Gone-Tom Holland

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This one is gonna be sad,(Kinda i'm not sure what you call sad) I having the reader be close to her grandma, if you would like to imagine a different loved one go ahead.

feel free to comment what you think about this, also any thought's/ideas for future stories

Y/M/L/N - Your mom's last Name

Y/N/N - your nickname 

Tom's POV

"Hey, is something wrong Mrs. Y/M/L/N?" I was surprised that she called. She never called me.

"Yeah, ummm I was going to call Y/N but.... I don't think... I don't know how to tell her so I thought maybe you could?" She says. 

"yeah okay... what is it?" I was nervous. 

"Ummm.... uh her.... I really am sorry to make you do this." 

"No, no it's fine. Just tell me what it is." I knew this wasn't going to be good. 

"her... her grandma passed. It was around 2 this morning." her voice cracked. my heart stopped. I knew her grandma. she was so sweet and loved her family. but Y/N/N was so close to her. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry."I heard her quietly breathing.

"Thanks, The visitations will be on Saturday, and the funeral will be the following day." she told me everything she knew. "I... I have to go." the line went dead. I just stood there. how the hell was I supposed to tell her? I stood in the kitchen for a while but decided to go sit in the Living Room. I turned the TV on to her favorite TV show. and waited.


I had the best day ever! It started off not so great, I woke at 2 this morning and couldn't fall asleep. but I worked with it. I got up and worked out early. I got to meet up with some friends. we went shopping. best day. I'm hoping when I get home I can call my Grandma. I enter the house really excited. 

"Tommy? I'm home!!" Tom wasn't the biggest fan of people calling him Tommy. but he didn't care if called him that. Our friends say it's not fair. "Tommy?" I call again. He said he wasn't planning on going anywhere. 

"In...In here." I hear him. still holding the bags of clothes I have I walk to the living room. Tom was sitting on the couch. he was staring off into space. 

"What's wrong Tommy?" I ask. he startles when I speak. 

Tom's POV

How was I supposed to tell her. I knew she was in the room but I didn't respond until she said my name. It startled me. I feel tears well in my eyes. I look at her despite myself. 

"Tommy is something wrong." she asks. I couldn't help but let a small smile slip. everyone hated that I only liked it when she said that. but I couldn't help it. while for some it seemed like they didn't think I was a grown man. but others it felt like they were mocking me. but with Y/N/N it just felt like a term of endearment. plus I like the way it sounded when she said it. but my smile fell just as quickly as it came. 

"Ummm... Y/N... uhh... your mom called today." 

"Really? that's unusual. what did she say." she disappears and comes back shoeless. she was still holding her bags of clothing. 

"Umm she called about your grandma." my voice cracked at the end. she froze. 


My grandma? My mom never called about her. Since I talked to her myself i never had to worry about that. in fact i was planning on leaving tomorrow afternoon to see her for her birthday. she was sick but we think we have at least a month more with her. 

"Wha...What about her?" I ask.

"Ummm... she... she's gone. your aunt was there she passed early this morning." his voice cracked again. my blood ran cold. I faintly realized that my bags land on the ground. something shattered. 

"What?" I can barely speak. 

"she's gone. ummm... she went in her sleep."  

"She - she's gone?" he gives a slight nod. his eyes were red with a lot of unshed tears. the tears suddenly fall. "Excuse me." I run out of the room. I run upstairs to the bedroom. the tears are pouring down. How could she be gone. I didn't get to see her. I could of said goodbye? was she still aware of others around her? why?  why did she have to go? She was supposed to celebrate with me this new movie.  I take gasping breaths. I hear a small knock. I look up. Tom just walks in and sits next to me. his arms pull me to him. he runs his fingers through my hair. his other hand rubs my back. I continue to cry. I can feel his tears as well. his stop long before mine. but he sits there and holds me close. his arms never loosen. the tears I shed wet his shirt. slowly the hiccups, and hard breathing stop. The tears slowly dwindle. I sit there trying to gain back strength. he seems to understand that i need to lay down. he slowly lays me on my side. he pulls a blanket over me. then he lies behind me. his arm wrap around my waist. his head rests above mine. he places a feather of a Kiss on my head. 

"I love you darling," kiss to my head, "rest, I'm going to be right here for you." he places another kiss to my head. "i'm not leaving." 

"I love you too." I mumble quietly. he pulls me a bit closer. my eyes close and slowly reality falls away. 

Tom's POV

Y/N cried so much my heart hurts. I hated that I couldn't help her. I was her Boyfriend, I was supposed to help her. now lying next to her I can't help but imagine our future. probably a really bad time but i couldn't help it. the idea of another holding her to comfort her, to love her, to make her laugh, upsets me. I know now that I can't live without her. I would rather die than see her unhappy. I pull her closer if possible. she rolls over in her sleep. her head now resting on my chest. her ear right where my heart is. her arms wrap around me. her leg is resting on top of mine. 

"I love you Y/N/N. I know you can't hear me. but I just can't imagine life without you. you have become... become my world. I hate leaving for a new project. only because I know that when i go to bed you won't be next to me, and when I wake in the morning your face won't be there. I hate it because i'm afraid that when i'm gone you will realize that i'm not worthy of you and you'll leave." I pause. my voice has grown thick, i've never even admitted this stuff to myself, so why now when she couldn't even hear? "I love you so much, the idea of you sad, or hurt is like a physical pain to me, and I promise that i will be by your side to the end. through this, and whatever comes in the future, I will do what ever I can to make you happy. and I promise when i'm done with this current project I'm going to make you my girl forever." the tears have fallen now. I'm scared i've woken her up. i take a couple deep breathes. 

"I promise." 

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