Somewhere in Texas, workers are operating an oil drilling rig above ground. A worker with a clipboard looks on "Something's wrong" The machinery suddenly begins to crack. An earthquake begins and the ground breaks up around them "Run!" The workers narrowly outrun the ground crumbling, while behind them the tower falls into the newly created pit. As the workers look on, the mysterious quake unearths a large tornado of flames reaching high into the air, then revealing a mysterious mask, falling to the floor right before their eyes.
as the Rustbucket sits parked on an open desert highway, Max, Gwen and Ben are having a meal "Well, what do you think? Bet you never tasted anything like that before" (y/n) and Gwen happily much away at "Mmm. What's the crunchy stuff?" (Y/n) Asked through a mouthfull "Dung beetles" Hearing that, the two immediately freeze, (y/n) and Gwen look at each other, before turning and spitting out the food dramatically "What? Too spicy? You'll get used to it" An alarm then sounds off and one of the cupboards opens to release a monitor.
The two girls Dodge the monitor dropping between them "Hey!" Max Looks at the monitor "No" he looks at it on shock "Grandpa, what is it?" The white hair girl asked "The Mask of Ah Puch" Max turns the screen to show the grandchildren, revealing the same mask from the oil rig "It's the key to the most powerful and destructive weapon ever created" Driving down the road past a sign with the state map of Texas on it. Inside the RV, the dashboard has projected a holographic display with a red dot marker on it "The Mask of Ah Puch is the guide to the Sword of Ek Chuaj. The Plumbers searched for it for decades without any luck" Max keeps looking ahead, through the hologram display "Ek Chuaj was the Mayan god of war. His sword was rumored to have leveled cities with just one swipe; Whoever controls the sword, controls the destiny of mankind, and I will not let it fall into the wrong hands" (y/n) and Gwen exchange glances at one another.
They arrive at their location, a building in the desert surrounded by oil rigs "Bet they're keeping it in the basement. (Y/n), you go summon an alien and sneak in. Then open the side door for us" (y/n) raised an eyebrow "Sneak in? Don't you mean break in?" Max Shook his head "(y/n),I haven't time to explain how important it is for us to get the mask. Now, can I count on you or not?" The girl nods "You know you can, Grandpa"
Max leaves the RV, single-minded in his goals "What's up with Grandpa? He's so, uh, intense" (y/n) asked gwen "Cut him some slack, will ya? He's trying to save the world" (y/n) looks down to the charmnitrix, scrolling past other alien silhouettes and summon Grey Matter and explain him what to do
Outside, greymater sneaks behind a guard and climbs up a gutter on the side of the building, Gwen question max "grandpa don't you think you were a little--" Max cuts her off "Now, you're just kids. I don't expect you to understand" Inside the building, Grey Matter climbs up through a drain inside the building's bathroom, noticing gum stuck on his head "Ugh! I better get something in return for this" He finds himself surrounded by two guarding attack dogs growling at him. The two charge directly at him. Grey Matter, Jumping up, causing them to smack into one another "Aah!" He runs out of the room, dragging the mop/bucket holding the door open, leaving the dogs inside. Grey Matter Proudly, place his hands on his hips "Ha! Who's the big dog now?" Outside, Max, (y/n) and Gwen wait for Grey Matter to open up the basement door. When he does, Max is seemingly very impatient "It's about time" Max enters the storm-shelter like doors and as the two girls follows, (y/n) picks up Grey Matter "Why do you smell like dog slobber?"
A car pulls up unseen as they close the door behind themselves. The group walk through the basement hallways, Max leading the way, straightforward and silently "Have neithier of you ever seen Grandpa this serious?" The red head wisperd "i've never seen anyone this serious" the Galvin truthfully answer with (y/n) nodding in agrement. At the end of the corridor they open a door and find a room with a safe in it "It has to be in here"
"I'm on it" (y/n) jumps onto the safe, with himself pressed against it and his foot rotating the combination he unlocks it and gives Max the thumbs up "Good job, greymater" Gwen told him "Beautiful, isn't it?" Max said looking at the mask "Uh, well, not exactly" the Galvin hops back to (y/n) hands. Max, Picking up the mask and holding it face to face "Over forty years of searching and now, finally, you're--" Clattering sounds of armored footsteps from behind him cause Max to pause "I thought you'd retired from the plumbing business, Mr. Tennyson. Or may I call you Max?"
