26. ephemeral

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Here's a pure lil snapchat to make your day even better

 We're getting towards the end of the school year, and things are finally beginning to happen. I'm aware it's not great to feel excited about possible impending doom, but at least I can do something about it instead of sit around. Buckbeak's execution is tomorrow, and currently we're all in the Great Hall discussing it.

"It's not fair to Buckbeak," Lee says, shaking his head.

"Damn right," Julian agreed, nodding. "Malfoy got what he deserved."

"Is the dumb prick still wearing his sling?" Allie asked bitterly, not bothering to get up from where she was huddled beside Julian to look over her shoulder to the Slytherin table. Malfoy sits there surrounded by his followers, cradling his arm even though it has been weeks. He looks up at me, smirks, and then returns to telling his story.

I sigh, and toss my hair behind my shoulder. I brushed it out today, so it's in full afro mode and it's just not staying in one place. "Does it matter? He's still telling everyone the wrong version of the story, and Buckbeak is going to get executed because of it."

Harry sighs. "Hagrid is distraught. I think me and Ron and Hermione are going to go see him tomorrow, actually."

I nod. "That's a good idea. Be careful, though. And say hi to him for me, will you?"

Harry agrees, taking a bite of his food. "Have, uh..." he pauses, and then continues. "Have any of you heard anything about Black recently?"

We all share a look. "No, we haven't," Angie says, gently. "If we hear anything, we'll tell you for sure, okay Harry?"

Ron grins, trying to change the mood. "Come on, mate. Let's go and see if we can annoy Hermione in the library!"

A small smile appears on Harry's face, and he relents. The pair get up and race off, almost hitting Professor Snape as he strides past, glaring at Harry all the while. "Jordan!" Snape snaps as he nears us.

"Yes, sir?"

Snape shoots Lee a withering look and turns to me. "School rules dictate you cannot wear your hair like that," he says, looking distastefully at my afro.

"Excuse me, sir," I say politely, spinning over the bench so I'm facing him. Fred doesn't turn too, but he has his head turned enough that I know he is listening. "How exactly am I wearing it?"

He wrinkles his nose. "The volume of your hair is distracting to other students."

The size of your nose is distracting to other students; I think to myself. "I bet it would be distracting, sir," I tell him honestly, brushing through my hair. Why do I have to experience this at a wizarding school! "My hair is voluminous and very silky. My secret? Coconut oil." I smile at him not unkindly. "Anyway, sir, there is nothing in the school rules that says I cannot wear my hair naturally. If it is tied back for classes or per a teacher's request, there is nothing wrong with it. Would you like me to tie it back?"

Snape stares at me for an unnecessarily long time before making an angry huffing sound that just sounds like a horse. "If it is not tied up before Potions class this afternoon, I will be deducting points from Gryffindor. Not during Potions, not while you walk in, before. Is that clear?" I nod sweetly, and he turns on his heel and walks away.

"Well, love," Fred says, observing my hair for a moment before placing a kiss on top of it. "I like the hair today."

"Thanks," I say, grinning at him. "Shit, I promised I'd go see Lupin before Potions." I scoop up a pile of blueberry muffins (which are now at the Gryffindor table at every meal, most likely courtesy of Nimmynardo) and take a hunk out of one. "Bye!"

"You're disgusting!" Allie calls after me as crumbs fly out of my mouth when I turn to leave. I throw a smile over my shoulder, throwing several crumbs at the same time, and then I skip off.


"You look like shit," I say as I rest my feet on Lupin's desk, taking a bite of my delicious muffin. I'm not one to sugarcoat things, but he does look like shit. He has bruises under his eyes that stand out starkly against his pale skin, and he smells like death.

Lupin smiles weakly, and then begins to cough a little. I study him carefully, a bad feeling in my stomach. He looks terrible physically, but there is a strange sort of glint in his eyes that I rarely see anymore. "I'm okay, Venus. I promise. Don't worry about me."

I scoff. "That's like telling me not to worry about Harry 'fuckhead' Potter. That boy may be 'the boy who lived' but you have to start wondering at some point whether he looks for all this trouble."

This gets a chuckle from Lupin, and I feel better knowing I can make him laugh, even slightly. "I'm going to be fine, Vee. Whatever happens. Harry will be, too."

We talk a little about what else there is left for me to learn about my powers- the answer is a lot. These powers are more expansive then I could ever have imagined, and it scares me a fuckton. I tell Lupin this, and he asks if a fuckton is a unit of measurement. I indignantly tell him yes.

If not, it should be.

"You'll be able to fly pretty soon," Lupin comments, taking a bite of chocolate. The way he says it- so casually- makes me almost choke on my own chocolate.

"You- I- Wait- What?!" I splutter, looking at him wide-eyed.

He tilts his head to one side, as if the fact that I didn't know that I could potentially fucking fly was abnormal to him. "Did you not read the book I gave you on Celestials?" he asks.

"Oh," I say, glaring at him. I reach into my bag and pull out an 800-word novel that looks like the oils from your fingers could break it at any second. "You mean this light read?"

"Mhm," he hums. "I'm fairly certain that Miss Granger referred to it as such one day in class."

"THAT'S GRANGER! Hermione is a different species of witch. She's, like, a hybrid witch. The Alpha witch. All I'm saying is Hermione is called the smartest witch of her age for a reason, and she isn't the baseline- she's the bar."

