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After a few days of running around, shopping for Sam's birthday party, we took a break. Today is the 27th. His birthday is today! 22! What!

Ok so the party is when he is done with his date with Kat. We set up decorations while he's with her. He doesn't even know. He's been asking why were always leaving but it's cause it's for his birthday.

"You excited! Today is your birthday!" Corey freaked out. He was so excited.

"Well, 22? Dang." Sam chuckled while we sat on the couch. I smiled with Sam and colby sitting on both sides of me.

"Well man. I'm still 21." Colby implied, getting a laugh out of me. Remember I laugh at everything.

"Colby you look older than Sam though." Jake came walking in out of the kitchen.

"A lot older maybe about 65." He joked around, but somehow everyone laughed. Jake being his stupid self.

"Well, I bet Kat's excited to go on that date." I smiled, breaking the silence of smiled around me.

"Oh yea, can't wait for that. One hour." He said, hopping up and down in his seat. He was so excited. One hour until decorations. His date is during lunch time which is perfect! That way we can invite others to come and suprize him when he gets here.

"Colby? Can we talk for a moment?" Jake asked while taking his last bite of captain crunch. Colby's presence left the couch. I just saw him walk away, following my brother, into the other living room. I'm confused on why that was happening but we continued our conversation.

"Rae, how's you and Colby doing?" Aaron asked making me smile in the memory of our first kiss.

"Great, perfect." I look up at them, seeing all the smirks in the room.

In fact I wanted to kiss him right now. I miss it. I want it again. When he gets back, it'll happen.

Colby and Jake can walking back out of their hiding spot behind the wall. We all looked up at them as Colby sat next to me and Jake just stood in from of us.

"Well what did you talk about?" Corey asked. I want to kiss him, but now doesn't seem right.

"Something. Now a few of us needs to get groceries. Volunteers?" Jake asked like he was the leader of a committee. I immediately rose my hand up, even though I don't like getting groceries, but I knew it was for Sam's birthday.

"Ok, Rae and?" Colby stuck his hand up to take the last spot.

"Rae and Colby. Great, now go birds!" Jake shouts in a weird voice with a high tone. As me and Colby walked towards the door, I looked back to see Sam looking over at me and same for Aaron. Why? I don't know.

Colby opened the door up for me to step through over the threshold. I smiled breathing in fresh air. I ran over to the car, pulling the handle thinking it was unlocked.

"Geez, hold up." Colby chuckled while unlocking the car doors from far aways. I stepped in the passenger's seat. Me hopping up and down, I didn't realize that Colby even got in. I looked around to see he's not even in the car. I opened up the door then stepped out, very carefully. I looked around then...

"BOO!" Colby shouts right in my ear from behind the door. I jumped immediately from the noise and shock.

"What the f- heck!" I corrected myself. I didn't want to curse outloud. It's not exactly my thing. I just fell to my knees and laughed at myself, bobbing my head down.

"What's going on?" Colby implied with a funny tone to it. He bent down to one knee, making me look up at him, the smile, the dimples, the teeth appeared on his face. He slowly felt my chin with his hand and pulled me close to him. I leaned feeling our lips touch. I smiled in this moment. Third times not the charm, it was the first.

As he pulled away, still holding my cheek, he stood up with me following his steps. He walked around the car as I stepped back into the passengers seat.

"I've wanted to kiss you." I whispered to myself but he apperantly heard.

"Me too." He blasted up the car engine and there we go. We took off leaving the mansion. I felt my lips, feeling how numb and plump they were from the kiss (not like they were having a reaction). They were in love with his. I loved those frozen moments we have, where we just stare at each other, gazing into each other's eyes.

"Rae, what should we get?" He asked while turning into Wal-Mart, since it was the closest thing right at the moment.

"Um, I'll head into the candy and desert to get cake and candy, you can get whatever snacks you think we need." I replied looking over towards him as we park.

He quickly turned the keys out of the ignition and swung the ring holding them around his finger. We both stepped out, feeling the breeze shake our hairs.

"Alright meet ya." He snapped his fingers into some gun motion as we both separated. I replied with the same thing but it seemed as if he was too far away.

