Chapter 5: A Small Rift, Xena and Liz Bond and Ares and Liz Meets

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Ares walks into a meditation room and sees Callisto meditating. She opens her eyes, looks at him, and asks, "So, did you get the information that you wanted about that woman?"

"Yes and no," Ares says. "I think she will work out to our advantage, though."

Callisto gets up, walks to him, and asks, "How so?"

"Let's just say she reminds me of a past flame," Ares says, smirking.

Callisto gets an angry look on her face and says coldly, "You better not go back on your word just because some bitch from this period looks like an old flame of yours!"

"Chill out! You'd be surprised by who she was!" Ares says seriously. "Why are you afraid of her? I brought you back, though, in an unconventional way. You should be grateful!"

Callisto grabs Ares's neck and says, "Don't make me regret this!"

Ares pushes her back and says, "Don't make me send you back to where I found you!"

Callisto gets a scared look on her face and says, "You wouldn't!!"

"I'm the God of War, remember that!!" Ares says in anger. "I can snap my fingers, and you'd be back in Tartas in a moment's notice! I control you! You remember, the last time you were alive, Xena let you die in quicksand! I rescued you, gave you another chance!" Ares says."Don't test me! I can put you back in the bowels of Hell in a moment's notice!"

"And our sacrifice!?!" Callisto asks. "She is letting me use her! What happens to her if you do this?"

"She's serving our purpose," Ares says coldly. Just another sacrifice. Why? Are you attached to her?"

Callisto smirks and says, "You could say that! I don't know if it's the fact that we look alike or that she was just so willing to give herself up for me."

"Your heart is getting softer," Ares says.

Callisto gets an angry look on her face and says, "Never!" Callisto starts to walk around, then asks Ares, "So, this old flame, she must have been a rival to Xena?"

"Sort of," Ares says, smirking. "As I said, if you knew who she was back then, you'd reconsider your threats,"

"Enlighten me? Who was this woman that captured your heart yet battled Xena?" Callisto asks.

Ares smirks and says, "She was Gabrielle and Xena's daughter." Callisto gets a shocked look on her face as Ares continues. "I know you are thinking how is that possible, but Xena and Gabrielle did have a daughter."

"Tell me all about her!" Callisto proclaims in excitement. "Tell me about Xena's daughter, this warrior who hated her mother as much as I do!"

"All I'm going to say is that it was complicated," Ares says, smirking.

"And this woman in today's time looks exactly like her?" Callisto asks. "What's her name?"

"Liz Panos," Ares says as he stares at Callisto. "You just stay focused on Xena and Gabrielle; I can handle Liz, maybe get her to help us." Callisto gets an evil grin on her face, and Ares says, "Don't get any ideas! You will regret it!" Callisto glares at him as she cooks up a plan inside her head.

The next day, Xena walks into the briefing room and sees Liz, who happily reads Gabrielle's blogs. Liz looks up, smiles, and says, "Hi Xena!"

Xena gives a slight smirk and says, "Hi, Agent Panos."

"Please call me Liz," Liz says.

"Ok," Xena says. "Is Shaw here?"

"Not yet. Can I help you?" Lisa asks.

"I was just wondering if there are any new leads on any of the cases involving Callisto?"

"Nothing yet," Liz says.

"Ok, Gabrielle and I will be back later," Xena says as she starts to leave.

"Xena! Wait!" Liz says as Xena turns back around and looks at her, "Can I ask you some questions?"

"About?" Xena asks suspiciously.

Liz smiled at her and said, "I have been reading Gabrielle's scrolls, I mean blogs, and even though I was at first skeptical about the two of you being reincarnated, seeing you in action yesterday just blew me away!" Xena smiles as Liz continues to say, "Where did you learn to do that?!"

"Various teachers," Xena says as she sits across from Liz. "Some bad, some good. Plus warlords and Amazons."

"It must have been exciting," Lisa says.

Xena looks to the ground and says, "As the Destroyer of Nations, my goal was to kill and conquer the world. I was in a dark place."

"Who changed you? Gabrielle?" Liz asks seriously.

Xena smiles and says, "Hercules set me on the right path, but it was Gabrielle who taught me about the greater good not only in others but myself also."

"Hercules?" Liz questions. "As in the demigod Hercules?"

"The very one," Xena says. "He was going to kill me, but then, he showed me that I had a purpose in life to be a better person and that I was worth saving. It wasn't until I met Gabrielle that she taught me how to be that better person."

"You truly love her, don't you?" Liz asks.

"Yes. She is my soulmate, lover, and best friend." Xena says, smiling. "We are destined to be together forever."

Liz smiles then says, "Your love for each other created your daughter."

Xena smirks at Liz and says, "Yes, but we had some help."

"Callisto?" Liz asks.

"Yes. I created the monster that made Callisto who she was." Xena says. "She was just a young girl, But I destroyed her village and killed her family. The pain, anger, and revenge she had for me was my doing. It wasn't until I made a huge sacrifice for her that she forgave me by helping Gabrielle and I create our daughter, Eve."

"By reincarnating herself as your daughter?" Liz asks.

"Yeah," Xena says as she smiles at Liz. "You've been reading Gabrielle's vlogs."

