Chapter 6: The Mission, Jealousy, Dreams Discussed, Rescue, and The Gift

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A couple of days later, Sydney summons the Amazons to meet at the Camp for an announcement. Everyone, including Skye, comes to the camp to see what Sydney wants.

"Good afternoon, Amazons!" Sydney says. "Earlier today, I received a phone call from police chief Cortez asking for our assistance. Apparently, there has been suspicious activity at the warehouse complex's west end, possibly dealing with either drugs or stolen goods. Chief Cortez asked if we could do surveillance for the station."

"Why can't they do this?" Dre asks.

"Because they have a small force, and with Xena and Gabrielle on their sabbatical, she asked for our help," Sydney says seriously. "This is our first major mission; this will prepare us for later missions that we may have to do. If you don't want to help, I will understand. But remember, as the 21st-century amazons, it's our path to help the greater good. Who's in!"

All of the Amazons raise their hands, but Skye says, "I'm still not 100% back to normal, but I'll help any way I can, though."

Sydney looks at Skye and says, "Until you're a hundred percent better, I will have you doing surveillance work in the video room." Sydney then looks at Valerie and says, "Valerie, I'm going to have your pair with me. Cyane, you and Nyx will pair up."

"With all due respect, queen, Valerie isn't even an Amazon! Why does she have to come along!" Nyx proclaims.

"She's training," Sydney says seriously. "This will give her insight on what we stand for. Do you have a problem with that Nyx!?!"

Nyx looks at Valerie seriously and says, "No, queen."

"Ok then, Cyane and I will set up positions and times for your groups," Sydney says as she looks at the Amazons. "I know all of you will take it upon yourself to help the police with this mission. Let's show them that we are a fierce tribe who can help the greater good, just as Xena and Gabrielle do!"

The tribe claps in agreement then start to leave. Sofi and Nixie surround Valerie talking to her as Nyx looks on with a severe look on her face. Dre walks up to her and says, "You need to let this go, Nyx. You know Queen Sydney hates jealousy."

"I know," Nyx says. "I checked her background. Everything checks out from her life."

"Then why are you jealous?" Dre asks seriously. "What gives? Are you scared of something? Whatever it is, let it go! She's a sixteen-year-old kid who just may be a reincarnated Amazon!! Which I think is awesome. Let it go, Nyx! If you let this fester inside you, and you retaliate, Queen Sydney will have no choice but to banish you from the tribe!" Nyx storms out, leaving Dre with a serious yet worried look on her face.

The next night, Sydney and Valerie are on the top of a warehouse roof with binoculars. They are watching a warehouse, and Valerie says, "Queen, I want to thank you for taking me in the way you did. Nobody has taken time out for me the way you have. I've lived my whole life taking care of myself, trying to survive. And for you to do what you're doing means a lot to me. You didn't have to, you know, since I kicked the tribe's ass and everything."

Sydney smiles at Valerie and says, "You're welcome. And I think the tribe has forgiven you."

"Nyx hasn't," Valerie says. "Even though I apologized, she still avoids me."

Sydney looks at Valerie seriously and says, "Nyx doesn't like change. It freaks her out. She's a very competitive woman."

"So I'm a threat to her?" Valerie asks seriously.

"I hope not," Sydney says. "As I said, she hates anything new."

Valerie takes a breath and asks, "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it, Valerie?" Sydney asks.

"Did you always know that you were reincarnated?" Valerie asks.

"No, I started having memories and flashbacks a year ago," Sydney says.

"Can I ask what tribe you were from and the name you went by?" Valerie asks.

Sydney smiles and says, "My Amazon tribe was the Telaquire tribe, and my Amazon name was Ephiny."

Valerie's eyes get wide as she says, "Your tribe was one of the fiercest tribes ever! You even fought the Romans!"

"You've been reading a lot from the books I gave you, " Sydney says proudly.

"You and Gabrielle were like co-queens of that tribe," Sydney says.

"You could say that," Sydney says. "Is there anything else you want to ask or tell me?"

Valerie gets a weird look on her face and says, "It's kind of dumb."

"You can trust me, Valerie, " Sydney says with compassion. "Don't ever be afraid to talk to me, ok."

Valerie gets a conflicted look on her face and says, "Lately, I've been having these weird dreams."

"What kind of dreams, " Sydney asks curiously.

