This Is The End.

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*Naruko's pov*

"Byakugan." I say as I stand up and look straight ahead. "They're arriving back." I say seriously. They're all thrown from the portal. I catch Sasuke.

"Thanks." He says steadying himself.

"Ah." I look to see Naruto being impaled. My eyes widen, switching to my Eternal mangekyou Sharingan to the Rinnegan.


"I'm on it." She says moving to Naruto quickly. I nod and in an instant I snatch Itachi's sword.

"Sorry, Itachi. I need this." I say charging at Kaguya. Dodging her attacks effortlessly.

"You! You're the Oracle!" Black Zetsu yells.

"Tch. Y'know, I'm really tired of this war!" I yell slashing Itachi's sword, mainly as a distraction, chains dangle from my wrist. I make the snake sign.

"Outer path chains will not work against me." Kaguya says pushing her hand out, she stops moving and eyes me carefully. "You."

"Heh, I'm just a distraction." I smirk as I disappear completely from her sight. "I'm the Oracle, Naruko Uzumaki!" I shout pointing at her from behind. I need to distract her long enough for Naruto to get back.

"You're Christiana's reincarnation." She says turning to look at me.

"Eh?" I ask confused.

"She chose you to stop me.
My own daughter." She tsks. My eyes widen.

"Wait, She was your daughter? That doesn't make any sense if she created the God Tree in the first place."

"You're gullible. Christiana was my step daughter, but daughter none the less. She may have created the tree, but her gaining chakra because of it angers me. That's my chakra. My chakra!" She yells deranged. Everyone else takes a step back from her while I just blink at her.

"Oh, honey. I think your deranged. It was never your chakra to begin with." She lashes out and attacks. I swiftly dodge each and every one of her attacks.

"Naruko!" Shisui yells as I'm hit to the ground.

"Not happening!" I yelled slamming my fist together. My body glows bright. "Tch, y'know I really hate fighting!" I yell the chains on my arms rattle. 'When I get close, attack.' I tell team seven they nod at each other and get ready. Naruto is healed just enough. "You're done for Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, BELIEVE IT!" I yelled. I get right in front of her, she reaches out to hurt me but I fade through her.

"What.?!" She yells.

"I picked that up from my Sensei." I grin. As soon as I'm behind her I wrap the chains around her and hold her. "NOW!"

"Let's finish this!" Team seven yells. Sasuke and Naruto get close enough, Sakura takes Black Zetsu. And that's that. They seal Kaguya. I fly back from the impact. Sasuke catches me as the seal works. His Rinnegan and Sharingan staring at me. My Rinnegan staring back.

"The war is over." I say with a smile. "The future is good as far as I can see. The road to recovery will be long but everything will thrive again." I say as everyone is released from the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

"It looks like it's our time to go." Dad says. Naruto and I walk over to him together. "Happy birthday kids. Your mother would be proud of you." A tear escapes my eye and I hug him. "I'm so proud of the both of you." I pull Naruto into the hug too.

"I love you dad." I whisper lowly.

"Don't worry about us. We'll be fine taking care of ourselves. Tell mom she doesn't have to worry either." Naruto says grinning as he wipes tears away.

"Heh, alright. You kids have become legends. You're both the best thing to ever happen to us." Dad says as he begins to fade. My tears intensify and I turn and hug Naruto not wanting to watch him leave again. "Naruko, congratulations." I turn wide eyed at Dad with tears streaming down my face. "I love you." I nod and just like that he's gone..

-time skip, to after Sasuke and Naruto fight because I can't remember what exactly happens-

I set off to look for Naruto and Sasuke as they had run off to fight! What the hell is wrong with them?! I groaned all I wanted to do was go back, tell Lady Tsunade that I have something to do and leave again.

"Sasuke. Naruto." I say as I spot them on the ground. A tear rolled down my face at the state they were in. Both beaten up and missing an arm.

"Naruko." Naruto says sheepishly.

"You two." I laugh wiping my tears away. "I can't restore body parts you don't have, y'know." I laugh. They both sit up and laugh too.