Liz smiles and says, "I can't stop reading them."

"Haven't you gotten any sleep? You look tired." Xena asks.

"I only sleep four, maybe five hours a night," Liz says. "Something I've always done."

"Same here." Xena says as her phone buzzes; she looks at it and says, "Well, that's Gabrielle. She's finally awake. If she had her way, she could sleep until noon."

"Not a morning person, I see?!?" Liz says, smirking.

"She never was! Back in ancient times, I had to drag her out of her sleep so we could get moving to our next mission." Xena says. "I better go get her. We'll be back this afternoon to see if any more leads come in."

Xena gets up to leave when Liz says, "Xena!" Xena turns around and looks at her. "Thank you for sharing your history with me." Liz continues to speak. "I'm so glad I met you and Gabrielle."

Xena smiles at Liz and says, "Same here, Liz."

A couple of hours later, Liz is on her phone with her team, talking about the leads while Shaw is looking through some files. "The first two leads didn't pan out, huh," Liz says. "What about the third one?" Liz gets an excited look on her face and then says, "Oh really! That's excellent! Send me all the info on this woman. I want her whole life story by the end of the day! Ok, thanks. Bye!" Liz hangs her phone up, looks at Shaw, and says, "That third woman most likely matches the perk!"

"Are you sure?" Shaw asks.

"Ninety-eight percent sure! Just waiting on her life story!" Liz says. "From what my team said, she fits Callisto's profile!"

"Ok!" Shaw says happily. "Great job Liz!"

"Thanks!" Liz says. "You were right about Xena and Gabrielle! They are the real deal!"

Shaw smiles and asks, "What changed your mind?"

"I actually sat and talked to both of them!" Liz says.

"Wow! You talked to Xena! I'm impressed." Shaw says. "Normally, she's the silent type!"

Liz chuckles and says, "When I'm not analyzing everyone and everything, I can interact with people!"

Shaw looks around her desk and says, "I forgot a file in my hotel room; I'll be right back."

"Ok," Liz says as Shaw leaves the briefing room. Liz opens up her laptop and starts to read one of Gabrielle's blogs. "Ok, let's read about Eve!"' Liz says in excitement. As she starts to read, Ares suddenly appears, causing Liz to draw her gun quickly at him. "What's going on! Who are you!"

Ares smiles at her and says, "You can put the gun down, Liz."

"I said, who are you! How did you suddenly appear right in front of me?" Liz says angrily.

"My name is Ares," he says. "I'm the God of War."

Ares takes another step forward, and Liz orders," Don't take another step! I will shoot!"

Ares looks over at Liz's computer screen, smirks, and says, "I see you're reading one of Gabrielle's blogs. You're reading about their daughter, Eve."

"What's it to you!" Liz angrily says."How do you know them?"

"Let's just say we've known each other for centuries," Ares says. "If Xena didn't hook up with the irritating blonde, she would have been mine, along with Eve."

"I doubt that!" Liz says seriously. "Their love for each other has spanned eternities!"

"Yeah, whatever," Ares says.

"I see I'm dealing with someone with ego problems," Liz says in a taunting way. "Can't handle the fact that Gabrielle captured Xena's heart!'

Ares gets an angry look on his face, waves his hand, and Liz's gun goes flying to the other side of the room. He walks up to her, gently caresses her face, and says, "You don't know them as I do."

"Get your hand off me!" Liz seriously says.

Ares smiles at her and says, "Wow! It's like I'm looking into the past when I see you!" Liz grabs his arm, twists it to his back, and slams his head on a desk. "Wow! You are fisty! Just like her too."

"I don't know who you're talking about, but I'm placing you under arrest for assaulting a federal agent!" Liz says in anger as she takes her other hand and goes to grab her handcuff. Ares, though, gets the upper hand and corners her up against the desk. He seductively stares deep into her eyes and says, "You want to know about Eve! Let me tell you about her!"

"She was the Messenger of Eli! I know that!" Liz says seriously.

"Oh yeah, but there was a different side to her, one that I only knew!" Ares says. "Either you haven't read about that part, or Xena and Gabrielle haven't told you!" Liz stares coldly at him as he continues to say, "In fact, there's a couple of things Xena and Gabrielle left out that you really need to know."

Suddenly Ares gets pulled off Liz, and Xena punches him in the face and swing kicks him, causing him to fly into the wall, while Gabrielle gets in front of Liz with her Sais out, ready to battle.

"Don't you dare touch her, Ares!" Xena yells.

Ares looks at Xena, smiles, and says, "Hi Xena! I see we're playing protective mom here!"

"Shut up!" Xena says.

"She needs to know the truth, Xena!" Ares says.

Xena gets out her sword and says, "Not from you!"

Xena goes to swing at Ares as the scene fades out.

Meanwhile, at Shaw's hotel room, she walks into the room and grabs the file from her bed. She goes to turn around only to have Callisto come up from behind her. She drops the file as Callisto but a dagger to her throat.

"Well, now! I finally get to meet her look-alike!" Callisto says in her signature psychotic voice. "You are going to help me draw out Xena and Gabrielle!

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