"Like I'm back in time, in an Amazon tribe like this, only from ancient times," Valerie says. "I'm looking through the eyes of an Amazon woman, and she seems very important."

"What else do you remember, Valerie?" Sydney asks.

"When I was reading some of the books of Artemis, I read about all the tribes combining to form one strong Amazon Nation. Later that night, I dreamt of this woman; some of her sisters went missing for days. Her queen went out looking for the lost Amazons, and it was days that she was gone. Xena and Gabrielle showed up, and that's all I remember. Queen, I think I knew Xena and Gabrielle in a past life!"

Meanwhile, at another rooftop warehouse, Nyx and Cyane are watching a southern warehouse. Cyane looks through her binoculars then notices Nyx just looking out at the mountains. "What's wrong, Nyx?" Cyane asks.

Nyx looks at her second in command and says, "Nothing!"

Cyane looks at her seriously and says, "Come on! I know when something is wrong with you."

Nyx looks at Cyane and says, "I don't like Valerie!"

"Why?" Cyane asks. "She apologized for giving you that black eye."

"I know," Nyx says.

"Then what is it?" Cyane asks. Nyx gives a conflicting look, and Cyane says, "Is it the fact that she just may be a reincarnated amazon?"

"Yeah! Yeah, it is!" Nyx yells. "This kid just came out of nowhere, kicked our asses, and Queen Sydney, all of a sudden, takes her under her wing and says she is a reincarnated amazon! Now all the other Amazon sisters are treating Valerie like she's one of us!! It's not right! This is bullshit, Cyane!"

"Nyx, I know you don't like change, but give Valerie a chance." Cyane says. "Or are you afraid that if she is a reincarnated amazon, she may be someone important?"

"The only people I bow to are Queen Sydney and Artemis!" Nyx says angrily.

"Don't let your jealousy get the best of you, Nyx." Cyane says. "I don't want to see you get banished from the tribe for something stupid as jealousy."

Back on the other warehouse rooftop, Sydney looks at Valerie, sort of shocked, and says, "It's ok, Valerie, I know you're scared right now. When flashbacks and memories were coming to me, I was scared also. We will help you through this."

"A few nights before I left Chicago, I had a dream that I was to come here, to Sedona. A voice told me that I would find not only my true self but my purpose for being here." Valerie says. "My whole life, I always felt like I never belonged anywhere, but since you took me in, I feel like I belong here, with the tribe. Queen, if I am a reincarnated amazon, who am I?"

Sydney looks at Valerie, smiles, and says, "I'm going to have you do a session with Nixie and Sofi. They will help unlock some things that are hiding inside of you."

"You're not freaked out by this?" Valerie asks.

"I'm going to tell you something, and I hope you're not angry, but when I saw you take out the tribe the way you did, I knew you were a reincarnate," Sydney reveals. "Cyane, Nixie, Sofi, and myself, we will help you through this, Valerie. I hope you're not angry with me."

"No queen," Valerie says.

Suddenly, trucks are heard pulling up to the warehouse that Cyane and Nyx are on top of. Men get out of the trucks, walk to the backs of the trucks, opening the cargo doors, and then opening the warehouse door. Valerie and Sydney watch through their binoculars as Sydney speaks into her earpiece and says, "Cyane, Nyx, try and get out of there without them seeing you."

Cyane listens into her earpiece, and she grabs Nyx, and they fly to the floor. "What the fuck!!" Nyx says. Cyane and Nyx peek over the rooftop and sees men unloading what looks like stolen goods. "How are we going to get away without them catching us, Cyane?"

"Let's wait until everyone is inside the warehouse, then get down and sneak away." Cyane says. Cyane and Nyx wait a couple of minutes, and when the group is inside the warehouse, they go down the ladder attached to the side of the building. They jump off the second ring and start to make a run for it when a group of five guys meets them.

"Hey! What are you doing around here?!?" one guy yells.

Cyane and Nyx grab their fighting staff from their back pockets, quickly unfolds them, and starts to fight them. Sydney and Valerie suddenly show up as more men run out of the warehouse with baseball bats, pipes, and other weapons. The Amazons and Valerie fight with the group of twenty plus men, disarming them, injuring them, and knocking some of the men unconscious. A man swings a lead pipe at Valerie, but she twists the guy's arm, making him drop the pipe, and proceeds to break his arm; he falls to the ground in agony. Cyane swing kicks a guy sending him into another guy, and they fall to the ground. Nyx runs up to the fallen men and bashes them in the head with her staff, then runs towards Sydney, who is fist fighting with another guy. Sydney punches the guy in the jaw knocking a few teeth out of his mouth, she then swing-kicks at him, and he lands on the ground, out cold.