"It's Enoch and those "Forever Knight" guys who tried to slice and dice me" the Galvin yelled "How nice of you to remember. And of course, how can I forget the family who left the Forever Knights without a castle?" Max points at them "Whatever happened, you brought upon yourselves". "Aren't we the feisty sewer rat? I'd love to chat about old times, but I'm late for holding the world at my mercy. So, I'll be taking that mask now" Enoch Holds his hand outstretched to Max. Max Clutches the mask closer "Over my dead body".Enoch stays calm "Excellent suggestion! Gentlemen?" The two henchmen beside Enoch pull out laser swords and approach the Tennysons.
Security Guard Opens the door to the room "Hey, what's going on here?" Grey Matter jumps onto Enoch's face to cover up the eye holes in his mask, while he squirms on the floor, Max, (y/n) and Gwen run out to get the mask to safety. Max shoulder barges the security, as he, (y/n) and Gwen run out. Enoch rips Grey Matter off of himself and tosses him across the room, knocking him onto the edge of a table, and accidentally activating a shredder beneath by a falling mug "Run!;Whoa!" He Hanging over the buzzing machine..Enoch's men chase Max and Gwen down the hallway. Instead of chasing after them, they head the other direction.
"Whoa! Aah!" He flails as he tries to gain footing, paper falling out from under him and into the shredder on the floor beneath,' "No way I'm winding up alien coleslaw" greymatter manages to kick himself off the edge of the tabe and to safety. The knocked out guard comes to as he leaps into an open pipe "We've got burglars. Seal the exits!".Alarms blare as Max, (y/n) and Gwen run to escape. They come to an exit but see a guard stationed there, blocking their way, Max, (y/n) and Gwen turn a corner, but a grappling gun from behind latches onto the mask and yanks it away from Max "Your loss is my gain"
The sound of gates shutting alerts Max "Grab on" As Max decides to stay with Gwen and (y/n) instead of going back after the mask, they are able to get out of the building, sliding under the closing gates "Whoa!" Grey Matter manages to get out also, but lucky lands on (y/n) hand as the get in the RV.
Enoch is in his car, and he looks at the mask with amazement "Ha ha ha" The driver then sees the RV in the side mirror, and Max is inside. Max activates the built in Plumber tech for the front bumper, and he accelerates the RV to ram into Enoch's car. In retaliation, the Forever Knights' car activates a saw blade that comes from the trunk, causing Max to revert the front bumper back "Come on! Wildmutt? Ripjaws? Somebody?" The red head yelled to hurry up to her cousin "don't peasure me!" She continues to try and activate the charmnitrix "This is a job for a Plumber" Auto-driver engaged Max puts the RV on auto-pilot, and stands out of his chair "Uh... Grandpa?" Max heads to the bathroom door in the back of the RV, (y/n) and Gwen watching confused
Enoch's men climb out of the sunroof of their car and jump onto and attack the RV. Inside the car Enoch holds the mask in his hands, it projecting a green glow in front of him "Excellent" Inside the RV, Max reemerges in his Plumber suit "Uh, Grandpa, what's with the fashion show?" The two girls asked "It's my Plumber's suit. Been saving it for the right time. Like now" Max jumps out the door of the RV over to Enoch's car, attaching himself with magnetic grips. Looking down through the sunroof, Max sees the mask, but Enoch activates a blade to protect it, stabbing through the car's roofing at Max. Max slips off from the top of the car after avoiding getting attacked by the sword "Grandpa!" Max's boots skid on the road but he manages to get himself back up onto the vehicle.
While looking at Max on the other car, (y/n) and Gwen are attacked inside the RV, while Enoch's henchmen begins smashing the roof with a mace. One drops through the open door to go after them "Aah!" Gwen rolls under the Knight lurching at her. But soon after the Knight turns and continues to head for her "leave her alone!" (Y/n) Yelled, The henchman pulls out his sword and swings it at (y/n) , who barely dodges, the sword imbedding itself in the dashboard of the Rustbucket. As Max clambers back onto the car, Enoch still stabbing straight through the roof, the car itself knocks into the RV, shaking it, causing it to swerve as it passes over a bridge. The Knight inside gets back to her feet and readies to attack (y/n) again, she runs down the RV, and as the Knight follows, Gwen, having hidden herself, kicks the freezer door open, hitting the Knight in the face-plate and sending him towards the open door "Aah!"
