Chipmunk & Pikachu

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Age 6 & 7

"Marry me!" A brunette shouts at you, furrowing both of your brows as strands of your hair get blown off by the wind. Same for the brunette, who happens to share the same haircut with you, but she didn't bother and glued her eyes on you.

"What? What's "Marry me?" " That was the first you've blurted out to her as you air quoted her.

"Let's make babies!" You furrowed your brows more, looking thoroughly at the brunette who is very weird like Spongebob you've seen from your TV at Home.

"Do you even know how to make babies?" You ask, doubting that this kid might be spitting nonsense, and also, you were slightly curious as well, so how did your parents make you and Alice?

Park Alice, your old sister used to tell you that a duck delivered you to your parents at the doorway. You wondered if that is possible, if so, then how did a mere duck create a human baby? Surely they're not half duck and half human right? One human and one duck if you plus them both. Weird

"I don't know, but I'll marry you," The kid says in front of you. You furrowed your brows more, confused, and opened your mouth to say something when someone else says something first.

"You're too straightforward, Jisoo," Ms. Bae says, offering both of her hands at you and the brunette who is currently sitting on the chair beside you, "And also, don't you think you're a little young for that? And also, Jisoo, do your colors now or else your Mama Kim is going to give you vegetables for a month." You see how the brunette furrowed both of her brows as she pouts. You thought it's a little bit cute, but laughed afterwards.

"You're still not done with your colors? That must be sad. Do you want me to help you?" You said nicely and saw the brunette's eyes turning from sad to immediately energetic one.

"You will?" She asks you, excitedly.

You nodded your head at her, smiling as well.

"I'm Jisoo!" She says, loudly, facing her body on you and then reaches out her other hand to you.

"I'm Chaeyoung." You said, taking her hand on your hand for a handshake, and smiled.

That was the start of your friendship with Jisoo.

Age 9 & 10

"Marry me," You hear something on your left and glanced at the brunette who sat beside your left. The two of you were sitting on the couch, watching Tangled, shoulder pressed against each other, and you felt her move, facing her body towards you.

You remembered, after Meeting Jisoo at school, you immediately asked your sister, "What does "Marry me?" mean?" And you could only think it's a bad thing when you see your sister gasped, eyes wide open, and immediately asked:

"Why? Did someone already asked for your hand for marriage?" You thought she sounded mad, but if you lie in front of her right now. She'll get more mad, so you nod your head at her, "There is. Her name is Jisoo," You said.

You saw how your sister smiled teasingly at you, "I see." She says, flashing the smile you hated when your sister Alice teases you about something.

"Anyway, so "Marry me," She air quotes, "Means to tie a knot together with the person you love and grow old with them together." Your sister said and frowned at her, confused more. Tie a knot together? What does that mean? You can see your sister looked at you, again with the smile you hated, and said:

"It's okay, Rosie posie, you're still young. Don't think through that much and ignore it." Your sister said, reaching out to ruffle your hair. You pouted, you did not like it when Alice ruffles your hair, because it'll get messy.

So you left Alice's room that night. You wanted to ignore it, but your curiosity got the best of you. Alice was useless, so you thought you'll go to your parents and ask what marriage means.

You knocked at their bedroom door, the bedroom where your parents stay, and after a couple of minutes waiting. You hear a click and see your Father who you thought just woke up and widened his eyes when he sees you.

"Roseanne, baby," Your father calls you out, bending his knees, and opens his arm for you to hug him.

You leaned closer and hugged him, "What's wrong? Did you have bad dreams?" Your father asked and you shake your head at your father.

"No, papa. I'm a big girl now," You smiled, distancing yourself from your father's hug, "But I do have some question to ask." You said.

"What is it, sweetheart?"

At first, you were hesitant to ask your father the question, but when you felt your father tugging softly and caressing your hand. You thought why not give it a go?

"What does marriage mean?"

Your father stares at you, making you feel uneasy, but when your father starts to smile, you also start to smile.
"Aren't you a little bit too young for that, baby? Hmm,"

"Papa please..." You pouted, "I just want to know what that means so I can sleep peacefully." You playfully tugged his arm, wanting him to give up, and answer your question that has been bugging you since meeting Jisoo.

Your could hear your father's warm laugh then reach out to cup both of your cheeks in his palm, "Marriage is where you grow old together with the person you love, Rosie. You grow old with the person you love, stay by their side no matter how tough, support them, and take care for each other."

"Just like you and mama?"

Your saw your father flashes a dreamy smile, "Just like Mama and Papa,"

After talking with your father, you asked yourself whether you wanted to grow old with Jisoo. Do you love Jisoo? You thought she's cute, she's nice, and a little bit loud which is making your ears deaf. You sigh, feeling a sudden mild headache from all the thinking. You decided to shrug it off, thinking she won't bring it to you again.