Another man charges at Sydney, knocking her to the ground, but Nyx quickly pushes him off her. Sydney quickly gets up, and Nyx and Sydney take their staff and knock the guy out. "Are the cops coming!?" Nyx frantically asks.

"Yes!" Sydney says.

Cyane and Valerie subdue more men as Sydney and Nyx break away to help them. Sydney runs to Cyane and Valerie, and the three flawlessly knock another guy to the ground.

"Queen!" Nyx frantically yells.

Sydney, Cyane, and Valerie look over to a very scared Nyx and see her being held at gunpoint by a guy.

"Put your weapons down, and she doesn't get hurt!" proclaims the man.

Sydney, Cyane, and Valerie put down their staff, and Sydney says, "Let her go!"

"No way!" says the man. "I'm not going down for this. She's coming with me! If you send the cops after me, she gets a bullet in her head."

"Hey! Take me!" Valerie says.

"Are you crazy!" the man says.

"I'm the new kid; I don't have anything to lose," Valerie says. "It looks like you're selling stolen goods. I can help. I know how to get you top dollar for all that loot. I know people!"

"You're bluffing." the man yells.

"I know people in Chicago that would pay top dollar for that stuff," Valerie says. "Let her go! Take me instead. Dude! Listen to me! I'm a thief just like you. Take me with you, and I'll make it worth wild." Valerie starts to walk near the man and Nyx. The man points his gun at Valerie. "Come on, man! Let her go!" The man pushes Nyx away and grabs Valerie, only for Valerie to do a backward headbutt, knocking him out cold. Just then, Maria and the police show up and take over the situation.

"Are you ladies ok?" Maria asks.

"Yeah, I think so," Sydney says. "Nyx, are you ok?"

"Yeah, just a little shaken up," Nyx says. "I've never been held at gunpoint before."

Sydney looks over at Valerie and says, "That was amazing, Valerie! Good job!" Sydney looks at Maria and says, "If it weren't for Valerie, we would've had a hostage situation."

Maria looks at Valerie and says, "Good job, kid!"

Valerie smirks a little as Cyane says to Nyx, "She saved your life, Nyx."

Nyx stares at Valerie and says, "It still doesn't change the way I feel about her."

"You could've been killed!" Cyane says. "Let this go! Please!" Nyx scoffs a bit, then walks off, leaving Cyane with an angry look on her face.

The next day at the camp, all of the Amazons are gathered for a celebration. Food and drinks are set up, and Sydney and Cyane walk out of Sydney's office.

"Ladies! Our first mission was a success!" Sydney says. "Granted, a lot of you weren't there, but Cyane, Nyx, Valerie, and I were able to take down the stolen good ring and apprehend the bad guys."

The Amazon's cheer in excitement as Sydney continues, "There was a scary moment where we may have lost Nyx, but Valerie was able to handle the situation, and she ended up saving Nyx's life."

All of the Amazons pat Valerie on the back as Nyx seriously watches her from a distance.

"Valerie, you did a great job. I am so proud of you." Sydney says. Sydney then walks to a closet and comes out with a leather guitar case and hands it to Valerie, "this is for you."

Valerie's eyes get wide with excitement as she takes the guitar and says, "Queen! You didn't have to do this!"

"You stepped up big time, Valerie," Sydney says. "You've proven that you can be one of us. You said you played on the streets to survive. Now you can play here, for your Amazon sisters, at your home."

Valerie takes the guitar out of its case and examines it. "This is beautiful Thank you, queen!" Valerie proclaims. She checks to see if it is tuned, which it is, and she strums a quick song. "Any requests!" Valerie says happily.

"Do you know any Halestorm?" Lexi asks.

"Do I!" Valerie proclaims as she starts to play the intro to "I Am The Fire." Suddenly she starts singing as she flawlessly plays. All of the Amazons look on in pride as Valerie sings and plays the requested song. Nyx looks on as a single tear runs down her face. She then quietly leaves the group with a conflict look on her face.

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