A jet flies through the open sky, and inside, (y/n) excitedly talks to Max and Gwen "Now, this is cool, picked up in a billionaire's private jet to check out his brand-new hotel before anybody else! Now we're talking a summer vacation! Thanks!"
Max smiles "I'd do anything for you guys. You know that, (y/n)" Gwen looks up from a megazine "How come you never told us before that you knew Donovan Grand Smith?" He shrugs "Must have slipped my mind" The jet lands at the floating building entrance to the resort, with Donovan waiting on the docks. Donovan Welcoming the trio with his grandson beside him "Max Tennyson, it's been way too long" max smiles "How are you, Donovan?" He Shaking him by the hand "Well, with sixteen resorts worldwide, I'd say pretty good. Glad you finally decided to see how the better half lives" he Chuckles Max introduce the girls "These are my grandauthers; (y/n) and Gwen" (y/n) hides behind gwen "And this is my Grandson, Edwin!" Gwen smiles while (y/n) just shyly waves hello "Hi!" Gwen greats "Yeah, whatever" Edwin pouts, as (y/n) and Gwen looks at one another put off by him "Ready to take the plunge?" Donovan gestures to the opening elevator doors, and the quintet head down to the underwater resort's sea level. As Edwin shoots a raised eyebrow at the other two kids, they exit the elevator and enter onto a booth seated tram line tunnel, giving them a great view of the magnificent marine life as lights comes on and it moves deeper into the resort through a vertical shoot.
Max Contrasting (y/n) and Gwen's amazed expressions, Max has a serious "You sure this was the safest place to build a resort like this?" Donovan raised an eyebrow"You're talking underwater fault lines?" Max shook his head "I'm talking more like you're smack dab in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle" the girls both turn "Growing up, you always were the worrywart, Max. Never the risk-taker" Donovan gave a smile "I give you the world's first and only underwater resort! ...You won't believe what's down here.
What appears to be the ruins of an aircraft on an ocean floor shelf is visible not too far away"
As they enter the resort, (y/n) and Gwen run past janitors, waiters, and few workers and around the bronzed yellow machinery. Edwin trails behind as Max and Donovan walk and talk "The official grand opening's only a week away. Just a few special V. I. P. S like you are getting a sneak peek" Donovan jokingly said "Sure beats that old rusty bucket of bolts you sleep in, doesn't it, Max?" Gwen looking over a railing at exotic fish -- and someone in deep diving gear cleaning the outside glass before turning around "I read about your resort in Pacific Monthly Oceania, Mister Grand Smith. Very cutting edge, isn't the glass reinforced with-"
Edwin interrupting with a cough "Butt-kisser" the girls looks at him confuse "Micro-Titanium threads to withstand up to ten atmospheres. Nobody gets wet here unless it's in one of the nine pools!" Max smiles "Very impressive, Donovan" Donovan smirks "Well, for two billion dollars, it ought to be. But, you know, money isn't everything" Edwin raised an eyebrow "We change the family motto, Grandpa?" (Y/n) Noticing a tiny badge with a Sumo wrestler on Edwin's turtleneck "Hey, I'm into Sumo Slammers too, where'd you score that pin?" Edwin Nonchalantly said "Sumo Slammers Slam-Down V in Helsinki. We flew on my Grandpa's private jet just to get it" Donovan place his hand on his shoulder "And Edwin says the pin's already tripled in value! Kid's got a head for business. Grooming him to take over the empire one day" he Chuckling "Gotta keep it in the family" they continue to your of the place "hey can i go to the bathroom?" (Y/n) Asked, Donovan told her were the bathroom is, she walks down the Giant hall . After she goes her dutty in bathroom, she walks back where the group is "this place is huuuuge" as she walks to the bathroom she bumb to a waitress "oh IM sorry-" "watch where your going you coon" she was shock to hear this "i-im just going to my family ma'am-" "sure that what you say but you already stealing things from this place" the older woman scoffs, she gets nervous and walks away but the older woman is follows her "come back here!" She grabs her by the wrist "give back the stuff you stole!" The older woman grips on her arm, making her winch in pain. The older woman drags her to where donovan is "sir iv'e capture a pest stealing stuff while you aren't Looking" the older woman pulled on (y/n) arm, max and Gwens eyes widen at this "hey you cant do that to my cousin!" The red head yelled "your 'cousin' was gonna stole expencive things from this place!" She scoffs "now now hold what makes you thing she stolen something?" Dovonan "sir don't you know? Her 'kind' cant be trusted!" The older woman explained "you meet me in my office later" Donovan order, the older woman let go of (y/n) "you okay (y/n)?" Max asked her, holding her shoulder "yeah im fine" she rubs her wrist "i am so sorry about that max" Donovan said to him "its fine let's just continue the tour" max said wanting to forget this ever happened, they continue the tour.
