changbin had just went to go and buy water from the first floor. once he got back he heard a conversation with the guys.
"guys umm... I kind of cheated on changbin..." "what?! are you fucking serious right now felix?!!" "I'm sorry I din't mean to!!, I was drunk!!" "we heard that excuse before felix... we know your lying.." "I-..." "I'm disappointed of you felix hyung.." "seungmin I-"
"really felix?!.." "changbin! uh uhm.." "are you fucking serious right now?!!?!" "AHH YOU WERENT SUPPO-" "were fucking over!" changbin said walking out of the waiting room and slamming the door that made everyone flinch even the staff...
changbin ran to the bathroom and broke into tears, chan followed changbin incase he does something stupid. "AHHHH!!!" changbin shouted out of pain..
"binnie..." chan said almost in tears seeing the boy screaming in pain. "I HATE IT...I HATE IT!!!" changbin said hating the pain in hes heart...
chan approached the younger and pulled him into a hug. "its ok hyung is here... it's ok hyung is here" chan said letting hes tears fall... "it's o-ok h-hyung i-is here" chan said again crying in each stutter.
the two was just hugging each other not noticing minho and han watching them. "take it out take the pain out plss! it hurts... IT FUCKING HURTS!!" changbin said crying louder.
minho took action and went to hug the younger. "it's ok binnie hyungs and han is here ok? it's ok" minho said in a soft tone, han approached the olders and helds changbins hand. "it's ok hyung" han said rubbing changbins hands
changbin fell into asleep into their arms and the 3 decided to take changbin to minhos and chans shared room. "it's ok hannie we'll take care of him" "ok.." han said leaving the room.
In the morning.
changbin had just woken up to something hard and something placed obove hes body, he opened hes eyes and saw that he was sleeping on top of chans chest and a blanket covered him keeping him warm.
he tried to sit but chan pulled him back down. "AH!" chnagbin yelled. "shhh!!" chan whispered to hes ear. "let me go" "no" "yes" "no" "yes" "no" "yes" "no" "no" "yes" "HA! got you~ now let me go" changbin said proudly. the two bickerd for a while intil minho woke up and stole changbin from chan. "hey!" "I'll give you breakfast" "yaay!" changbin said happily on minhos arms.
once they got breakfast ready minho called everyone to come and eat. the 6 of them went downstairs and sat on the table. chan put food on all of thems plate.
they all started eating except felix he was in hes phone smilling. "felix put your phone down and eat" hyunjin said and felix obeyed.
"who was that?" "Sung-Ho.." "is that your lover" jisung said pissed. "n-" "actually no don't answere me I already know it is" jisung said rolling hes eyes. "hannie" changbin said giving a 'stop it' look and jisung got the memo and immidietly stoped
felix pov
"ok guys remember the drama I need to practice ok? so I need you guys to act with me. I'll use binnie as Hyun-Wo" "mhm" "hmm" thats all he got from the members and started acting.
"guys uhm...I kind of cheated on changbin.." "what?! are you fucking serious right now felix?!!" "I'm sorry I din't mean too!!, I was drunk?!!" felix said thinking they were acting with him. "we heard that esxuse before felix...we know you're lying.." "I-..." "I'm disappointed on you felix hyung..." "seungmin I-"
"really felix?!.." "changbin uh uhm.." felix said not knowing what to say cuz changbin wasn't suppose to hear him act it was suppose to be a suprise for changbin I guess?.. "are you fucking serious right now?!.." "AHH YOU WERENT SUPPO-" "were fucking over!" felix was speechless what was he suppose to say? did changbin not like hes acting?..
"hyung you disappointed me.." "w-what?..I was just ac-" "stop lying again hyung theres no use.." the others went home since the staff said that they can go
felix went first and went to hes room fast as possible not wanting to see anyone. he went to hes and I.Ns shared room... "were fucking over" "were fucking over.." those words was playing on felixs head over and over again he couldn't get it off hes head!...
he stoped thinking for a while and just went to bed.
IN the morning
felix woke up by a loud voice coming from downstairs. "WAKE UP EVERYONE!!" "it's was probably minho hyung" he said to himself and went downstairs. "good morning everyone" minho said sitting on hes sit. I went to mine and took out my phone seeing Sung-Ho my son I adopted last month texted me. I smiled at it and started typing.
hello papa!!
hello baby did you eat breakfast yet?
mhm! grandma made me eggs!!
ooo~ sounds delicious
did you eat daddy?
I'm eating right now baby. papa
has to go ok?
ok :( bye papa
bye baby
felix has just put hes phone down because of han... felix started eating and got another message
message from Sung-Ho☀️♥️
love you daddy!!♥️♥️♥️
felix smiled at hes phone again and went back to eating. felix had just finished he stood up and washed hes dirty dish. he walked to the couch and called Sung-Ho
"hello daddy!!"
changbins pov
felix had just finished eating and went to wash hes dish then went to the couch he called someone... I heard felix calling someone baby and sweatheart names that he used to call me. my tears threatened to fall but I stoped it. I saw the others looking at felix and death stared him..
I stared at them and telling them to stop it. until I heard felix laughing that was my last straw. "CAN YOU SHUT UP FELIX!!" I snaped.. I don't know why I snaped by I just did I felt like yelling at him.
I saw felix immidietly turned off the call and looked at me. "what?.." he said "what do you mean "what?" will you stop calling your lover?!!" "hes not my lover thoug..." "ha yeah right, who was that then?" "my son..." "son?.." felix nodded. "when did you have a son?" "since last month.. I mentioned him last week.." "l-last week?...t-then why did you say you cheated on me to the other menbers? t-then?" I said not giving up on the thing that he cheated. "Inwas acting... I told them I will pretend your name is Hyun-Wo the actor I will be acting with.." felix said and I had a shocked face h-how can I forget about that?!! I looked at the others and they were just shocked as I was... they probably werent listening to felix...
"I-Im gonna go.." felix said leaving the dorm.. "I-..."
thats it I don't know what else to put here sorry😅 I tried my best
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