When Dean Winchester took the highway to Hell, it was hard on everyone.
Sam beat himself up everyday for not being able to save his brother. Many told him that he couldn't save Dean, even (Y/n), but that didn't stop him. He slowly started obsessing over hunting and stopping Lilith- again, this time with the help of the demon, Ruby.
The youngest Winchester didn't like the demon. It was very wrong in her books that her brother was working with one. And the demon blood, she snapped at Sam the first time she caught him with it in his mouth. "This isn't what Dean would've wanted, Sam! We're supposed to be in this together!"
(Y/n) left shortly after that, not wanting to see Sam continuously drink blood just to get stronger.
Hunting on her own hadn't been too difficult. Most of the time, (Y/n) was in the same place as other hunters, so she would ask to join them. They would always poke and prod over why she was on her own, but the answer was the same each time: "I don't need to share my life with you. Let's just get this over with."
There would, of course, be times where (Y/n) was on her own.
She would get the information she needed, then go straight in, just like she would if Dean or Sam was with her. Only once or twice did it end badly for her; chained up with very confused monsters, as wounds would quickly heal with time- luckily, Gabriel flew in each time when she was in too much trouble.
The archangel didn't like his soulmate hunting on her own one bit. He begged once or twice for her to stay with other hunters- stay with Bobby, but she refused each time. "Dean would've wanted us to move on together, me and Sam against the world... but I'm not getting my brother back, am I?" He would be at her side during those times, as she would break down and cry. She wanted Sam back with her, no demon blood or Ruby. She wanted her life to go back to a hunter's version of 'normal.' She wanted Dean back.
Dean rising from Hell due to the help of Castiel, another angel, was more than surprising. The eldest brother had visited his sister first, after asking Bobby for information on his siblings, who had given him the salt test, with an extra side of holy water. (Y/n) did the same, not believing that after a year of being alone, Dean would come back.
"I thought Sammy would be with you. Where is he?" That was his first question- after being given the world news.
(Y/n) shrugged, downing the rest of the mezcal in her hand. "Hell if I know, I haven't seen or talked to him in seven months."
The older brother's protective mode kicked in. "You've been hunting on your own?" His voice rose to a shout, earning a few stares from the people sitting around the bar.
"Yes and no," (Y/n) answered quickly and flinched at his tone. "Other hunters are usually in the area that I get information, I ask to join, and they let me. Other than that, I've only dealt with small jobs on my own. Vengeful ghosts, a couple of wendigos, the occasional werewolf..."
"Any demons?"
(Y/n) shook her head. She didn't want to tell him about some demons that found out about her soulmate being an archangel.
"Why aren't you and Sam hunting together? I specifically told you two to watch one another."
(Y/n) sucked in her breath, she had hoped the conversation wouldn't turn to this. "Do you remember Ruby? The demon?" He nodded. "Well... I'm sure you can figure the rest out, I don't want to talk about it."
After that night at the bar, Dean and (Y/n) began their search for Sam. The younger Winchester hadn't been too happy about it, but maybe Dean could knock some sense into him... hopefully.
Before meeting up with Sam, (Y/n) had the pleasure to meet the angel who had gripped Dean tight and raised him from perdition: Castiel.
The angel was very cautious and acted strangely around the youngest Winchester. It bothered Dean. After three months, he walked out of the motel to a bar, demanding that the two figure whatever was going on out.
Castiel waited for a second, making sure Dean went to the nearest bar, then went straight to the point. "You're mated with an angel, an archangel." His monotonous voice made (Y/n) feel uncomfortable. "Do your brothers know?"
Panic immediately settled itself on (Y/n)'s face, answering the angel's question. "No, and they can't know. I'm not ready to tell them, they'd kill him." The youngest didn't feel the need to tell Castiel yet. She just met him for Christ's sake. "Please, don't tell Dean or Sam..."
Castiel nodded, his eyes trailing to (Y/n)'s. "Fine. But you know that the longer you keep this from them, the angrier they'll be for you not mentioning it."
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