I sighed and looked for the section with candy. I looked through a section with baking goods then finally reached the candy isle.

I took a few steps, looking through all the candy, and find my favorite; Reeses. I love them to death. I grabbed a giant bag of the individual wrapped one's, and tossed it into the basket. Right next to it was a mix ofsnickers, Hershey chocolate, and Twix. I shrugged to myself and tossed that bag right in. I began to walk down the isle to find M&Ms, a mix of different kinds. I tossed that aswell, then turned to see a certain someone

"Hey Mason!" I waved, trying to get his attention from the end of the isle. He turned around and showed a smile seeing me in his presence.

"Hey!" He waved then walked a few steps closer.

"Watchya doing here?" He asked, looking at all the candy in my basket.

"Well one of my best friends is having a birthday party, but secret. I should invite you!" I smiled pulling out my phone.

"Sure, I have nothing planed." He replied, looking down at my phone screen. I quickly logged in with my password and pulled up some information.

"I'm not sure if I got your number so can you write it down?" I asked, he nodded in reply, pulling out a pen from his pocket, while I pull out a piece of paper from my pocket.

I handed it over to him while stuffing my phone back into my back pocket. What sucks is that girls don't have big front pockets, which I LOVE!

"Here! Text me the info." He made a sign saying, "call me" up to his ear as he hands the piece of paper over. I nodded while he slowly backed up.

"See ya tonight or later! He waved with his precious smile, showing off his dimples that can't get Bette than Colby's.

I waved back as he left the isle. I did the same. I left the isle to access the cake section of the bakery. I chose a cake with Sam's favorite color, which um I forgot. I chuckled to my stupidness in forgetting something about my best friends. I face palmed and just searched for a cake every one enjoys.

I justchose a vanilla cake and a separate chocolate cake with words saying, "HAPPY birthday Sam!" Yea, extra.

Not only that but I also got candles for him turning 22. I pulled out my phone to call Colby.

"Hey, you get everything?" He asked.

"Yea, got cake, candles, and candy. Not only that but I met my new friend in the candy isle." I smiled while joyfully speaking into the phone.

"Great! Who was it?"

"Someone I met while with tori and Aaron. His name is Masonex but is called Mason."

"That sounds amazing! Can't wait to meet him. Is he going to the party?"

"Yup! Just need to text the info, but are you ready to go cause I am."

"Yea. Meet me by the registers."

"Ok." I hung up and stashed my phone back in my pocket. I just love hearing that deep voice of his through the line. You just don't expect such a deep person from that great of a guy. You just don't, but it fits. It fits him well.

I met him by the self check-out registers, paying for the deserts while he paid for snacks.

We walked out with a few bags in our hands.

"Sooo." Colby dragged out mysteriously once we got back to his Corolla (not sure how to spell the car name).

"So what?" I asked while stealing his bags and placing them down in the back seat. I brought the two cakes with me up front so they wouldn't fall.

"Well tell me about your friend." He said,it seems as if he could be jealous.

"Okay?" Uncertain of what to say I just spoke my thought.

"Well, we met when I was with tori at the restaurant. He's a waiter and was bored so he sat down and got to know is. He's really cool and enjoy him. I can't wait for you guys to meet him. You'll love him." I replied while pulling up his message contact on my phone.

"Yea, I can't wait too." The engine started up,roaring as loud as it could.

"Are you okay with me hanging a guy friend like him?" I asked, looking away from the phone. Colby sighed and tapped the steering wheel.

"Yes, be friends with anyone, but it's to a certain extent." I nodded, understanding.

"Yea I know. Trust me, I'll never like anyone else but you, Colby. I love you." I paused in the moment. Not realizing I said I love you. My mouth dropped at him not replying. Now I've always loved him but the thing is is that this is actual LOVE.

"I love you too, Rae." My mouth closed by him automatically shutting it as we drove out of the parking lot.

I love him with all my heart.


I hope you guys enjoyed that really long chapter. I don't usually Greta long chapter, but I wanted a lot of "stuff" in this chapter so there it is!!


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