Chapter 10

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Gia's POV

It's the end of the day, and I'm at my locker with Emma. There hasn't been a sign of the Armada or Troy for the last two days. I'm starting to get worried. Troy hasn't been responding to any of our texts or calls. He just disappeared without a trace. I shut my locker and shrug my backpack on.

"I hope he's okay," Emma sighs.

"I do too," I agree. We start on our way to the computer lab to get Noah. Jake joins us with a nod.

"Am I the only one who finds it worrying that Troy and the Armada disappeared?" Noah asks.

"Are you suggesting-" Jake trails off.

"I don't know. It's a possibility," Noah shakes his head.

"The Armada would be rubbing it in our faces if they had Troy," I mutter.

"Let's just go to Ernie's," Emma mumbles.

"Text Troy in case he does want to join us," Noah looks at me.

To: Troy

Hey. We're going to be at Ernie's if you want to join us.

I pop my phone back in my pocket as we head to the mall. We pass Harwood Elementary School on our way. I look and see Jayden Shiba standing there with another man. I nudge Emma nod at them. I see a familiar looking little girl run out and jump into Jayden's arms. As I look closer, I realise it's Leigha's little sister, Daisy.

"That's Daisy!" I point.

"That's not possible," Jake argues.

"LOOK!" I point again.

"Oh my God. What is she doing here?" Noah asks.

"I don't know, but we should go talk to them," Jake heads over.

"Jayden!" I call.

I see Jayden look over his shoulder. He hands the little girl to the other guy. His height blocks us from being able to see what's going on. There's a red glow all of the sudden. I run over knowing something isn't right. Jayden just used symbol power where anyone could see it.

"Gia. It's nice to see you again," Jayden gives a relaxed smile.

"Nice to see you too," I look at him.

"You remember my friends-- Emma, Jake, and Noah."

"Of course. I gave Troy, Jake, and Noah extra power. I hope you're using the samurai keys well," Jayden nods.

"We are. Thank you," Noah says.

"This is Mike, the original green Samurai ranger; and my fiancee's little sister," Jayden gestures to the girls.

"Hi. It's nice to finally meet you all. We've been watching you," Mike nods as the little girl snuggles up in Mike's shoulder, looking through her hair shyly at us.

"What's your name, sweetie?" Emma smiles sweetly at Daisy


"Are you sure?" I press.


"Do you have an older sister?" Emma asks.


"What's her name?"

"Lexi," Dahlia tilts her head at me.

"This really is inappropriate," Jayden rolls his eyes.

"Jayden, a word?" Jake and Noah jerk their heads a bit further away.

"Sure. Mike, go wait by my bike for me." Jayden instructs.

"Sure. Nice to meet you guys and good luck. Remember, the Legendary Rangers are with you," Mike smiles at us.

Jayden, strides over to further down the sidewalk with us. We all stand in a group. Jayden keeps his hands in his pockets. He looks at us a bit unwelcomingly.

"So. What is this all about?" He questions.

"Troy's finacee, Leigha, had a little sister-- Daisy-- and we know we just saw her run into your arms. And then, you used symbol power on her," I explain.

"Then suddenly Daisy's Dahlia," Emma looks at Jayden suspiciously.

"Let me get this straight, you think I have Troy's fiancee's little sister?" Jayden looks us, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," Jake nods.

"I'm sorry, but I have no clue what you all are talking about. I've never met Troy's fiancee," Jayden looks at us.

"What was the symbol power for then?" I press.

"Dahlia twisted her wrist at recess. I was easing the pain until we could get her back home and have Jii look at it," he smiles earnestly.

"Oh okay," I take a step back, feeling embarrassed.

"One more question," Emma mumbles.

"And then I have one," Noah adds.

"Two more questions. Alright."

"Why isn't Lexi here to get her little sister?" Emma looks Jayden straight in the eye.

"Lexi is shopping with Mia, Lauren, Emily, and her best friend. I think she's looking for her wedding dress and bridesmaid's dresses," Jayden's eyes light up.

"Oh okay. Congratulations on your enagement," Emma steps back.

"Thank you. We're very happy. And what's your question, Noah?"

"The Armada has been awfully quiet the last couple days, and we don't know where Troy is. Do you think it's possible that they have Troy?" Noah asks worriedly.

