Times Almost Up

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*Naruko's pov*
-time skip, almost 10 months passed by- (three years is almost up!)

"What if we mix this?" I asked holding up two different vials of something.

"No. It would explode you nitwit." Kabuto said exasperatedly. I sigh and put them back. "Grab me the angelic root, calendula, cacao, echinacea, juniper berries, white willow bark, and witch hazel." He says.

"Okay!" I chime as I run off to get what he asked for. "We don't have cacao or juniper berries..." I say as I come back with an arm load.

"Tch. Alright. Let's just try what we have." He says. I nod and we both begin to mash them. Adding in the angelic root then the calendula. Mashing them together, then putting in the echinacea, white willow bark and witch hazel. Mashing then together we begin the process of turning it into a liquid. "And now we wait."

"Hopefully we get this one." I say sighing.

"Hello?!" We both turn with eyebrows furrowed as someone calls out. I poke my head out of the lab to see Team Hebi walking around. I feel Kabuto put his hand on my waist and look out the door too. My eye twitches.

"Don't touch me you weirdo!" I yell slamming Kabuto's head into the wall.

"Found them." Suigetsu calls as they run up to us.

"Ugh. I didn't mean to touch you." Kabuto says wincing in pain.

"Well they haven't killed each other yet, that's a good thing." Jugo says standing next to Sasuke.

"NARUKO!" Karin yells hugging me tightly. "He hasn't hurt you has he? He didn't do anything rude to you?" She asks as she spins me around checking over me.

"Eh? No, no. He accidentally touched me." I say shrugging. "So What are you guys doing here?" I ask smiling at them.

"We came to check on you." Karin says happily.

"Heh, how sweet." I giggle at them.

"Hey, you got any food? I'm starving!" Suigetsu exclaimed. Kabuto looks at the time.

"Is it really that late?" He mutters. I look at the time.

"We worked all day again..." I say sighing.

"Did you two stop to eat?" Karin asks in a scolding way. We both looked at each other, took a step back and said.

"No ma'am."

"But in our defense, I think we may have found the cure." I say putting my hands up. She bonks us on the heads and we both mutter an Ouch.

"This is your fault." Kabuto says glaring at me. I grow a tick mark and glare at him.

"Whatever." I say annoyed. "I'll go make dinner, are you guys staying the night?" I ask Team Hebi.

"Yes." Sasuke says simply. I smile at him and nod.

"I'll help you cook." Karin says happily.

"No!" Suigetsu yells.

"What did you say?!" She yells glaring at him.

"I said no! You can't cook bitch!" He says glaring back.

"I'll help you." Sasuke says I glare at him.

"Sasuke, no. You can't cook for anything." I say crossing my arms. "Besides, at the moment it's my kitchen, if you don't want stabbed stay the hell out." I say turning and walking away.

"I wouldn't go in there while she's cooking. She really will stab you." I hear Kabuto mutter.

-time skip, after dinner, nobody got stabbed-

"We don't have enough rooms set up. So one of you will have to share a room with someone." Kabuto says seriously.

"Sasuke, would you like to share a room with me?" Karin asks blushing. I glare at her slightly.

"No." He says flatly. "I'll be in Naruko's room."

"Hey! I never said you could sleep in my room!" I yell as he walks away. "Stupid duck ass."

"Naruko, There's a file in your room." Kabuto says discreetly. My eyes widen and I disappear. Making it in my room way before Sasuke I put everything away quickly.

"Naruko." Sasuke says blankly as he walks in.

"Sasuke." I say lightly. He closes and locks the door. "How have you been?" I ask walking over to him.

"I've been okay. It's almost time for Orochimaru's down fall and for my revenge." Sasuke says. I look at him carefully and nod.

"Three years is almost up... a war is coming, y'know." I say looking away. A lot has happened since Kabuto and i have been here. I've gotten better at using my powers, my Sharingan is as good as it can get, I just don't have Mangekyou yet. My Byakugan is good too.

