Chapter 3

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Leigha's POV

It's been three months since we moved to Harwood. Everything seems to be pretty much back to normal with Mom, Dad, Daisy, and Troy. Well as normal with Troy as it can be while he's off fighting the aliens. I've grown close to Emma and Gia and Daisy's made plenty of friends too. She likes to have play dates with them after school which is nice because it allows Troy and I to be able to hang out with our friends. It's not like I don't like watching Daisy but it's nice to be able to do normal teenage activities. Daisy is over at her friend Kenzie's, and Troy and I are curled up on my parents' bed watching a movie.

"This is the first relaxing Saturday we've had in a while," Troy sighs into my hair.

"I know. It's perfect but I have to leave pick up Daisy in about five minutes," I tell him and he groans.

"You can come!"

"Okay. Have you ever noticed all the weird looks we get when we pick Daisy up from school?"

"Yeah. They see us together and then her. Probably think we're teenage parents," I say.

"It's dumb. If they bothered to pay attention, they'd clearly hear us say siblings," Troy agrees. "We should probably go."

"Probably," I pause the movie and we roll off the bed to tug our Converse on I grab my house key and we head out. It's a short walk to Kenzie's and I see them waiting for us in the front yard when we get there.

"Hi, I'm Brooke, Kenzie's mom. You must be her mother," a perky blonde woman says and I grit my teeth, since she picked Daisy up.

"No. I'm her older sister. I take care of her while our parents are on business trips," I say faking a bright smile. Troy squeezes my hand and I take comfort in that.

"Oh. She talked about you as if you're her mom," Brooke back tracks.

"Yeah. Our parents are gone often so I've pretty much raised her since she was two," I explain.

"Big responsibility," she let's out a low whistle.

"I don't mind. Daisy! Come on! I found a good show for all of us to watch at home!" I say to Daisy who runs over and jumps into Troy and I.


"Now what do you say to Brooke?" Troy prompts.

"Thank you!"

"Any time sweetie. You guys have a good day!" Brooke smiles.

"Bye Daisy!" Kenzie says walking over to us.

"Bye!" Daisy waves as we walk away.

We get to our house and we walk upstairs. I lay down in Troy's arms and then Daisy climbs on top of us. I turn on the tv and flip to the saved shows I have.

"Tom and Jerry!" Troy grins.

"Yup! This was, and still is, Troy and I's favorite show growing up," I explain to Daisy.

"Ooooo," she smiles and I pull a blanket over us.

We're halfway through, and I'm dozing off listening to Troy's steady heart beat in my ear; Daisy has fallen asleep in between as well. His hand rubs my arm comfortingly. I look up at him drowsily with a smile while he presses play on to the next part of the Tom and Jerry set. I snuggle further into his arms and doze off again. Suddenly, there's an explosion close by that jolts us all up.

"They would interrupt our Saturday. I'll be back soon. Stay safe, you two," Troy stands up and we get up with him.

"Good luck, Troy," Daisy says earnestly with a smile.

"Don't hold back and don't hurt yourself. I love you," I look up at him.

"Thank you. Both of you. I love you guys. I'll be back soon," he tells us, pulling on his shoes.

"We'll hold you to that," I give him a weak smile and he leans down to lightly kiss me.

"I will come back," he promises with a nod at us before running out. "It's morphin' time!"

"You're worried aren't you?" Daisy asks.

"Just a little. He'll be fine. He always says we're the reason he fights so hard," I kiss her forehead. "Let's go back upstairs. What did you think of Tom and Jerry so far?"

"I like it!"

"I'm glad."

I can't stand to watch all the fighting, so I close the drapes of the room. Daisy and I lay on Mom and Dad's bed together, watching the movie. I turn the volume up higher to try and block out the noise. The fighting gets closer, and I hold Daisy closer to me. Suddenly, there's some sort of earthquake. We scream and I try to keep Daisy away from the danger, as we fall and the roof collapses on top of us.

"Help us, Power Rangers! Please help us!" I scream as we're buried under rubble.