"I don't think so. I think if the Armada did have Troy, they would be using him as bait to draw you all to your deaths. They wouldn't just capture the Red Ranger and not gloat about it," Jayden shakes his head.

"Okay. Well thank you. And congratulations on your engagement," Noah nods briefly.

"Thank you. And good luck. You know where to find us if you need help," Jayden nods at us and heads over to his motorcycle.

"When we next see Troy, let's not mention that to him," Noah shakes his head.

"Agreed," I look at Emma who nods.

"We're nearly at Leigha's old house. Should we stop by Troy's house?" Jake motions down the street where Leigha used to live.

"Yeah. I think we should."

Jake's POV

"Someone text Orion to let him know what's going on," Emma says as she and Gia run ahead to Troy's house.

I pull out my phone and quickly text him.

To: Orion

We're going over to Troy's house to check on him. See you soon

I nod to Noah before running to catch up with the girls. They left the front door open. I can see that there aren't any lights on in the house. I walk in with Noah cautiously, flicking on the light switch. I walk backwards and bump into someone. We both jump until I realise it's Gia. I raise an eyebrow, and she shakes her head 'no'. I tug on Noah's backpack and nod towards upstairs. We all nod and head up.

"Troy?" Emma calls.

There's no response so we head into the closest room. We look around and realise it's the master bedroom, not Troy's. We move on to find the study and guest room before figuring out Troy's room is the last one in the hall. We open the door and flick on the lights. We search the entire room and find no sign of Troy anywhere.

"Could he be in the basement?" Noah asks.

"Worth a check," I nod looking at the girls.

We all run downstairs and head over to the staircase to the basement. We open the door and slowly walk down the stairs. Troy's basement is finished. Carpet on the floor, a large flatscreen TV, couches and chairs, a mini fridge, a pool table, a large jacuzzi, and a mini bar.

"Woah. Look at this place," I mutter in awe flicking on the light,

"What are you all doing here?" Troy's voice rasps out.

We all walk further in. I look around the stairs and see Troy sitting under the stair well. Troy looks pale and unwell. His face looks hollow. His normally bright brown eyes are red, blood shot, and sunk in. He looks sick.

"Oh my God, Troy! What's wrong?"

"It's over. She called it off permanently" he whispers sadly.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Leigha. She called off our wedding. She wrote a letter and sent the ring back," Troy looks utterly broken.

"What?" Gia gasps.

"Right here," Troy listlessly picks up a slightly crinkled paper streaked by tears. I take the paper and we all walk away from Troy to read it. I bite my lip and feel a horrible twinge in my stomach.

Dear Troy,

It's been months since we've last talked. It's been months since you sent me away. I've missed you all this time, you know. I keep thinking about why you sent me away. It hurts every time I do. My heart hurts every time I look at that ring. It was a promise. A promise that you would never let me go. A promise that I would always be yours. I can't go on like this, Troy. I can't go on wondering when this fight is going to end. I can't keep torturing myself wondering when you're coming back for me. It's killing me, Troy. I hear about the attacks on the news everyday. I'm constantly worried for you all. Will you actually read this letter? Are you still among the living or did you die in that awful attack two weeks ago? By the way, I've escaped Monalua with Daisy and all of my grandparents. I'm so sorry, Troy. I can't do this anymore. As much as it pains me to do this, I'm calling off our engagement. I believe this is best for both us. I'm so sorry, but I hope you find someone who is able to make you happy.

Love always and forever,


"Oh my God," I whisper.

"Troy, I'm so sorry!" Emma Mel's down and hugs him.

"She's gone, and there's nothing I can do."

Leigha's POV

I walk around town laughing with Lauren, Mia, Emily and Jessica. I've known Jessica since we were little. She graduated early and started college in Harwood. She, like Troy and I, is originally form Monalua. Now before I ever go out, Jayden makes sure I look different. I'm Lexi. Jessica and I link arms as we talk.

"Come on, Troy. Let's just get to Ernie's."

"I need to find Leigha," I hear the reply.

I look ahead and see Troy and the rest of the Rangers walking our way. I bite my lip. I may love Jayden and am ready to commit the rest of my life to him, but I still deeply care for Troy. He was my first everything. He was the first boy I loved, the first boy I kissed, the first boy I had sex with. . . He definitely still has a place in my heart even though I'm with Jayden. Troy will always be special to me. I look down at my fro yo and pray they don't see me.