As the Knight tries to pull himself back inside (y/n) hits him in the face with something on the RV carpet, sending him flying out hitting the tarmac. As he watches the two vehicles leave him, he sees a sign marked "MEXICO 40 Miles". Inside the RV (y/n) and Gwen look out at where the Knight was knocked, before looking at each other "Nice job!" Their celebration is cut short after the second Knight finally busts the mace through the RV's ceiling, but Gwen is able to grab the fire extinguisher and blast him in the face. causing him to topple off the RV, and fall off the bridge and into the water "Aah!" Max continues to dodge Enoch's blade. Using the face the blade is magnetic, Max uses his grapple pad to latch onto Enoch's sword, preventing Enoch from bringing it back down to strike again. As Enoch struggles with it he sees too late that Max has grabbed the mask back. Enoch looks from where the mask was to Max closing the door behind him in the RV. Max, Shows the mask to Ben and Gwen in the RV "Got it!"
A truck heads towards them, horns blaring.
Max, getting into his seat "Hold on" the two girls buckles up as Max turns on the rocket thrusters, boosting it faster forward. Gwen, Looks ahead at the truck barrelling towards them, its horn beeping "Aah!"
Max is able to narrowly avoid the truck, scratching past the side of it. Realizing that Enoch is behind them, he releases tire spikes to slow them down. The RV drives away, leaving Enoch in the dust "Send in the bird" Max looks back but sees the RV's fault lights beep at him. The rocket boosts de-activate. Under the harsh sun, Max and the kids are stopped in the desert due to the RV's breakdown. Max, Throws a wrench out from under the RV "This is metric. I said I needed a half inch wrench"
"Sorry, "Grumpa" the red head says dryly, (y/n) looks through the mask, and the eye sockets glow green, revealing a hologram that mapped the Temple of Ek Chuaj "Uh, Grandpa"
"Not now, (y/n)"
"I think you're gonna want to see this" Max gets out from under the Rustbucket. Max gasp "It's the map to the ancient Mayan temple of Ek Chuaj. We need to beat them to that temple" Flying fast through the jungle over the treeline, Stinkfly struggles to carry Max, with (y/n) and Gwen on his back "can't you go any faster?" Max said "I'm not used to flying with passengers!" Stinky barks back, he sees the temple on the horizon "We must be close" they Hearing the charmnitrix beep "Uh-oh! Hold on!" Stinkfly reverts back into the watch, and the three fall into the jungle. They arrive at the pyramid on foot to see through the bushes that Enoch and his men are already at the site, trying to open the pyramid doors with dynamite, but it seems that the stone doors are strong enough to stay shut "Fire in the hole!".From the cover the Knights look out to see only a scorch mark on the temple entrance "Still not open. Use a bigger charge this time, you idiots" Max, (y/n), and Gwen run out away from them, coming to another side of the pyramid "Now, there's always a secret entrance to these temples" (y/n) sees the eyes glow again and so grabs the mask off of Max's belt. Max Feeling the bricks "Ahh. Where is it?" (Y/n) looks through the eyes, her vision now green tinted "(y/n), what are you doing?" Max asked "If this thing could show us how to get this far, maybe it could show us how to get in" Seeing a glowing brick shown, (y/n) presses it and opens up the tomb. The three setting off down an increasingly dark path "The sword would be kept in the center of the temple on the lowest floor. There should be some stairs nearby"
Max grabs a torch as it reaches pitch black, but the blinding light comes too late and (y/n) begins to fall into a very deep pit "Whoa!" Max is able to grab hold of (y/n) by her jacket, Gwen doing the same to prevent Max from falling "Whoa! Ugh!" Gwen, Groans as she struggles to help pull Max and (y/n) back onto the ledge. Max, Cradles (y/n) away from the edge "Whoa, that was close" Max grabs the mask and the torch and gets to his feet, leaving (y/n) and Gwen "Almost lost the mask"
"Okay, can you say obsessed?" Gwen wisperd to (y/n) "Once he gets that sword, he'll be himself again, right?"
They head down the wooden platforms "Stay sharp. The ancient Mayans were notorious for setting--" "Booby traps" (y/n) accidentally activates a booby trap. The temple starts to rumble and begins to release boulders from above, breaking their path from all directions "Move!" Barely making the jumps from one platform the other, the trio rush down the crumbing stairs. (Y/n) Fiddling with the charmnitrix "Come on, somebody! Anybody!" A rock smashes the stairs behind them, following them as they run "Aah!"
