"Looks like we are gonna spend a lot of time together ๐๐" I say going up to Elizabeth "Let's just get this over with" "Agreed" "Ok first years we are going to show you to your common rooms I am Elizabeth Foster a-" "and I'm Malfoy Draco Malfoy" I said cutting her off she goes over the rules then asks of anyone has any questions but no one raises their hand "Good let's go." I announce then head in the direction of the common room. A little later Elizabeth "Hey Malfoy I'm going to do something real quick so go ahead and I'll catch up" Shit I don't want to be with all these first years alone "Fine do what you want" Do what you want are you kidding me! Why can't you just tell her no "Ok come on first years the dungeons are this way"
Once we got to the common room door I notice Elizabeth "Wow how nice of you to join us" i spat rolling my eyes "shut up Malfoy" "Any way here is the common room, the password is 'Pure Blood' but don't tell anyone because other houses aren't allowed in other common rooms" the door opens as I say the password "Ok come on don't be scared it's not going to close on you." She says while gently pushing some students. Once every one was inside she says "this is your common room your dorms are up the stairs, girls to your left and boys to your right" Foster goes to find her room with the first years but i stay in the common room of a little and sit next to the fire
What's so different about her? I mean it's like I can't say no to her. And she is the only one who will snap back at one of my comments, I think it's fun I mean finally I have a bit of a challenge around here. She got here in second year but not as a first year. As a second year and it totally flipped my world upside down. She says she's a pure blood but I've never heard of the Fosters, so they are obviously not pure blood. She's probably a mudblood that's why she lies about it. Wait why am I thinking about her so much I need to stop
I get up and go to my room to unpack but I hear singing in my bathroom who is in my bathroom. They have an amazing voice I unlock the door and see someone standing there "Elizabeth" "Malfoy what the fuck haven't you heard of knocking!?" She shouts at me but I'm focused on the bruises all over her body some look like there old others look they are new and some are scars "what the hell happened?" "What do you mean?" She asks me like she doesn't know what I mean "THOSE ARE FUCKING BRUISES, WHAT DI YOU MEAN WHAT!! WHO DID THAT TO YOU?!" I shout and she starts to think "I fell down the stairs" she says shrugging there's no way the stairs did that to her I'm going to kill whoever did that. It's not okay "THAT'S A LIE TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED" "DRACO I SAID I FELL DOWN THE STAIRS NOW LEAVE IT!" She yelled at me starting to cry did she just yell at me and call me Draco. No that doesn't matter I made her cry now I feel bad. Wait why do I feel bad I don't care "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked and I should have knocked I just heard singing so I came to see who it was because I didn't know we share a dorm bathroom. And your a really good singer by the way." Did you seriously just say that like get a grip Malfoy "Whatever just leave me alone and next time knock you perv" she says leaving and locking the door to her room. I walk back and unpack my things
Once I'm done I walk in the bathroom and hear people talking in Elizabeth's room but I ignore it and take a shower. After I get out I put on my underwear and sweatpants and start to brush my teeth when someone walks in. I notice that Elizabeth is starting at me "Like what you see Foster" I say say "Shove off Malfoy" She said with a scold "I just need some towels" "what's going on in there? You know you aren't allowed to have people over" "yeah like you listen to that rule and it's none of your business" "fine but learn how to knock" "learn how to lock a door" she says grabbing the towels and walking back in her room Why do I let her get away with talking to me like that it's like I can't stop her all I can do is come back with more until she gets the last word. I don't know how she does it, she's the only one in the whole school who talks to me like that
Once he gets here we watch a few movies and decide to prank Elizabeth so we go in the bathroom and put saran wrap on her door so that when she walks in the bathroom she will walk into it and fall. Then we do the same to her main door. After that we continue to watch movies until we fall asleep.
I was being woken up to cold ass water being pored on my head "WHAT THE FUCK" I yell jumping out of bed "that's what you get for pranking me" "It wasn't just me what did you do to Zabini" "oh nothing he told me about my main door so we decided to not do anything to him, for now" she said "well how did you get in my room" "Alohamora, it's like a first year spell" "Fine whatever get out"
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