"Well put, Vee. Alright, I'll assign you certain chunks to read over the summer. Hopefully you'll be able to reach me by owl and we can converse more about it."

"Of course. Do you think we'll need more meetings for next year?" I ask.

Something passes over Lupin's face, but it fades immediately. "Yes, uh, well, we'll have to see about that when your next school year begins, won't we?"

"Okay." I take a bite of my chocolate and glance at the clock. "I should probably get going," I say, standing up and heaving the book back into my bag.

Lupin stands and quickly pulls me into a tight hug. Surprised, I wrap my arms around him. "In case I don't see you."

"You're not going soft on me, are you?" I ask him, grinning as I pull away.

He ruffles my hair. "Of course not." He smiles softly at my head, and I begin to think he's gone mad. In the end, he just laughs a little. "Your hair is very... what's the word. Floofy."

"Thank you so much, Professor," I gush, pretending to wipe a tear from my eye. "That means so much to me."

Lupin rolls his eyes. Laughing, I skip out of the office. "Goodbye, Venus!" he calls after me.

I say goodbye too and soon enough I'm walking down the corridor on my way to Potions. Why didn't I leave enough time for me to drop off the book on Celestial Kitsune back at my dorm? It's weighing down my shoulder in a big way, and it's maddening. I pause and heave my bag up my shoulder before continuing, and as I go I take a moment to think about everything that's happened this year. I'm so glad I met everyone, and the thought of not seeing them over the summer makes me upset. Fred says we can stay with them for at least part of the summer, but I don't want to be a burden. Mostly, I think Lee is staying with our grandmother, so I'll end up doing the same as him. Nori is a good flier- she's quick and good at finding addresses, so I think getting letters to everyone won't be too hard. After a week I'll be bored out of mind- I guarantee.

I'm so caught up in my own world that I almost walk right past my Potions class, but I catch myself just in time and walk in, where I'm affronted by Snape glaring at me. "You are thirty-seven seconds late, Jordan," he says, raising an eyebrow.

I say nothing and take a seat beside my friends, opening my textbook.

I'm going to make this Potions class my bitch.




"Sorry for the aggressive yelling, I was trying to get your attention," I tell Allie that night in our dorm room. Kira and Sansa are nowhere to be seen, and I'm glad because I want to spend more time with Allie.

"It's okay," she replies, lying back in her bed. "Get your ass over here." She pats her mattress, and I leap over to her from my bed.

Collapsing into her lap, I look up at her. "So," I say nonchalantly. "How are things with our good friend Julian Bainbridge?"

Allie smiles and buries her face in her pillow, and I shift so I am lying beside her. I laugh at her reaction and poke her side. "It's... kind of amazing, actually," Allie says honestly. "Once I realized I usually wasn't into... you know, the sexual stuff, I told Julian and he was so amazing about it. Pretty soon after I figured out in general, I'm not into it. But I know Julian so well, and I care about him so much, so- I don't know, I think if we could have a mature conversation about it, I'd be into doing sexual things with him."

I grin. "I don't know if this matters to you at all, but there is a Muggle word that kind of describes you."

"Really?" Allie asks, her eyes curious.

"It's called demisexual. It means someone who doesn't experience sexual attraction to a person unless they have an intense emotional connection with that person."

Allie mulls it over for several moments, and then she begins to cry. I hug her tightly, and she laughs through the tears. "I'm sorry- I just..." she takes a shaky breath in. "All my life, I've thought I was a freak, and I've been beaten down every time I've expressed myself in that way. It's gonna sound stupid, but just finally having a word that describes me means so much."

"You know," I say slowly, stroking her fiery hair softly. "I love you a lot."

Allie grins and we embrace tightly. "I love you too, Vee."


1) Okay so I'm sorry if this is really boring but I wanted to write a few things before we get real in the next chapter.


3) I KNOW I KNOW we'll be getting into the real canon stuff with harry 'fuckhead' potter soon

4) Can I just say I really enjoy making fun of Harry for being such an idiot sometimes and I love him a lot but god he's so easy to make fun of

5) I don't know if you guys know this but I'm from the UK and I live in Canada right now. I'm visiting the UK for the first time in a while and I'm so excited!!!!! so yeah just thought I'd let y'all know

6) YES ALLIE IS DEMI I FINALLY FIGURED IT OUT SHE CAN EVOLVE ALSO I REALIZED ON MY PART SHE DESCRIBES HERSELF MORE AS DEMI THAN AS ACE and I really wanted to write in Allie finally having something to identify as and finding herself and yay :)

7) My friend Britt recently read all of this and now I finally have someone to help me with plot because OH GOD WHY DID I MAKE THIS THING SO FUCKING CONFUSING

8) Did any of y'all hear about the Austin Jones thing? I used to be a fan of him but I didn't know anything about him personally. WHELP NO LONGER A FAN NOW. If you don't know what the deal is, ask someone else because he's sickening. anyways

9) Hopefully I'll have so much time to write this summer YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY long plane rides will be your friends if you enjoy this book

SONG: Homemade Dynamite by Lorde. HER ENTIRE ALBUM I'M GONNA NUT WOWOWOW anyways listen to it pls




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