Galaxia 10.000

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Note i'll be using gwendolyn for adult Gwen and galaxia for adult (y/n) to make it easier for me
In a riverside view of Mt. Rushmore, Ben and Gwen stand happily holding snacks as Max adjusts the Rustbucket to set up camp "I've got the marshmallows!" Gwen held the bag "And I've got the graham crackers" (Y/n) Smiles and held the box

"We'll wait here while you get the firewood, so we can make s'mores" max said while smiling, (y/n) and Gwen side-hug each other, smiling ear to ear "Now it is so nice to finally see you two getting along! I'll be back in a jiff" Max picks up a hatchet and walks into the woods. The two watch him and wait until he's far enough away "Is he gone?" (Y/n) Nodded, the two look at each other; instantly changing demeanor "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!"

"Grandpa only turns sixty once!" She gets angry at her and shoves her to the ground, Gwen holds a sheet of paper in (y/n)'s face "I had his party totally wired!" Gwen Growls "how is he supposed to make one without a cake? That YOU were supposed to get!" (Y/n) Glares at Gwen, getting up from the ground "how am i! Suppoes to get the cake! I don't even have the money!" Gwen has serious face "Fine! Play you to see who goes! "Rock, Paper, Scissors", on three!"

"You are SO on"

"One, two-"

Before the final count, a yellow circular portal appears in the middle of the campground in front of them "Okay...this can't be good" A masked woman flies out of the portal, wearing a blue hood and capes, and the five Charms of Bezel on her right arm. (Y/n) and Gwen dive out of her way. She then pivots mid air and dives after Gwen, grabbing her and heading back for the portal "GWEN!" The white hair girl active her watch, the suit slides around her body and summon XLR8 climbs on his back "go after her!" He runs after her through the closing portal. Once the portal closes, the campground is silent. Max returns happily with firewood, but finds no one there "(y/n)? Gwen?"

The other side of the portal opens in a futuristic cityscape. As the mysterious woman exits with Gwen, she checks her arm and notices the charms of Bezel blinking as if they are draining. In the second that she looks away, XLR8 and (y/n) comes up in front of her and knocks her down, holding Gwen safely. The Masked Woman skidding across the ground "Uh!" XLR8, (y/n) and Gwen take a look around. The city is filled with aliens as well as humans. People talking, sitting in stores, walking around, riding on hoverboards. As XLR8 sets Gwen and (y/n) down, a girl on a hoverboard calls out to him "Hey, XLR8! Looking good!" She blows him a kiss, then flies away. XLR8 waves back, but (y/n) grabs his arm and Growls quietly. Suddenly, a guy fly past them using jet boots "Yo! Galaxia keep up the awesome work babe!" XLR8 Growls under his breath as he glares at the guy "did that guy called me 'galaixa'?" They suddenly realize they're standing in the shadow of an enormous statue. It is of a femanine yet mascular figure, though masked by shadows of the skyscrapers around it, standing proud with a gadget on their arm "Whoa!" She reads inscription 'leader of Heroes', 'galaixa Ten Thousand'! that really me?" (Y/n) Is in shocked at this she never imagine herself as a leader type, XLR8 stops still in Awe as he looks at the statue, a blush grew across his face 'why is she..kinda'. Suddenly, the statue base is blown apart and the figure comes falling down. XLR8 rushes Gwen and (y/n) out of the way "More like "was you"! Out of the smoke and dust of the statue, a rhino-like monster named Exo-Skull walks forward "Hey, Tennyson's, "long time no see"

"Do I know you?" (Y/n) Scratch her head, Exo-Skull gettsdown on all fours "Prepare for my revenge!" He fires blue laser blasts from out of his horn. She Dodge the lasers, she took out her blaster gun and started shooting, the beast runs up to him and knocking her to the ground "ugh!' The beast walks up to (y/n), completely overshadowing her "Uhh, maybe we could talk about this...?" The Masked Woman starts casting a spell "Kemo Char!"! The Masked Woman, still prone on the ground, blasts Exo-Skull backward by shooting several blasts of yellow manna from her hand "AAH!" Exo-Skull fires back with a laser blast, but the woman conjures a shield to bounce it away, then takes flight again. Quickly thinking, Exo-Skull sends a new projectile out from his horn. It opens up into an electrified net, which snags the woman and causes her to crash down and get zapped. Exo-Skull then turns to (y/n), XLR8 and Gwen. They are defenseless and XLR8 pick them up to run as they barely dodge the laser blasts. All of a sudden, a white and pink blur speeds in to help and starts beating Exo-Skull, punch after punch, cracking his armor and ripping off his horn. It then spins him around, causing him to collapse, ending the fight "Okay - will someone tell us what the heck's going on here?" Then white and pink blur runs past (y/n) and skids to a stop in front of him, revealing itself to be a tall female wearing a black, high-tech suit with white accents that show's her mascular arms and a distinctive mask, She has long, thick, white dreadlocks that are pulled back into a ponytail