"Leigha!" I hear Troy yell back.

"I'm scared, Leigha," Daisy whimpers from her sheltered spot next to me.

"I know, baby. I'm so sorry," I cry. I try to shift and realize that my arm is trapped. I shift again and pain shoots through my arm.

"Help!" I scream again.

"LEIGHA!" I hear Troy shout.

"We're coming!" I hear Emma's voice.

"Hold on!" Orion adds.

"Troy! Emma! Orion! Please hurry!" I call back as Daisy starts crying. "Daisy, can you get out?" I ask as the ground trembles again and I know the after shock is coming.


"Get out and run towards Troy," I tell her.

"No. I won't leave you!"

"You have to! You have to stay safe!"

"Okay. I'll be back," Daisy crawls out and kisses me. "I love you."

"I love you too. Now go! Hurry!"

I watch her run off and the ground quakes again. I fall down further and I feel my shoulder dislocate, and I scream.

Troy's POV

This stupid alien is causing earthquakes and damaging the city badly. I hear Leigha scream for me and I gasp.

"Leigha!" I yell. "Noah, Gia, Jake! Can you hold this off! Leigha and Daisy are in trouble!"

"Yeah. Go get them!" Noah yells.

"Come on!" I motion for Emma and Orion to follow me.


"Follow them!" Aradad commands to some xborgs who chase us.

"LEIGHA!" I shout back, knowing she'll hear me.

"We're coming!" Emma calls.

"Hold on!" Orion adds.

"Troy! Emma! Orion! Please hurry!" Leigha screams and I can hear the pain in her voice.

"Did they get caught in an earthquake?" Emma gasps.

"Maybe. I certainly hope not," I say grimly as my heart sinks knowing she is hurt, and I couldn't have stopped it.

I lead them to Leigha's street and I see all the houses along the way in shambles. I see a small figure running towards us and I recognize Daisy. I take my helmet off and run to her. I grab her arms and she starts crying.

"Daisy. What's wrong! What happened? Where's Leigha?" I ask pulling her in for a hug.

"Earthquake. Leigha's trapped," she sobs as I pick her up in my arms.

"I'm going after her. I promise I'll save her. Go with Emma," I hand her to Emma, who's demorphed and in her street clothes.

"Come on, Orion. We have to save Leigha," I say as Emma runs off towards the city where no fighting is going on. We run down the block and I try to recognize the houses.

"Troy! Please help me! Please!" I hear her begging and sobbing.

"I'm here!" I say as I locate her voice under the debris.

"We'll get you out!" Orion adds.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"No! My shoulder. I think it's dislocated," she calls.

"We're here. I know where you are. We have to dig you out," I say looking at the beams and bricks. Orion and I start moving stuff away until we're almost there.

"We need to move this beam. It's trapping her," Orion analyzes the situation.

"I don't think we can lift it."

"We can cut it into smaller pieces," Orion suggests.

"Leigha, we found the beam trapping you. We're going to cut it into smaller pieces and then I'm taking you to the hospital," I explain.

"Okay. Please hurry, Troy. It hurts so much!"

"Super Mega Blade!" I grab my sword and he takes his spear. We start cutting the large beam into smaller pieces. When it's all cut up, we start moving it and I dive in, looking for Leigha. I find her and I take my helmet off again. I gently pick her up and look her over. Her left arm hangs at an awkward angle and know she's right about it being dislocated.

"Troy," she whimpers, using her good hand to rub my cheek.

"I'm here, baby. I got you. We're going to the hospital," I lightly kiss her forehead.

"Daisy. Did you get her?"

"She's with Emma. She's safe and you will be too."

"Thank God. I love you," Leigha's eyes look glassy and I know she's in excruciating amounts of pain. I put my helmet back on. We jump out and I see Orion fighting xborgs.

"I love you too," I smile at her even though I know se can't see it.

"So this girl is Red's weakness?" The second alien, Jokestrat, sneers.

"I've got this! Get her to the hospital!" Orion assures me.