Back to the present, where you are nine years old and Jisoo is ten years old. You were positive that she won't bring it back again, but then, Jisoo proved you wrong.

Jisoo was still looking at your eyes, twinkling like Eugene's eyes, from the character of tangled, when he looked at Rapunzel.

You shake your head in response with a smile and you could see Jisoo was still smiling, and was the first to turn her attention to the movie like she did not say anything about marriage just now. Eventually, you followed what Jisoo did and wondered if Jisoo knew what she was asking.

Age 13 & 14

"Marry me!" You winced at how loud Jisoo's voice is, the microphone was totally helping Jisoo to make everyone's ears go deaf in the venue.

It was recognition day. The day where the teachers held an event for the honor and high honor students and gave their handcrafted medals. You are thirteen now and Jisoo is fourteen. You two were invited to go to recognition day, because you are an honor student while Jisoo is the valedictorian of her year.

Now, Jisoo was making her speech, but you didn't really listen much to it. You knew it was made by the school and Jisoo is only reading them, because the school told her to do so. It was boring until you groaned at the sudden pitch from the microphone.

Jisoo said it again.

You found your eyes staring at Jisoo and Jisoo did the same, but with a cheeky grin. You rolled your eyes and shaked your head to the brunette earning a look from the other students, but chose to ignore. You could see Jisoo pout for a second, but then disappeared in an instant and smiled more. You sometimes wondered what is going on in her head.

"Okay..." Ms. Kang trails off, "that was a nice speech coming from Ms. Kim. Please give Ms. Kim a round of applause." She says, flashing an awkward smile to everyone and making Jisoo return to her seat.

And Jisoo did return to her seat which is a little bit far away from you. You found your eyes following her figure and she caught you staring at her. You tried to stop your chuckle when you saw her wiggling her eyebrows at you and mouthed, "Congratulations."

You mouthed the same and Jisoo flashes her smile more.

Around that time, there was something lurking inside you when you saw her smile. You shrugged it off, thinking it's because you're now one of the honor students and you'll be making your parents proud.

Age 16 & 17

"Marry me," You heard a yell from the hallway. Somehow, you already know who's voice it is and know who that person is. You smiled at yourself when you immediately recognized it. Feeling proud, though you don't know why.

You turned your back and immediately found the brunette's eyes, twinkling like how it twinkled back when you were nine and she was ten. She's looking at you the way Eugene looked at Rapunzel, and since you're sixteen. You started to have an idea what Eugene really felt for Rapunzel. While thinking about that, you couldn't help but to get flustered.

You bit your bottom lip, feeling the anticipating stares of the students. You shake your head in response and swore you could see disappointment in some students' eyes.

However, in Jisoo's eyes, there was no disappointment or perhaps Jisoo is just good at hiding it. You see Jisoo running to your way, entangled both of your arms with hers and she leaned closer to place her head at your shoulder. You couldn't see her face, so you don't know what she's feeling at the moment, and decided to brush it off.

A part of you was disappointed, you at least expected Jisoo will show emotion to you. Or maybe, Jisoo is just totally joking about marrying you.

Age 18 & 19

"Marry me," Jisoo said, quietly but still loud enough due to the microphone.

You could hear the screams of the girls and roaring of the boys, but you didn't mind them. Instead you focused your eyes at what's in front of you. That line wasn't for you and somehow, you found yourself wanting to be the same class as Jisoo to be in Jennie's place. You sigh relentlessly at your sit and keep your gaze stable at Jisoo who's doing her best on the stage.

Today was a sports festival and your teacher told the president to choose a presentation to present to the whole school. You and your classmates were debating whether to do a school play or a food stall. In the end, your class chooses a food stall and you are in your break.

As for Jisoo, Jisoo told you that we're doing a play and she's partnered with the one and only, Kim Jennie from the Cheerleader team. Of course, you were happy that Jisoo got the role, but part of you was a little bit not happy to hear that. You wondered why you felt that, so made a mental note to ask your friend, Lisa, in the cafeteria later.

You snapped at your thoughts when you heard loud claps from other students. You also joined them and clapped along. When the play was done, you checked your watch, and noticed that your break is almost done, so you made your way to the backstage to meet Jisoo and say your goodbyes.

With a smile, you made your way to the backstage and found Jennie and Jisoo talking and laughing like they're on their own worlds.

You could feel your heart is feeling something unfamiliar and you could only bring your hand near to it, tapping it softly as if you're comforting it.

After that, you decided to walk away from them without Jisoo knowing. While you're on your journey on returning to the food stall, you saw your best friend, Lisa, crossing her arms as she waits for you near to your food stall.

You could see how she frowned when she saw your expression and how you held your hand closer to your chest, "Are you alright?" She asked, cupping both of your cheeks, and made you look at her.

