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Last edited » September 30, 2023
Author's Note »
Referenced Movie(s) » Friendship Games (2015)
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Neither you nor Dash saw the predating events before Sunset Shimmer's magic was stolen. What caught your two's attention was her frantic yells.

"Come on!" Dash pulled you right out of your seat.

oh, okay. guess i care   —You two quickly arrived but Dash would lead the situation. "What's wrong?"

Your eyes broadened when, instead of answering, Sunset grabbed Dash's wrist and forced her palm against the surface of the portal. When that didn't work, you were next, making you yelp as you were not expecting to also be a guinea pig. But alas, you didn't have the magic touch either.

"The portal, it just- took my magic?! And now it's gone?!" She let go of your two's hands.

i don't know, that Twilight looks pretty guilty  —You turned around, your eyes gazing down at the large pendant around her neck. The only reason she wouldn't perceive your gaze was from her being preoccupied with signing a piece of paper on a brown clipboard.

If it wasn't for her body language, you would think nothing of Twilight for she has virtually done nothing wrong. Though, her left hand fiddling with the bottom of her skirt and her lips pressed into a fine line were clear signs of unease.

she might just be socially anxious  —By the time you tuned back into Dash and Sunset's conversation, the latter was severely calmed down.

"There's still 50 minutes left of lunch," Dash smiled, confiscating Sunset Shimmer's journal book. "Go get food and chill out with me and [Your name]. You've been way too worried about the magic."

You three walked back towards the school. "Whatever happens happens."

Sunset Shimmer sighed before forming a strained smile. "That's rich coming from you. We've had to listen to you talk about the Friendship Games since last year."

Dash scoffed with a smile, "Well, of course I want CHS to win, but sometimes you gotta just go with the flow. I've done everything I can do to up our chances."

"And we don't need magic to beat some egocentric, preppy school like CPA," Dash nudged Sunset Shimmer in the arm. "We're awesome as is, and as long as no power-hungry villain targets Canterlot again, we won't have to use magic for the next five hours. This is a later problem."

she's really good at comforting people   —Sunset would follow Dash's every recommendation, going back into the school to get lunch and letting the former keep her journal book until she returned. Sitting down in your two's seat again, Dash chuckled after a few seconds.

"なに?" you looked over.

- Nani? → What?

She finally caved in, "You really are quiet around other people." You supposed Dash has only seen you around her or simply alone.

Still, you deadpanned. "I had nothing to say. I know nothing about magic."

"I also don't think you like Sunset all that much."

You gasped, hitting Dash's bicep. "やめろ!" She proudly laughed. "私を批判するのは止めて!"
- Yamero! → Stop!
- Watashi o hihan suru no wa tomete! → Stop criticizing me!

"ただ... She has anger issues, and... it's fine. She's working on it, but she's a little overreactive sometimes..."
- Tada... → I just...

"Not with the magic though," you quickly clarified. "That's valid, I would also be concerned, but... little things get to her very easily... and other people have to suffer the consequences. And... she kind of forces herself on other people... because she can't make friends because of her past. ...Like any new student."

You whined as you covered your blushing face. You usually refrain from sharing your harsh and otherwise unkind opinions. "ひどいよ..."
- Hidoi yo... → That's terrible...

Dash laughed, grabbing your hands and rubbing your knuckles with her thumbs. She reassured you that it was perfectly okay to objectively recognize someone's flaws because everyone has them. Looking away when you noticed Sunset walking back with a tray of food, you waved. She smiled since her hands were full.

In the grand scheme of things, when you voided her character of all her major flaws, Sunset was a lot more tolerable. But voiding anyone of their flaws evidently made them more likable, so this said more about you than it did Sunset.


Students who wanted to watch the Academic Decathlon were excused from fifth period, and per Dash's requests, you left. However, you were going to go anyway, whether she asked you or not. It was the right thing to do and you could imagine that her performance would gradually decline if the one person she wanted didn't attend.

It was the final round of the decathlon, and all in all, you found this event pretty intriguing. It wasn't rigged in any way as students were tested in their knowledge of chemistry, home economics, and - maybe perhaps more favorably for Pinkie Pie - baking. However, what made the final round the most exciting was that it determined the six continuing contestants who would thence participate in the Tri-Cross Relay.

Not like you didn't already know who those six conveniently were, but still, exciting.

she messed up   —You avidly watched Sunset Shimmer's hand writing on the chalkboard. Every other CHS participant had racked up enough penalties to disqualify them from this final leg of the decathlon, so while Twilight represented CPA, Sunset was CHS'  last hope. Luckily, the last event was simply a complex math equation, but Sunset's demise would fall in her writing a previous '5' rather sloppy, which she mistook her own handwriting for a 6.

You turned your attention to Twilight as you knew she would be getting the point and winning the decathlon for Crystal Prep. However, you did not fret. There were still two more games left and this round did not indefinitely determine the victorious school. As long as Canterlot beat Crystal Prep in the second round, there was a 50% chance they could win.

Vice Principal Luna stood up, "That means the winner of the Friendship Games' first event is Twilight Sparkle and Crystal Prep!"

they do not care   —It was humorous how unamused Crystal Prep was given they just won. There were several sighs and a scattered, arbitrary applause.

"Students not participating!" Luna called, turning around to look at the bleachers. "If you are staying for the Tri-Cross Relay, staff members will begin dismissing you all by class, as in the year you graduate! Please stay seated!"

"However, if you plan to leave, please check in with me so we know you are no longer on school grounds if there is an emergency! Crystal Prep students, please check in with Dean Cadence!"

Several Canterlot students would get up, mumbling to their friends how pointless it would be to watch their school lose again. But you had faith, likewise for the other 30 or so students left.

"Class of 2018!" There were few seniors left, so juniors were quickly dismissed, but your class wasn't that dense either. The majority of Canterlot's remaining population were Freshmen, who were simply curious about the event.

"[Your name]!" Dash called as you were following a staff member. Looking at the stage, you smiled and waved.

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