I nod and start running. Leigha lays limply in my arms and I realize she's unconscious. I demorph as we get closer and burst into the emergency room.

"Someone help! My girlfriend was trapped under her house during the earthquake and I think her shoulder is dislocated," I yell as we run in.

"Get a bed!" The lady at the front desk yells back. Some people come running in with a bed and I gently lay her down and kiss her forehead as they wheel her away.

"I'm going to need you to fill out some information for her," the lady hands me a clipboard, "You can turn it to the nurse in her room."

I nod an chase after her. I start scribbling some information down and call Emma to bing Daisy here. I don't know some of the information so I have to call her parents. My heart sinks at telling them Leigha's hurt and in the hospital. I dial her dad's number and wait for him to pick up.

"Carson Michaels, with Transfer Log Incorporated, how may I help you?" He answers.

"Mr. Michaels! It's Troy Burrows! There was an earthquake and Leigha got trapped under your house. The hospital needs some information," I say hurriedly.

"Oh my god. My baby girl! What happened? Vanessa! Come here! Leigha's hurt!"

"My baby!" I hear Mrs. Michaels say. "What happened? Is Daisy okay?"

"She got trapped under your house when there was an earthquake and dislocated her shoulder. Daisy's safe," I inform them.

"Vanessa and I won't be able to come home for another month. Please. Get Leigha and Daisy out of that city! It's too dangerous," Mr. Michaels begs.

"Take them back to Monalua!" Mrs. Michaels adds.

"I will."

"Let me get you that information," Mr. Michaels says.

"Thank you." I write down the info.

"There you go. Keep us up to date."

"Sure thing, and I'm sorry I couldn't keep her safe. I really am." I apologize.

"It's alright. You tried."

Emma's POV

I get a call from Troy asking us to come to the hospital and I agree. Gia and the rest of the team comes too. Daisy hops on my back as we start on our way towards the hospital. We walk in silence and I know it's because we all feel bad. When we arrive we start walking in, when we're stopped by security.

"Where are you six heading?"

"To see my sister. She was hurt earlier," Daisy pipes up sadly and I see the guards' eyes soften.

"Go right ahead. Who's your sister?"

"Leigha. She was hurt during the earthquake."

"Oh yes. Room 10 on the second floor."


We head to the second floor and I see the 10th room. Gia knocks on the closed door and Troy opens up. He looks stressed out and is obviously crushed.

"Where's my sister, Troy?"

"Surgery. She's getting her bones pinned together. Besides her shoulder being dislocated, she also has a shattered wrist and her arm is broken," Troy informs us.

"Oh, Troy. I'm so sorry!" I say as Daisy climbs into his lap and starts crying.

"Thanks. She'll be back in about 15 minutes. Daisy, why don't you go with Gia and get Leigha her favorite tea for when she wakes up? I saw it in the vending machine and here's some money," Troy tells her.

"Okay!" Daisy grabs Gia's hands and they leave.

"What was that?"

"I have to tell you guys something. I called Leigha's parents and they want me to get them back to Monalua. They don't think it's safe here anymore for them. And I don't blame either of them. I've been wanting to get both of them away from all this danger for a while. I just didn't know how to tell them, and now in light of everything that's happened, I have a legit reason. Do you think a couple of you guys could go back to her house and see if you could salvage anything they'd need?" Troy explodes, and we all stare at him.

"Uh yeah I guess so," Noah stutters, "Come on Jake," and they leave.

Orion and I sit quietly in the chairs near Troy and I rest a hand on his shoulder. He keeps his brow furrowed and runs his hands through his hair. The door opens and Leigha's wheeled in on a bed followed by an IV pole. I see bandages wrapped around her head and I can tell she's pretty beat up.

"Now you must be her boyfriend," the nurse says to Orion.

"No. I'm her boyfriend," Troy stands up.

"Okay. Well, Miss Michaels' shoulder has been put back in place; we repaired her wrist and set her broken arm. We found that a couple of her ribs are broken but there's nothing to be done about that. Also, it looks like she hit her head here. If it had been about three inches further down, we'd be having a more serious talk."