You shake your head, "I'm fine." You said, looking away, and hoping the Thai will buy your lie.
"You're clearly not fine, Rosie. I know you look away when you lie,"

Lisa really knows you well, even your body language. She also knows them. You looked at her in the eyes, pouting slightly, and decided to tell her what is bothering you.

"It's Jisoo..." You whispered.

"What about Jisoo?"

You looked down and asked yourself: What about her? Jennie and Jisoo were only talking, so what's the problem?

"I don't know..." You trailed off, looking down, and started to fidget your finger like a child, "I saw them talking, they looked like they were lost in their own world." You honestly said.

"Why am I feeling this, Lis?" You desperately asked your friend.

Lisa looked at you, cupping your cheek with her other hand, and giggled, "You're really dense, aren't ya? You're jealous, silly."

You frowned at what the Thai said about you and opened your mouth, ready to deny that you're not jealous, but before you can say it to the Thai, Jisoo's loud voice echoed throughout the hallway causing you to look back and widened your eyes when you saw Jisoo still in her prince uniform and Jennie tailing behind her with a... smirk?

"Marry me," Jisoo yelled.

You freezed up in your position and you could hear your friend, Lisa, who is behind you is trying to restrain her laugh.
Everyone was staring at you, this time you could feel their stares were sharp and kind of serious. You were nervous, pretty nervous, and the fact that Lisa told you a while ago that you're jealous is not helping you at all. You? Jealous? Impossible. You don't look at Jisoo that way.

So why would you be jealous of Jisoo and Jennie?

You shake your head in response, earning a disappointed sigh from the students, but they just smile, because it was like every other time.

Age 22 & 23

"Can you be my girlfriend?" Jisoo asked quietly, holding your hands together with hers, giving a light squeeze, and she seemed almost pleading while looking at you in the eyes.

Jisoo finally confessed to you and you were quiet speechless. You always thought Jisoo was kidding every time she asked you for your hand in marriage and now, since she told you that she was serious all this time. You couldn't help, but to tear up. Feeling bad all of a sudden, because you thought she was kidding. All these years, you've been trying to avoid your feelings for the brunette. After all these years, you've been fooling and hurting yourself, because you thought she doesn't love you, but it turns out that she did, and it broke your heart.

"I'm sorry," That was all you could say to her. You were sorry, not because you're going to reject her. You were sorry, because you didn't take her seriously. Jisoo has been hurting all these years and you didn't notice that.

You felt your tears finally falling down, streaming down to your cheeks while you looked at Jisoo in the eyes, "I'm sorry..." You whispered while you tightly held her hands back.

"It's okay, Chaeyoung. You don't have to force yourself on me. I won't ask for your hand anymore," She whispered, taking you to her embrace. You cried still while shaking your head, "Now don't cry please. It hurts me to see you cry."

This time, you shake your head more harshly on her embrace. You pulled yourself away from her, looking deeply on her eyes. You could feel your heart ache at the sight, because Jisoo was silently crying too-- just like you.

"I like you, Jisoo." You bravely said, but frowned afterwards, "No-- I don't like you. I love you!" You told her that as you stared on her face.

You could see confusion mixing well with shock on her face, but you only smiled as you wiped your tears away, "You love me?" She whispered, unsure.

You nodded at her, "I love you, Kim Jisoo."

"Chaeyoung loves me?" She asked, this time, you see her face start to lit up from the happiness. You slowly nodded, you could feel your cheeks are heating up.

"You love me!?" She asked, making you giggle at your place and nodded.

"Oh my god," Jisoo gasped, her eyes wide as she looked at you. In a second, you could see Jisoo cried more, harder than before. You tried to make her stop crying by giving her an embrace and you could hear her sobs are getting louder instead of stopping.

"I'm so happy..." You heard her.

"I do."

"I love you, Chaeyoung."

"I love you too, Jisoo."

"Marry me,"

You giggled, "Aren't we a little bit early for that?"

Age 27 & 28

"Marry me?" Jisoo asked sincerely, focusing her eyes on yours. You looked at Jisoo, eyes wide open. You couldn't believe Jisoo just proposed, though she's been asking for your hand for years. You two were still in your undies, Jisoo is on her black lacy set undergarments while you are on your red lacy set undergarments in the bed room. Both of you just woke up from deep sleep and a wild night.

It wasn't a perfect situation to ask for your hand, but you didn't really care. For you, what matters at this moment is that Jisoo proposed and you're finally able to give your answer to her.

You bit your bottom lip, still staring at Jisoo, and when you felt something streaming down to your cheeks. You realized that you just cried just now.

Jisoo was looking at you with worried eyes, but you didn't bother. You, instead smile as you cry, and this time, you finally nod.

"Yes, I will marry you, Kim Jisoo." 

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