Suddenly, the lights flicker, and an alarm blares. Underwater fans below the window-cleaning diver activate and pull him from his position on the outside girder, sending him falling downwards, getting caught by his cable-line but with his helmet filling with water "What happened?" "A power surge must have caused the water to suddenly recycle itself" Donovan explained to gwen "Will he be okay?" Edwin sees two sharks swim toward and start circling the worker "Hmph. If the sharks don't get him first" Donovan eyes widen "I can't have an employee turned into fish food right before the opening. The press will ruin me!" As Donovan walks off, (y/n) does also, finding a suitable hiding place behind a corner and activating the charmnitrix "IM so sorry for this greymater" Edwin, Catching the pink flash of the watch "What was that?" Gwen pretends to not know "What was what?" (Y/n) Walks back to the group. Grey Matter leaps into one of the open water ways, getting seen by Max, (y/n) and Gwen who exchange looks. As the sharks encircle the employee, he gravs onto one of the find and punches it in the eye. The shark greymater's on is directed into swimming into the other, biting as it does, leaving the worker alone, bar for a little grey man making eye contact with him on his diving helmet window. The fans reverse direction again and propel Grey Matter and the employee back up into the indoor pools, Grey Matter getting sent flying out and through the air "Who-oa!" (Y/n) Quickly catch him before he fall to the ground.
As Max drags the diver out of the water pool "Are you okay?" Dovonan asked.
As the worker walks off, dovonan sighs "Well, I'll have to double his salary, but he won't breathe a word" Donovan shrugs "Anyway, who'd believe him? He said some six-inch rat with two legs saved him" the girls exchange looks, Edwin scoffs "Buy him off! Now, that's the Grand Smith way"
Donovan fake coughs "Ahem. Edwin, why don't you take the girls on a tour so their Grandpa and I can catch up on old times?" (Y/n) and Gwen visibly look disappointed, Edwin showing reluctance to the idea too "Oh, man" "Ugh" Gwen Huffs, blowing her pinned strand of hair out of the way "Oh, Max, it's too bad you didn't take me up on my offer thirty years ago when we were both dead broke you wouldn't have had to spend your life unclogging drains and fixing toilets, while I traveled the world"
Max Chuckling to himself "You'd be surprised. Being a plumber can have its moments"
"In the morning, I have my own swim coach and personal trainer to work out with" adwin yawns "You're a swimmer?" He Miming swimming "Long-distance. My Grandpa says it builds character" (y/n) imitates him to Gwen behind his back "My Grandpa says it builds character" Gwen secretly giggles. Elsewhere Edwin walks them to a giant submarine suspended in the air "Whoa!"
"It's called "The Undersea Manta Ray", it's my Grandfather's." Gwen looks at it with awe "Well, it looks cool" Edwin suprisingly smiles "You want to take it for a ride?" "You sure it's okay?"
Meanwhile, Max has his own tour of the behind the scenes inner workings as Donovan walks him past workers in boiler suits working on machinery "A reverse power surge caused the whirlpool effect, but it's fixed now." Max nodded "Must take a lot of juice to keep this place lit up, That can't come from the mainland; we're too far offshore" Donovan just laughs it off "Volcanic vents on the ocean floor! We tap into them like a big steam generator" As they walk, Max sees a giant, purple-glowing machine, workers flicking switches around it "Hey, what's behind that panel?"
"Uh, nothing. It's just a backup generator. Now watch this" He nods to a worker, as they activate something. Other workers pull some levers, releasing pressurized steam, others still view dials as the entire resort glows brighter and brighter. Unknowingly to them, this awakens something glowing in the dark "I have enough energy to illuminate the outside so bright, It's visible five hundred feet above sea level!" Donovan, Activating an extending walkway he and Max are on "Now for my prized possession-- The Undersea Manta Ray!"