"How do you know?" He asks.

"My visions. They've gotten better. Not always clear but better." I say seriously. He sighs and nods.

"Can I take a shower?" He asks. I nod.

"Bathroom is over there. I'll go grab you a towel." I say walking out of the room. I walk to the storage room and grab a few towels. I walk back into my room and to the bathroom. I knock on the door. "Sasuke?"

"You can come in." Sasuke says. My face burns bright red but I cover my eyes and walk in.

"H-here's your towel." I stutter flushing.

"Thanks." He says, I sit the towels down and turn to walk away. But Sasuke grabs my wrist. "Can you wash my back?" My face reddens even more.

"Ye-Yeah." I stutter. My face is burning hot as I turn around, seeing him sitting in the tub with bubbles. He may be covered but...dear gods my imagination... I grab the sponge from him and put some soap on it. I begin to wash his back gently.

"Naruko?" Sasuke says, I hmm a response looking at him as he turns to me. He grabs my chin and pulls me close and kisses me. My eyes widen but I soon melt into the kiss. His hands move to the ties keeping my clothes on. I don't bother to stop him as they come off.

He pulls me into the tub as my clothes come off. Never breaking the kiss. His hand travels my body, stopping before touching me anywhere he shouldn't. We finally pull away, my face flushed a red that would put my mother's hair to shame.

"Sasuke...I-i love you." I stutter leaning into him as I covered my breast.

"I love you too Naruko.." He says lowly as he wraps his arms around me. I smiled into his chest.

-time skip, next day, sorry nothing major happens just a little bit of fluff-

I was sitting outside the base when one of my crows lands on my shoulder with a message. I gave her a treat and took the message. Reading it quickly my eyes widen and I run into the base.

"What's the rush Naruko?" Jugo asks as I run past him and Sasuke. I ignore them running to the lab.

"Please tell me the cure is finished?!" I beg Kabuto skidding to a stop in front of the doors.

"They'll be done in a few hours." He states looking at me. "Why?"

"DAMN IT! We don't have a few hours to waste! My best friend is dying right now!" I yell slamming my fist into the wall.

"What's going on?" Karin asks running into the lab. I drop the message on the ground, wipe my tears away and start getting everything ready to leave.

"Kabuto, could we hurry the process of the cure?" I ask seriously. He looks over a few papers.

"Yes. With the help of Karin I believe we could." He then looks at the paper again. "We need a pure Healthy Uchiha's blood." I nod and walk out to grab Sasuke.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Let me go!" Sasuke yells as I grab him by the back of his shirt and drag him to the lab.

"No time to argue with you Sasuke. This is a matter of life or death. If I don't get this done now then Selena will die in less then two hours." I state glaring at him. He narrows his eyes and nods. Karin preps him to have blood drawn.

"Okay. Here you go. This should be enough." Karin says handing it to Kabuto. Kabuto nods and begins the finale stage of mixing.

"Now, for the test." Kabuto says taking Selena's DNA and injects a small amount. I watch closely. "It's a success." He says wide eyed.

"I owe you." I say as tears stream from my face. He puts the cure in a medical kit and hands it to me.

"I'll work on the second one." He says I nod and turn to walk away.

"I'll try and be back as soon as possible." I reply disappearing to my room. I change into my normal orange and black jumpsuit.

"Are you going back to Konoha?" Sasuke asks walking in the room.

"To save my best friend? Of course." I say seriously. I grab my head band, not that I've worn it since I've been gone. I put it in my pocket and grab the cure.

"Be careful." He says simply.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine." I say simply. I make the tiger sign with one hand. "Take care while I'm gone." I say before disappearing. I reappear in front of Udyan, Lady Tsunade, Sakura and Shizune. They surrounded Selena laying on a hospital bed.

"Na-Naruko? Where did you come from?" Sakura asks wide eyed.

"Move. I'll explain later but I've got a cure for Selena." I say holding up the cure.