and a tall Kineceleran in a black and white bodysuit and with a curved, pointy helmet "Is that XLR8 and... (Y/n)?" They're eyes widen in shocked. The Masked Woman joins this XLR8 and (y/n), throwing Exo-Skull's own net on him. The adult (y/n) visor brightens and shows her a heads-up display, analyzing Exo-Skull "Looks like the work of Animo. I'll run a DNA analysis back at headquarters" she inform the masked woman, she Turns to the adult kineceleran "inform the others i'll be home late... Again" She stares at the kids and kineceleran, who nervously giggle and wave "And send them back. Now" The Masked Woman nods.the adult (y/n) turns to her Hover boured to fly away, but (y/n) blocks her path "Whoa. You', right? And it looks like I'm new and improved!" getting excited; punching the air "This is so cool! - That I'M so cool! Did you say "headquarters"? XLR8 did you hear that WE HAVE OUR OWN HEADQUARTERS!" XLR8 doesnt respond as he looks at galaxia in Awe 'oh no she's hot!' luckyly the watch Times out and he goes back in the watch.

"I don't have time for this!" She Turns Around but (y/n) block her again "can you tell me about everything?" Galaxia thinks for a moment "Hmm. How about... NEVER!" The girl is in shocked by Galaxia's harsh tone. Adult XLR8 grabs galaxia hand and dashes away "You could lose the attitude, you know" They both pause at having said the same thing and look at each other "Wait a minute. You'! Gwen?!" The Masked Woman unmasking herself "Actually, I've been going by Gwendolyn since college" Gwen gleams in happyness "College? Ivy League?! Do I have a Master's?!" Gwendolyn Shook her head "Look, I didn't bring you here to find out about your future. I came back to bring (y/n)"Gwen tilt her head "So...why nab me?" Gwendolyn chukkles "I remembered (y/n) is bit of an airhead and her listening skills sort of stunk. Grabbing you was the only way I knew she'd come" Gwen asked her a bunch of question"So time travel's no big deal now?" "You just need to know the right spell to create the right kind of portal." "I know magic? How wicked is that! What else do I know how to do?" (Y/n) Only look on in confusion"Did I ever get my black belt?"

(Y/n) Faked coughs "IM sorry to inturuped, but why did you bring me- or us here?" Gwendolyn Nods "sorry I bring you here because galaxia needs her help" she informs them "but I seem pretty tough now, what happened?" Gwendolyn sighs "galaxia may have mastered the secrets of the charmnitrix, but it still doesn't make her prepared for everything. There's a crisis looming even she can't solve alone" Suddenly, Gwendolyn's cat-themed belt lights up and speaks 'Danger alert. Sector 15-D'

"What's in "Sector 15-D" Gwen asked her "Fort DNA-X, Earth's massive genetic depository with DNA samples from across the galaxy" (y/n) eyes widen relise something "Dr. Animo! That's the crisis, right?, He made that robot-rhino dude, and now he's doing something else!" She attempts to grab her Hoverboard but remember she left it at the r.v "aw man" They are suddenly interrupted by the beeping of a vehicle. The vehicle pulls up to them and stops. (Y/n) and Gwen get excited as they recognize it as the Rustbucket, and it seems to have barely aged a day. The door opens and out steps an older Max, with his usual attire and a full beard "Gwendolyn, I thought that was you!"

"And us!"