As they look over, they see it gone, only seeing hanging chains and the open waterway beneath it. He Gasps "...Edwin!"
While the kids are inside the Manta Ray, going deeper into the sea, they look out at all the different sea creatures "Wow! Some of these fish look totally prehistoric!" As they go deeper, they pass through an underwater graveyard of boats and planes. Something follows them as they come to an abyss. Gwen looking down at glowing light deep down "Okay. Now that's weird" A big Cyber Squid darts up in front of Gwen's window, a robotic octopus-like creature with a head-tank glowing the same ominous green colour. It starts smacking it's beak against the window as it's legs latch onto the submarine "And that's weirder" the boy shudders, More squids attack, cracking the glass dome of the submarine as they hammer it with their steel beaks. A red alarm blares, and the three kids look around shocked and afraid. With water slowly leaking into the sub, the children's situation appears grim as the internal alarm sounds.
The kids sit looking out as the swarm attack the only thing between them and the ocean "What do you think those creatures want?" The boy said in fear "I don't think it's to play Marco Polo"
"We've gotta get back to the hotel" With the submarine covered in the Cyber Squids, Edwin pilots it away over a ridge, the squids pursuing them. He finds himself leading them into a field of old sea-mines.
Some of the squids set off a domino of explosions, though they're able to get through, with two still following, and more still latched on. Edwin tries to contact his grandfather for help "Grandpa, do you copy?" (Y/n) turns to Gwen, and nods. Without saying a word, she heads for the air lock and primes the charmnitrix "we need you help ripjaws" ripjaws appeird in a flash and he heads outside to fight off the squids "Okay, now we're talking" Ripjaws exits the submarine and starts tearing the squids to pieces. Black oil-like liquid spilling out as he bites them apart.
Donovan picks up the radio, not amused that Edwin has absconded with his submarine "Edwin, you know the Undersea Manta Ray is off-limits" 'We're under attack by creatures, and we're sinking!'
Donovan scowls "Edwin, if this is some sort of--"
"It's no joke, Donovan" Max looks out the viewing platform, Donovan joining him, to see an army of the squids infiltrate the resort. Ripjaws continues on tearing the squids apart as they keep hammering away at the dome of the Manta Ray, some of them wrestling Ripjaws away with their robotic tentacles. Ripjaws is able to keep them at bay as they crash through shipwrecks and battle some more. Eventually more join, but with his claws and teeth he tears them to shreds. Back at the resort, the squids hammer away at the micro-titanium thread reinforced glass windows of the resort to Max and Donovan's horror "We've got to evacuate the resort now"
"Overrun by aliens! There goes my five-star rating" Edwins watches as a Cyber Squid's beak continuously smashes the cockpit window, water pouring in "We won't make it back" Ripjaws comes to the rescue just in time, surprising Edwin "Where'd that thing come from?" (Y/n) Smiles "Relax, it looks like he's on our side" After preventing the squids from sinking them.
In the resort, Donovan eyes a boat beside the exit platform "There's a boat beside the platform. Take it" Max Shook his head "I don't go anywhere without my grandauthers" Max, Watching out the window "Get ready to close the door!" Donovan holds his hand above the button as Max watches out for the submarine.
As the Manta Ray rapidly approaches the docking bay with the squids following in hot pursuit, Max waits to give him the signal. (Y/n) runs up to Edwin in the driver's seat and they get closer to the door "Now!" Max gives the signal and the submarine is safe inside when the door seals behind it just in time, smashing one of the squids latched onto the tail fin. Though before the kids are done getting back onto the resort's floor, the problems get only worse when the squids completely shatter the glass dome of the resort, making the water pour in and flood the place, sending it to red alert.
"We're flooding. They broke the glass" Edwin stands up straight and shouts at Donovan "I knew you shouldn't have taken it, I knew it!" Donovan shush him "Edwin, quiet! I'm sure it has nothing to do with this"
Max raised an eyebrow "...Taken what, Donovan?" Donovan scoffs it off "Edwin doesn't know what he's talking about" Edwin snaps back "How would you know? All you ever hear from me is what you want to hear!" Suddenly, the squids riding the submarine's tail have infiltrated the docking bay and they give chase on foot.
