Pepper Spray

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i'm a chaos monster but i love gaming and i have a soft spot for my friends, peppy like me name states, and i love animals! cooking is epic and noice person, i'm also weirdly calm at times i shouldn't be in lol

i have really odd humor sometimes lolololol 

 you tick me off bitch ima go on a flippin rant and slap the fuck outta you! you hurt my friends you're dead! i get annoyed easily because short temper yknow. i have the ability to yell super loud because i don't use my throat to holler so watch out!!!! i'm a generally outgoing person who ig has a friendly personality apparently... idk bout that,,, i also am quite doubtful of every nice thing you say about me because low self esteem ahaha. i'm a very visual person and mildly daydreams like, too much, lol i will wander the room daydreaming o.0 i'm also hella scared of the dark you plop me in a dark room i will freeze in place until i find light and a wall to lean against so i have a sense of SECURITY! otherwise i guess i'm chill lol

oh and i don't blush a lot

*see top for a pic of what she looks like*

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