Miss you- changbin x hyunjin

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in this chapter changbin is a little


"binnie stay still, hyunjin will be here soon, right now you have to eat" "nooo" changbin said starting to cry, well you see changbin misses hyunjin it's been a few hours since hyunjin left like about 4-5 hours?

"binnie, pls stop crying daddy will be here soon"
"nooo!!!! I want daddy!!" changbin said throwing a tantrum, changbin stood up from hes sit and walked to the living room and sat on the couch

the caregiver gave up, they couldn't hundle changbin anymore, changbin isn't really use to getting separated from hes caregivers, the caregiver always bring changbin anywhere they go, so this was new to changbin

"binnie lets make a deal" minho said catching the littles attention, "how about you do what we tell you to do and we will call daddy hyunjin when your done" changbin though about it and agreed

since minho and changbin made the deal, changbin has been a really good boy, and now he can call hyunjin, "c'mon binnie lets call daddy hyunjin hmm?" "ok!" changbin said exitedly

they called hyunjin and hyunjin answered after a few seconds, "oh hello guys and binnie" hyunjin said smilling through the screen, "hello daddy!!" changbin said happily

"when will you come home daddy?" "soon baby just a few more minutes then daddy will come home ok?" "but I miss you" changbin said putting a pout in hes lips, hyunjin touched the screen where changbins face were, "I miss you too, but wait a few more minutes ok" "ok.." changbin said tearing up but stoped it, hyunjin noticed and was hurting inside but he couldn't just leave the meeting so he just had to hold on

the call ended and changbin went to play with han and I.N, after being comforted by hes caregivers, soon after 30 minutes hyunjin was finally home, changbin ran to hes arms and din't let go, the two went to the bedroom and cuddles since it was changbins bed time


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