Max laughs "Well, I see someone finally figured out how to work their time portal"

"Grandpa!" The kids run up to Max and give him a hug "Now this is what I call a great gift, seeing you two again" Gwen let's go of the hugs "Don't you still see us?" Max sighs "Well, I-I see Gwendolyn a lot."Gwen and (y/n) smiles "It's great seeing you, too! But the same shirt? Grandpa, it was twenty years out of style, twenty years ago"Max chuckles "Hey! When you find a look that works...!" (Y/n) Looks at him 'Grandpa, we need a ride"

"Fort DNA-X" The two gwensblook at each other and smile "Hop in!" They step inside the RV, and much of it has been modified, with computer panels and fluorescent lights everywhere "WHOA, it's totally teched-out!"

"You ain't seen nothin' yet" Max pushes a button and the RV transforms itself. Its grill-ram extends; its rear fins and thrusters fold out; and its jet exhausts fold out as well. Then, the RV starts floating, and its wheels fold up "Hit it, Grandpa!" The thrusters start to shoot out fire and the Rustbucket takes off! "Woaaah!" he kids look out the window in amazement as they fly through the city "So, where do I sleep?" (Y/n) Looks away from the window "In your fancy headquarters, where else? You're too good to stay with us anymore" Max smiles sadly "Guess you just have, um...other priorities" (y/n)and Gwen look at each other somberly. The RV lands in front of a tall, twisting building and continues to hover on a landing strip "Well, here we are" The two Gwens run out. As (y/n( follows after them, she turns back "You coming, Grandpa?" Max Shook his head "Oh, uh, no! No... You haven't needed my help for a long time. Just - make sure you say goodbye before Gwendolyn sends you back" she nods and exits. As the door closes, Max's smile drops into a sad sulking.bThey head into the sector, where tube-like pods containing creatures shuffle around on a system of tracks. The gang move forward, but are interrupted by a sudden crashing sound an Adult Four Arms, gets knocked through a wall "Aah!" Four Arms nearly lands on all of them. As he gets up, galaxia also get knocked out through the wall but lucky four arms catch her "thanks" One of the pods suddenly lands at their feet. As they look to the hole in the wall from where it was thrown, a creature emerges from it. The body of an enormous albino gorilla stomps forward, with machinery integrated into its chest, all leading up to the top, where a glass dome houses the alive, disembodied head of Dr. Animo in a pool of blue liquid "No one's "going" anywhere!"


"I see you brought help! You're going to NEED it! For every one of your ten thousand heroes, I'll steal enough DNA to create TEN THOUSAND MONSTROUS MINIONS!" Four Arms and galaxia readies themself, but (y/n) get in front in front of them and rushes Animo "Oh, yeah? Think again" Dr. Animo easily swats her with his big gorilla hands, knocking her into Four Arms and (y/n) Gwendolyn now faces him, casting a spell "Kemo Char!" Her magic bolt is perfectly reflected by Animo holding a ripped-off sheet of metal against it. Gwendolyn tries to shield herself as it flies back to her, but it still manages to knock her out of the sky. As Four Arms and (y/n) gets up, she pulls a rope and tying around, trapping her "Stay out of our way!" She yelled. Four Arms and Animo run at each other, Four Arms lands the first punch; then Animo tries to slam him, (y/n) send a kick to anima head, Gwendolyn stands with her arms crossed and watches them fight "Shouldn't we help or something?" Gweb asked as she united her cousin "No. she prefers it this way" gwendolyn sighs, Dr. Animo and the older Four Arms exchange blows. As Animo tries to hold him down, (y/n) used Master Control to instantly summon a spherical pufferfish alien whose spit pushes Animo away. Now came out Diamondhead, he punches the ground, causing crystals to erupt out of the ground, encase Animo, and lift him in the air. Animo smashes out of the crystal and uses his height to rip a metal piece off the ceiling and smash it down on Diamondhead. Diamondhead quickly creates a cover of crystals to shield himself. As the smoke clears of Animo's attack, his smile drops when galaxia emerges on top of the metal piece with her Megawatt alien. The little alien overflows the metal with electricity, shocking Animo and sending him reeling back. Animo tries to get up, but is met with the image of galaxia first puncing right towards him. Animo crashes into a DNA pod and lays defeated "Whoa! That was so cool! What do you call that water one? Loogie Man? Spitter?" (Y/n) Asked expiredly, galaxia grumbles under her breath "look It's hard coming up with names after i went past 1k" she explains, she dusted of the debris of her, she turn around to her partners "you guys alright?" They nodded "Awww, but that was half the fun!" (Y/n) Pouts, Dr. Animo Coming to, he sees Four Arms in front of him, readying a punch "AH!" Four Arms instead punches directly next to Animo, ripping cables out of the pod and quickly tying up Animo with them.

