quickly escape leaving the wolf to its demize "(y/n)!" Gwen RAN up to hug her after reunited "great job (y/n)!" Max cheers.
The villageer return safely after the incedent. Wes walks to museum to get some gift for them "Its a long summer...maybe we can see each other again?" (Y/n) Nervously said to Kai but she didnt glance back at her, Kai sighs and said "the thing is (y/n) your just not my type" (y/n) heart break hearing that "huh? Why?" She asked her "Nothing and all the alien partners thing is cool, just not as cool when mingan were a yenaldooshi. I figured i could train him, tame him, you know?" Gwen is about to say something but then- "im sorry, you wanted to treat him like some pet! That's not cool, at all" (y/n) spat "please you do that to your other aliens aswell" Kai states "excuse! You!, my partners are not some pets! They are living brings with thought and feelings!" The white hair girl snap back "oh, well. Whatever" Kai rolled her eyes and walks away "ugh cant believe she said that" (y/n) croses her arm "hey don't sweat it beside the thing about a crush is sometimes you get crush. But don't worry you still your boyfriends" Gwen tease her cousin "yeah right, as if they like me that way".
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