"Are you coming back to Konoha?" Naruto asks. I cringe slightly.

"I'll be there for a little while but there's something I have to do. It's like a faint vision of bright red hair and I'm curious to see what or who it is." I say shrugging.

"I'm coming with you." Sasuke says.

"No. You're going back to the village." I say simply. "Don't argue with me." I smile. He nods and I embrace them in a hug.

"You be careful Naruko. Whatever you do. Granny Tsunade likes you so she'll probably let you leave." Naruto says.

"Heh. I'll be careful. Besides it'd be best if I travel a little while. Y'know, since I'm the Oracle now. I can go and help restore life to plants and help heal people and such." I say smiling.

-time skip back to Konoha, a month later-

"Well, Thanks Lady Tsunade." I say bowing to her as I get ready to leave the village.

"Remember to take your medicine child." She scolds and I laugh sheepishly.

"I will." I reply. She's the only one besides those who knew, that knows I'm pregnant. She was reluctant to let me leave but understands that I need to. I just don't want to be judged for it right now.

"Here." She hands me a new head band. "Your old one was ripped. And take this. I assume you'll train the baby and they'll be exceptional just like you." She smiles handing me another head band. I nod with a smile and tuck it away. I turn and begin to walk away.

"Leaving?" I hear someone say just outside the gates. It's team seven, team five, Itachi, Kisame and Shisui. Sai and Captain Yamato are even here.

"Yeah. I'll be back." I smile.

"When?" Sakura asks stepping forward.

"When the time is right." I reply.

"Naruko." Kakashi-Sensei says he looks down at me slightly, since I've only grown a little bit. "I know I haven't been fair to you, but I'm proud of you." I smile at him.

"It's okay Sensei." A vision flashes causing me to smile even more. "Everything works out."

"Take care of yourself." Selena and Udyan come up and hug me. "You're so dead if we don't get to see your kid." They whisper low in my ear. I laugh sheepishly and nod.

"You better be careful." Naruto says sighing. He walks over and hugs me too. "I love you sis. You better write to me and come visit." I smile and nod hugging him back.

"Sai, I know we didn't know each other but here." I smile handing him new ink. "I noticed you had lost the last of it in the war."

"Thanks." He smiles, even though it's still a forced smile. Captain Yamato pats my head and smiles. I hear Sakura sigh from behind me.

"Don't do anything to kill yourself while you're gone. And remember to eat properly and stay active. Don't let that depression get in your way." She says in a motherly tone. I grin at her and pull her into a hug.

"Stop acting like a mother before your time." I laugh and she smiles shaking her head at me.

"Naruko." I turn to the Uchiha's and Kisame as Itachi speaks. "I'm the head of the clan now so I can't come with you. Sasuke and I are under house arrest, well village arrest also." He sighs.

"However, I haven't done anything wrong. I'll be accompanying you. I've already spoken with Lady Tsunade." Shisui says stepping forward with his bags.

"And technically I'm not even part of the village. So I've been forgiven for now. I'll be accompanying you too." Kisame says.

"Are you sure? Cause I can travel alone." I say sweat dropping.

"The decision has been made." Itachi says simply. I turn to Sasuke who hasn't said a word. He only looks away.

"Sasuke." I sigh. I drop my bag and walk over to him. I quickly hug him. "Don't be stupid while I'm gone. I love you." I whisper in his ear. He sighs and puts his arm on my head.

"I love you too.." He mutters lowly. I pull away and smile at him. He pokes my head and I blush bright red.

"Alright, let's go. I wanna at least make it pass Orochimaru's place before dark." Shisui says walking away.

"Agreed." Kisame mutters. I laugh at them both.

"Wait up Shisui, Kisame! You don't even know where we're going!" I yell running to catch up with him.

"Well if we follow your directions we'll get lost." Shisui retorts. I turn around and wave to everyone. They wave back and we all walk away.

(Last chapter!!! Guys! Let me know in the comments if you want me to do a second book! It'll take time since it'd be during the Boruto serious! But yeah, let me know! Today is Sai's Birthday. Happy birthday Sai!!!!!!❤️)

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