"Did we detect a cry for help? The Galactic Enforcers have arrived!" Sure enough, Ultimos, Tini, and Synaptak all teleport onto the scene, ready for action. The aliens goes back in to galaxia charmnitrix, as her Hoverboard show's up, landing next to her and meets them "Show's over, guys" Ultimos frowns "It's a big world, (y/n). You could always save a couple of the bad guys for us, you know" she raised an eyebrow under the mask "What would be the point? But since you're here, how about bringing Animo back to the Null Void chamber for me" she asked as steps up on Hoverboard, Ultimos sarcastically said"Yeah. Sure. Anything to help" Meanwhile, (y/n) finally got out of the binds and nearly falling backwards. Before she does, galaxia scoops her and Gwen up "Gwendolyn, I'll meet you back at headquarters" galaxia speeds out of the room. Gwendolyn flies out as well, leaving the Galactic Enforcers to begrudgingly deal with Animo.
Galaxia Carries the girls back to headquarters, rushing through crowded streets, leaving dust clouds "So Animo's been around this whole time?" (Y/n) Nervously smiles, trying to start a conversation "He escaped a few years back. I wasn't sure if he was going to show his ugly face again. But now, it looks like he won't be a problem anymore" A bystander's alien dog barks as they rush past them "What about Vilgax?" Gwen asked

"Last I saw of him, I left him in pieces. It wasn't pretty for anyone. 'Nuff said" the girls eyes widen 'holy sh#t i killed vilgax!?' (y/n) thought "Whoa, I really need to lighten up"

Meanwhile, as the Galactic Enforcers remove Dr. Animo's restraints, a port on his mechanized chest suddenly releases a gas at them, quickly knocking them all out. Animo freely walks over to the container he was eyeing and rips it open. Inside are the mangled, stringy, nearly unidentifiable remains of Vilgax. Animo then adjusts the transmodulator antennae on his head to fire a beam at the remains "Mr. nice you could rejoin me" Skin and muscle quickly form over one of the limp hands, and one of the eyes starts glowing red.
Galaxia and the kids arrive at the headquarters: a tall building with an charmnitrix faceplate at the top, just overlooking Mt. Rushmore "Whoa! This is my headquarters? Awesome! I must chill out here a lot" she finally puts them down, their hair now completely frizzy, then rushes around the room, monitoring equipment "There's no time. I'm always patrolling the planet. Thus, i has no need to hang out here" (Y/n) and Gwen pat down their hair "Don't I have any fun anymore?" Galaxia face to her "You'll learn soon enough. Being me is not about fun. Now wait here for Gwendolyn, and don't touch a thing!" She rushes away to monitor a console. (Y/n) immediately notices a hoverboard imbedded in a nearby wall and runs to it "Hey, look!" Gwen cross her arms "she said not to touch anything" (y/n) only shrugs "Why should I listen to me? You never do" she presses a button, activating the hoverboard. "Heeey!" She starts flying around "Yeah! Woo-hoo! Whoa-ho!" She nearly knocks Gwen over "sorry Gwen!" Gwendolyn arrives through an elevator and sees (y/n) flying gleefully above galaxia and spinning in circles, In the blink of an eye, galaxia snatches the board out from under (y/n), causing her to fall "No! Those days are over" As (y/n) and galaxia stare one another down, they are interrupted

"Danger alert. Sector 1-A Centric. Danger alert. Sector 1-A Centric"

"What is it?"

"My business, not yours!" Galaxia looks to Gwendolyn as she lands next to them "Get the portal open and get them home!" She flies off "Well, I'm not going. You brought me here for a reason, and I bet it's what's going on in Sector 1-A Centric. Is it far away?" (Y/n) Asked "It is sixty one stories below us. (gasps) The Null Void Projector!"

Down in the room, Dr. Animo types away at a console, moving the large chamber in the center of the room. (Y/n) quickly arrives and with Diamondhead, he forming his arms into spikes "It ends now, Animo!"

"Oh, but it's only just beginning" Vilgax steps out from the shadows, revealing his new body with bulky arms and chest "VILGAX!"

Vilgax sprints towards Diamondhead. Vilgax goes for a punch, but Diamondhead avoids the attack. He turns and slams his

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