"How did you-?" Lady Tsunade asks.

"I'll explain later." I say handing the whole kit to her.

"Fine." She glares taking it. Reading the instructions Kabuto or Karin wrote down.

"Naruko, I need you to wait outside." Sakura says calmly.

"No. No. I need to know she's going to be okay." I say shaking.

"Udyan get her out of here." Lady Tsunade orders.

"Right. Come one Naruko. Selena will be okay." Udyan grabs my arm and tries to drag me out. Selena's heart monitor starts to flat line and my eyes widen. Udyan and I both freeze in place.

"Udyan, we need you now." Shizune says. My whole world crumbles as my best friend dies. The cure isn't working as it should. My eyes change to the Mangekyou Sharingan and blood drips from my right eye.

"We're losing her!" Sakura yells. I step forward slightly with tears in my eyes.

"Selena. Don't die on me. Please." I cry as my hands begin to glow a bright blue.

"Naruko.. the oracle. Naruko get over here." Lady Tsunade demands. I walk over tears in my eyes still. "Put your hands on her heart." I nod. Blood and tears mixing together as I put my hands on her heart.

"Please, Selena." I cry harder. The beeping of the heart monitor starts back up. Slowly, but surely. My eyes widen as she starts to gasp for air.

"Get the oxygen mask." Lady Tsunade says.

"Here." Sakura puts the mask over Selena's face.

"She'll be okay." Lady Tsunade says putting a hand on my shoulder. I  nodded slowly. "You have a lot of explaining to do." Lady Tsunade says strictly.

"I know..." I say lowly. "You're probably wondering about my eyes right now?" I ask looking up. She nods.

"Let's talk in my office." She says seriously. "Udyan, Shizune stay here and watch over Selena. Make sure the cure Naruko made is working how it should."

"Yes ma'am." They both say. Udyan hugs me tightly.

"Thank you Naruko. I knew you'd make it on time." He whispers. I nod back. Lady Tsunade and Sakura steer me out of the room.

"Wait, Lady Tsunade, most of the Village think she left like Sasuke and died." Sakura states.

"I've got it." I mumble and transform into Chrissy.

"So you are Chrissy. I had my suspicions." Lady Tsunade says. I nod and we walk through the village. It's silent between us as we walk and once we get to the Hokage tower I sigh. "Alright, begin explaining." Lady Tsunade says as she sits at her desk. I release my transformation and nod.

"Alright.. as you know I did leave the village and staged my death. In order to do that I did have help from two Akatsuki members, before the Akatsuki knew I was a jinchuriki that is. However I did not work with them any further, I hope you don't blame Selena and Udyan for anything because they had nothing to do with my plans. They knew absolutely nothing about what was going to happen." I pause and sigh.

"How do you have the Sharingan?" Sakura asks.

"I met the Oracle and because I'm the Child of Fate I am able to unlock clan traits. From the Sharingan to the Byakugan to the Rinnegan and more. I don't know what else I have yet, besides visions, healing others and bringing back from the dead if I choose." I say seriously.

"Where have you been?" Lady Tsunade asks narrowing her eyes. "How did you come up with the cure?"

"Well, truthfully I can't tell you where I've been because I'm still trying to save people. And here's what the ingredients are, and instructions to make it. It took me and the person working with me almost a year to make it." I hand Lady Tsunade a paper.

"Okay. I trust you." Lady Tsunade says taking the paper. In that instant I grip my head as a vision shows. My eyes widen in horror as the vision plays on.

"Gaara.." I mutter. My eyes then change to the Eternal Mangenkyou.

"What happened?" Sakura asks coming to my side and touching my head.

"A vision. I'm not sure if this is current or in the near future." I say calmly.

"Lady Tsunade! We received word the Fifth Kazakage was just captures!" Someone runs in.

"Oh no.. I'm too late to help him.." I say wide eyed.