"Thank you for telling me. When will she wake up?" Troy asks with a distressed smile.

"She should be waking up soon. Jut send for one of us when she does," the nurse gives him a sympathetic smile.

"Okay thank you."

Troy pulls his chair up next to her bed and gently strokes her cheek. He kisses her forehead while grabbing her right hand. He sits back down in his chair and rests his head on her bed. Gia and Daisy come back in and I see her carrying a large mango Xing tea. Daisy runs over to her side next to Troy. He smiles at her and lifts her into his lap. She rests her head on his chest and Troy rubs her back with his other hand. Gia sits down in between Orion and I and looks around.

"Where are Jake and Noah?" She whispers and Orion and I fill her in.

"He's taking her back to Monalua?" Gia asks, shocked.

"Yeah. Her parents want them back there away from this craziness," I tell her quietly.

"Troy," a faint voice mutters.

Leigha's POV

I feel a large warm hand wrapped around mine and I know it's Troy. I don't open my eyes yet. I lightly wrap my fingers around his and open my eyes. I see him right next to my bed with Daisy in his lap. My head is pounding an I hurt all over.

"Troy," I whisper and give his hand a light squeeze.

"You're awake! Orion, go grab a nurse." Troy says and I see the stress in his eyes. He hands Daisy off to Emma.

"Hi, Leigha," she smiles.

"Hey. I hurt everywhere, Troy. What happened?" I mumble as he kisses my forehead and then my nose before lightly pecking me on the lips.

"What do you last remember?" Troy asks cautiously.

"I remember when we went to the beach. And stayed there all night. You told me you loved me and we went swimming in the ocean in the moonlight," I smile thinking about that memory.

"Is that your most recent memory?" Troy asks and I see worry swirling around in his eyes.

"Um," I close my eyes and try to think. I whine in protest as my head starts pounding.

"What's wrong?"

"My head hurts," I say and he nods.

"Hi, Leigha. We're glad you're awake," a lady says from the doorway next to Orion.

"Hi," I say trying not to strain my voice.

"So you dislocated your shoulder, shattered your wrist, broke your arm and a few ribs, and hit your head," the lady informs me.

"I hurt everywhere," I tell her.

"That's to be expected. I'll get you some pain killers," the nurse tells me grabbing a vial from the cabinet. She consults a chart on the inside and draws it up in the needle. She walks over to me and I stiffen. Se takes my hand and inserts it into an IV in my arm. "You should start feeling some relief shortly."

"So I have a question," Troy announces and we all look at him.

"Go ahead Mr. Burrows."

"So I asked Leigha what she last remembered and she described something that happened a month ago. Is that normal?"

"Very. She will have some short-term memory loss due to the hit on the head she took, but all her memories will come back with gentle prompting," the lady explains.

"Okay thank you," I can tell Troy's unhappy with the answer.

"Any time. Visiting hours are almost over, however family members will be allowed to stay," she adds, writing on my clip board.

"We'll leave shortly," Gia promises and I close my eyes.

"Are you okay, Leigha?" Troy asks giving me a kiss.

"I'm tired. I just wanna sleep. Will you join me?" I mumble.

"Of course. I'll see all of you guys tomorrow," Troy says to Orion, Gia, and Emma as he climbs in the bed, curling around me protectively.

"I'll put Daisy on this over here," Emma walks over to the window and lays her down on the cushions there. She moves a pillow under her head and grabs a warm blanket to cover her up with.

"Thanks, Emma," I smile at her.

"Sure thing. I'm glad you're okay. See you tomorrow!" She smiles as they leave.

I snuggle in Troy and he holds me tightly. I burry my face in his chest, breathing in his intoxicating scent. I close my eyes and he runs his hands up and down my arm. I adjust the bed so we're slightly elevated and rest the arm in a sling on his chest. Troy moves closer and is careful not to jar my shoulder.

"I love you," he breathes out quietly and I hear something in his voice, but am too tired to worry about it.

"I love you too, Troy. Thanks for today," I smile and fall asleep.

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