Chapter Ten

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Maggie walked out of the door with Alex behind her, closing the door.
"So," Maggie started, "I've never seen you smile like that before.".
Alex rolled his eyes and glared at Maggie. Maggie smiled and laughed quietly.
"I'm glad she has you and i'm glad you have her. I know people who want to-" Maggie stopped.
Alex raised his eyebrows, "Want to do what?".
Maggie looked Alex in the eyes and hesitantly started speaking again. "I know people who are after her. Keith was one of them and I heard what happened the other day. To be honest, I'm not even mad that he's dead. The entire time he told me that he was going after her, I was scared for her and her sons.".
"You knew and you didn't tell me?" Alex snapped, "She could've died! She wouldn't have made it out of there if I wasn't there! Her sons would've watched their mother get raped by two men that barely knew her!".
Alex was furious; his face was red with rage.
"I- Keith told me not to tell you or anyone or he would've killed me!" Maggie cried.
Alex put his hands on his hips and sighed loudly, turning to look anywhere but Maggie. After a minute of nobody talking, Alex finally turned back to Maggie and looked at her with his stoic face.
"Who's going over to your house?" Alex asked
"Keith's workers. I'm not in it but they have to meet up where my brother used to live." Maggie explained.
Alex let his face relax a little but not much. He started nodding and looked Maggie in the eyes, "Call me if they say anything about Norma, alright?".
Maggie nodded, "I will. And please, Alex. Don't let her or the boys out of your sight.".
Alex nodded and looked at the door, ready to go inside.
"Well, I'm gonna go," Maggie said, walking off.

Alex didn't say anything, he just walked closer to the door and opened it.
"Oh! Alex, one more thing," Maggie said, turning around.
"Yes?" Alex asked, with a sigh.
"The boys were talking earlier and they both agreed that they wanted you to be their father. It was sweet because they were talking about how cool it would be to have a dad that was a sheriff." Maggie explained, laughing softly.
Alex smiled and nodded, "Goodnight, Maggie.".
Maggie nodded and walked to her car, getting in, and driving off.
Alex had walked inside and looked at the two sleeping boys. They looked peaceful and carefree. It made Alex happy knowing that Norma and her kids were staying with him and that they were safe.
Alex walked over to the boys and picked Dylan up gently, walking him upstairs and into the guest bedroom, tucking him in and moving a piece of hair out of the young boys face. Alex then walked back downstairs and got Norman, doing exactly what he did to Dylan.
Norma looked at herself in the bathroom mirror, she was wearing the same silk nightgown. Her eyes were bright and her face was glowing. She couldn't believe her and Alex went on a date together, it felt like a dream.
"Norma?" Alex called, from outside the bathroom door.
Norma opened the door and walked out.
"I put the boys in their beds," Alex said, shyly.
Norma smiled, "Thank you.".
The couple stared lovingly at each other.
"I'm gonna take a shower, but I'll be done soon. We can talk afterward." Alex stated, kissing Norma's forehead and walking into the bathroom.
"Alex," Norma whispered.
"Yes?" Alex asked, playing with Norma's hair as she laid on him.
"I'm scared to go back to the motel. I'll be alone there and since Sam is out of jail, I'm scared for my boys." Norma whispered
"I promised to protect you and that's what's gonna happen. I'll stay at the motel if you'd like me to." Alex said, closing his eyes.
"I can't ask you to do that. You have your own house that you probably wanna stay at." Norma stated, quickly.
"Norma, be quiet. I'm just asking. Do you want me to stay there or not?" Alex asked
"Y-Yes, I would like you to stay at the motel," Norma replied
"Then it's settled. We'll go back whenever you're ready to go." Alex whispered, slowly falling asleep.
Norma nodded, "Goodnight, Alex.".
Alex smiled, "Goodnight, Norma.".
Norma smiled wide and got closer to Alex, looking for more warmth. Alex wrapped his arms around Norma's frail body and hugged her, kissing the top of her head, and letting himself fall asleep.
Norma kissed Alex's neck and let herself fall asleep as the incredible man that laid next to her, clouded her mind.
One Week Later~
Norma decided to go back to the motel on the fourth day of staying with Alex. She really didn't want to go back but she had to run the motel, and she didn't want to intrude on Alex any longer, even though he was going to stay at the motel.
Norma was sitting in the front of the office, reading through some files about the motel, as her boys sat in the back, watching tv on the computer and drawing.
Alex parked in Maggie's driveway and got out. Maggie ran out of her house and quickly walked over to Alex.
"What's wrong? Why'd you call?" Alex asked, worried that she might know another plan about Norma.
"Sam Bates. Does that ring a bell?" Maggie asked, hurriedly.
"Y-Yes, that's Norma's ex-husband," Alex replied, his mind racing.
"He's in White Pine Bay. I met him! He's now apart of Keith's business and his first decision is to get Norma back." Maggie explained.
Alex didn't hesitate, he got into his car, and started driving to the motel. As he drove, he turned on his sirens and called Norma.
"Hi, Alex," Norma answered, sweetly.
"I need you and the boys to go into a motel room and hide. I'm on my way." Alex stated, hurriedly.
"O-Okay. Alex w-what's wrong?" Norma asked
"I'll explain everything, I just need you to stay safe. Please just do what I say." Alex begged
"Okay, okay, we'll be in room twelve. I'll see you soon." Norma said, grabbing her boys and the key to room twelve.
"See you soon," Alex replied, hanging up and going faster than he already was.
Norma closed the door to the motel and ran to the motel room with the boys in front of her. Once in, she locked the door and sat against it, sighing heavily. She was a nervous wreck.
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