"Send me Kakashi Hatake, Naruto Uzumaki, Sai and Udyan Haruno!" Lady Tsunade stands up slamming her hands on the desk. Effectively breaking it. "To prove you're not a threat I'm sending you with. Bring Gaara back alive and you're free to continue whatever you're doing." Lady Tsunade says to me.

"Yes ma'am. I'm still a loyal kunoichi of the Hidden Leaf after all." I say taking my head band out of my pocket and tying it tightly around my forehead.

"Sakura, you're going too. I want you to keep an eye on Naruko." Lady Tsunade says. I smile lightly, 'she says she trust me but she doesn't yet.' I think knowing I had to prove myself.

"What is it Grandma Tsunade? Is it a miss-" Naruto stops talking as he sees me. "Naruko?"

"We can talk later big brother. I promise I'll tell you almost anything." I say turning to him with a small smile. He nods slowly while everyone else comes in too.

"Alright. I'm sending you to Sunagakure. The Fifth Kazakage was captured." Lady Tsunade says calmly. "Dismissed. Naruko, don't forget our deal." She says as we all start to walk out the door.

"Don't worry Lady Tsunade. I won't. I'll bring Gaara back safely and protect Naruto." I say seriously looking back at her. She nods and I catch up to the others.

"Don't try anything stupid okay Naruko? I don't want to have to use this." Sakura says placing a seal on my back.

"Don't worry Sakura. I keep my word." I say simply. As we're all walking to the gates I walk with Naruto.

"Where have you been?" He asks lowly.

"I've been keeping an eye on someone. I can't answer everything directly, Okay?" I say to him. He nods.

"I missed you." He says looking at the ground. I sigh.

"I know. I missed you too." I reply.

"Hey! Wait up!" I turn to see Temari. "Naruko? You finally came out of hiding?" She asks.

"Eh, well for now. I'm going back into hiding after we rescue Gaara. I've still got a few things left before things get too serious." I say nodding. Naruto tells everyone that we have the nine tails sealed inside of us. They all talk for a few before I speak. "Actually, Kurama was taken from me a while ago." I say sighing.

"How did you survive?" Kakashi-Sensei asks. This is the first time he's spoken to me since we've left.

"Sheer willpower. And getting to where I am currently hiding out at. But I almost died." I say looking away. "The tailed beast extraction process is terrible. I only had a small amount of Kurama in me so it didn't take as long as it should." I say seriously.

"So, who exactly are you? You look like dick less here." An emotionless voice says as he points to Naruto.

"HEY! Shut up!" Naruto yells.

"Naruko Uzumaki, and you must be Sai." I reply simply. He nods.

"Tch, at least he doesn't call you ugly." Sakura mutters.

"I can't lie, she isn't ugly." Sai says to Sakura. "She's... mysterious." He nods.

"That's acceptable." I say nodding. A crow flies my way, I catch it before it can hit me in the face. "A message?" I mutter. "Gaara. He used the seal I gave him during the Chunin Exams." I state opening it up.

"Is he alive?" Temari asks. I nod.

"Yes. But the teleportation seal I placed on him has been broken. I can't find him anywhere." I say calmly. My head pounds as a vision happens. I stumble as we're running.

"Naruko." Sakura hold me up. "What did you see?" She asks putting her hands over my head. I blink rapidly and begin to look around.

"Sasuke..." I furrow my brow and we all stop.

"What?" They ask.

"He's fighting someone. Itachi I think.."  my vision clears and I shake my head. "It wasn't clear. I don't know what happened." I mutter sighing.

"We'll worry about it later." Udyan says strictly. We nod and continue running. Times almost up, everything is about to unravel.

(Guys! This story is almost over. I'm debating on writing a second one of not. It's actually kind of hard to think one up. But heyyy! If you have any good ideas let me know! Uhm, it'll all be published by next Monday, or Friday, and even after then I will still update to say happy birthday to everyone else. But read, vote, and comment! Thanks!!)

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