"Jump on!" The rocks finally destroy the stairs, leaving the trio on only a single platform, barely in the air and quickly crumbling. Max was able to use a grappling hook from his suit to get them to safety "Aah!" The three make it to a stone floor, thudding on the ground. (Y/n) and Gwen get to their knees as they catch their breath "Thanks, Grandpa"
"You two coming?" Max walks away "Remember when he used to make this stuff fun? I miss the old Grandpa" (y/n) wisperd "I'd eat a whole bowl of dung beetle stew if I thought it would bring him back" Max, Coming up to a door. "This is it" They find the socket where the mask can be placed, but right as Max is about to, the kids let out a squeal and are gone by the time Max turns around "Ha ha ha!" Enoch ignites a torch "Who says you can't get a Plumber when you need one? Without you bringing the mask, we wouldn't have been able to get inside the great chamber" The room lights up revealing Enoch holding (y/n) and Gwen hostage. Max has his weapon pointed at Enoch, but worries about their safety more, and tosses aside his weapon, allowing Enoch to take the mask "Now, I believe it's time to toss the garbage" The Tennysons stand hands up in front of a dark and wide pit.
"Legend has it that the eternal pit of despair is bottomless" Enoch struts across the line of Tennysons "Let's find out" Enoch strikes (y/n) in the chest, sending her falling in "aaaa!" "Wouldn't want the lady to get lonely" His guards knock the two in as well.
As they falls down the pit, (y/n)'s able to activate the charmnitrix and summon Four Arms. Four Arms grabs a hold onto one side of the wall, and grab Max, (y/n) and Gwen as they fall past him, slinging them over his shoulder "phew" Four Arms reaches back up the top with Gwen, (y/n) and Max. Max immediately grabs his belt and gloves to carry on "Grandpa! I think Gwen needs a second to catch her breath" (y/n) yelled out "No can do. Enoch may already have the sword" Four Arms grabs hold of Max's wrist "Ever since that alarm went off, that sword is all you think about!" (Y/n) Please with him. Max, Yanks his arm away from Four Arms' grip "You three have to keep your eyes on the prize and remember what's important here."
"We do remember. Do you?" Max pauses a moment, a look of hurt in his eyes, before turning to hear the snarling sounds and continue going after Enoch, with them. Enoch's men are being tossed aside by some giant creature, who's face resembling the mask. The Tennysons watch on from behind a corner "Why does that thing look familiar?" (Y/n) Asked "It must be Ah Puch, the Mayan god of death and the underworld. He's the guardian of the sword of Ek Chuaj" max explained "Why can't these places ever be protected by, like, the guardian of cheerfulness? Is that too much to ask?" (Y/n) Patted her shoulder in symtaty "Looks like he's pounding the bad guys for us" the tetramand said "fourarms, keep him occupied while we get the sword" Max, (y/n) and Gwen begin climbing the pyramid, but the creature catches sight of them. Four Arm wistles "Yo, rock puke! Come and get some"
Ah Puch charges fourarms, knocking him through pillars and other debris. Fourarm's almost able to gain the upper hand when he grabs the stone pillar and swings it as a weapon, but the god of death breaks it and knocks him back "Aah!" Near the peak and the sword, Max climbs, ready to grapple the sword to him, but Enoch comes swinging at him with his energy sword, getting knocked back down the stairs. Enoch looks back up to see the two approaching, so he winds up and lobs a weighted rope at Gwen and (y/n), tieing them up and landing prone on the steps below "Grandpa!" Right as he's about to get the sword Max turns back to save his granddaughters, landing a rocket powered hit on Enoch as he charges him through the air. The sword is thrown upwards and lands, barely missing the girls. Max flies back and frees the girls with a hidden blade in his glove. As another Knight rushes them, Max reveals tiny explosive pellets between his fingers, blowing the Knight away "I have got to get a suit like that" he Continuing back up the pyramid.
On the other side of the room, Four Arms struggles with Ah Puch "Aah!"
Reaching the sword again, Max, (y/n) and Gwen are thrown back down by a boomerang-ing shield thrown by Enoch. They're launched back down as Enoch walks to the sword himself. Behind Enoch, fourarms and the creature crash through the wall, Four Arms getting badly beaten. Up on the tip of the tower, Enoch and Max fight, Enoch knocking Max, (y/n) and Gwen to the floor, readying his sword upwards to stab Max "No!" Fourarms, seeing his grandfather in-law in trouble, gets the strength to pummel Ah Puch, one blow after
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