"Let's go" The five of them rush to the elevator, Donovan able to close the door behind before the squid get to them "Donovan, what is going on?" Max question him, he sighs finally giving up "Okay. The underwater volcano thing didn't work"
"The resort was doomed. I was about to become a punchline to a bad joke" Donovan remembers back to a time he was underwater, exploring a ship bathed in purple light "Then I found this other energy source on this weird craft way down below"
"It was like nothing I'd ever seen before"
"...And now I bet those aliens want it back" gwen eyes widen "Yeah. The same ones with the underwater parking lot full of boats and planes" (y/n) huffs, The elevator doors open and they rush out, only to find a wave of water heading straight for them, Cyber Squids riding it. They rush through a door, Max darting to close it before the water hits "Twenty eight years on the job, I never found out who was behind the Bermuda Triangle. Now they're coming for us" The resort gets flooded, and there's no turning back when they start to head back to the exit bay, They buckle themselves into the booth at the base of the shaft "Look on the bright side, Grandpa. You still have fifteen resorts worldwide" Edwin tries to lighten up the mood, As they get transported up, tentacles rise from all around, beginning to rip it apart. Donovan looks mournful before pulling a lever and activating the trolley pulling them up to the surface "Aah!" The tentacles tear their ride in half, the back half with the three kids collapsing back and falling back downwards, smashing the squid's head tank as it does.
Max and Donovan watch helplessly as they continue up, the kids sliding back down into the flooded resort. Donovan and Edwin reach out their hands as they separate "No!"
"Donovan, stop this thing!" Max yelled "I can't" As they approach the bottom at high speeds, the kids panic. Edwin's eyes are wide open in fear as they rush downwards "We're gonna be flattened!"
"We're not gonna make it"
"Yes, we will. Now, put your head down and brace for impact!" Gwen gets Edwin to lean forward and cover his face, as to not see (y/n) activate the Charmnitrix. As the transport smashes into the water, a pink burst of energy flashes and Stinkfly appears, holding the other two with (y/n) on his back and flying through the flooded resort. Edwin Uncovering his face, looks up "Whoa Who is-" "Just another good alien trying to help us out!" (Y/n) Quickly Made a excuse, Stinkfly Looks down to Edwin "Hold on!" The tentacles of the squids pop up out of the water, now having flooded very high, trying to pierce the kids as they rush through. They escape and Stinkfly looks back over his shoulder "Look out!" A pipe bursts right in front and above them and Stinkfly flies straight into the stream of water, unable to react in time. They get sent flying, landing in the water and popping back up to the surface.
"My wings are too wet! I can't fly... And, oh yeah. I can't swim either!" Stinkfly plummets down, but Gwen, (y/n) and Edwin grab him under the arm and bring him back to the surface "Don't worry we gotcha...by any chance your partners with (y/n)?" Gwen Unconvincingly said "what his not" Edwin raised an eyebrow "Yeah right. Good aliens just showing up to help us while your cousin always happens to be friendly with them and know them? How dumb do I look?" Stinkfly looks to Edwin with his eye stalks, then back to Gwen "So how'd you do it?" He asked (y/n) "Edwin, listen to me. That energy orb-- if the aliens are here for it, we have to get to it first!" (Y/n) Pleads "All right. Let's get it; But it's all the way on the other side of the resort"
Stinkfly looks worried "We'll never make it in the water" Gwen looks up to a grate up above them "Who said anything about swimming?"
Above sea level, a storm is pouring down above the resort's entry way, lightning striking, while Donovan tries to contact someone over the phone. He Putts down a phone "Bah, the navy's closest sub is in key west" Donovan looks on with worried "It could be a half-hour before they're here" "Any way to communicate with the kids down there?" Max asked him, Donovan Sighs "No. I already tried. The flooding must have ruined the line"
The kids sneak through a pipe across the resort, Stinkfly in front of Gwen with his wings coiled up in the enclosed space "Bleh... I don't know what's scarier: the smell of wet stink or these aliens" gwen gag's "it doesnt smell that bad" (y/n) says, she gotten used to stinkfly smell "Edwin, there must be a faster way to get to the orb, right?" The red head asked. The pipe they're sneaking through buckles, and they end
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