"Hi, Lexi!" Emma smiles at me.

"Hello, Emma. How are you all?"

"We're good."

"Speak for yourself," Troy folds his arms, "Jessica? What are doing here?"

"I graduated early and started college here in Harwood. How are you?"

"Terrible. Leigha called off our wedding."

"Yeah I heard when I saw her a few weeks ago. She was so torn up about it," Jessica said.

"You've seen her?" Troy asks.

"Yeah. I visited her a few weeks ago when I came here to start Harwood Central."

"What did she say about me?"

"She misses you terribly. She was really upset about you and her parents sending you away. She said that she would've stayed by your side if you had let her. She's lost a lot of weight. Leigha told me she couldn't wait any more because it wasn't healthy to be waiting the way she was."

"If you see her again, please tell her I'm so sorry, and I love her."

"I will," Jessica nods. "I don't believe you all have met Emily, Mia, Lauren, or Lexi."

"A few of us have met Lexi," Gia smiles.

"Yes. Nice to see you guys again," I smile at them, and my heart twists in pain as Troy nods at me. Jessica squeezes my hand. "These are Lauren, Mia, and Emily. The Red, Pink, and Yellow Samurai Rangers."

"Nice to meet you," Lauryn gives her sweet smile, "I'm not really the Red Ranger. You're marrying him."

"Oh we saw Jayden and Mike earlier today," Noah looks at the girls.

"Yeah they were picking up your little sister."

"They're great with Dahlia," I beam.

"How's Daisy? Did you see her, Jessica?"

"I did. She was doing well," Jessica responds, and Troy lets out a choked sob.

"I don't think all of you have met Lexi though. Noah, Jake, this is Lexi. She's Jayden's fiancée," Emma introduces us. I smile and shake their hands.

"Nice to meet you."

"You have a cool accent. Where are you from if you don't mind me asking?" Jake said.

"Spain until I was 10, and then moved to Costa Rica. My dad got relocated to Monalua two years ago, and about six months ago he relocated here," I reply having perfected my fake backstory.

"Monalua? I never saw you there," Troy said.

"You did. We never talked, but I knew Leigha," I say feeling my jaw twitch.

"You did?"

"Mhm. We talked a few times. Nice girl."

"You've been here for six months, and you're already engaged?" Noah looks at me in surprise.

"Yes. But Jay and I have been dating for a longer time than that. We met when he was fighting a Nighlok attack in Monalua," I lie easily.

"Well, it's been great but we should probably head to back to the Shiba House," Lauren says.

"Right. You have a little sister to take care of," Noah nods.

"Does your whole family live at the Shiba House?" Troy looks at me, and I almost fall at his feet. I can't believe I'm talking to him like this again. When he was at the Shiba House training, Lauren was able to keep me away while Kevin and Jay were with him. Now I'm actually having a conversation with him.

"No just me and my sister. My parents are almost always traveling so it's easier for her to live with us," I explain.

"What do your parents do, if you don't mind me asking," Noah looks at me curiously.

"They're the CEOs of companies all over the world. Sometimes they're in Canada, Brazil, England or Spain again. It just depends," I say noncommittaly.

"Wow. That's intense," Jake looks at me.

"It's our life."

"Well we'll let you go back to your sister and fiancée," Gia smiles.

"It was great to see you!" Emma gives me a hug.

"Nice to see you all too."

"Bye!" We wave and quickly walk towards the Shiba House.

"Oh my god," I whimper when we're out of ear shot.

"How are you?" Mia puts her arm around my shoulders.

"That was so hard. He looked so upset and sick and I can't."

"Can't what?"

"I can't stand to see him like that."

"Not going to lie, Lei, you were like that when you first woke up at the Shiba House," Lauren looks at me.

"I know. Troy never had to see me like that though," I sigh.

"Hey. Look. I know seeing him sucks, but you're getting married. You just found your wedding dress," Jessica squeezes my arm.

"Yeah. Let's just get back to the House," I look down at my fro yo soup.

As we walk back home, I throw my cup away. I chew on my lip nervously as we walk in silence. I think no one knows quite what to say to me. I don't blame them. I don't know what to say either. It's a hard spot to be in.

I love Jayden. He's the man I want. I want to be his wife. I want to set up a life with him. I like how a life with him looks like. I want him to be the father of my children. He's so good with Daisy that I know he would be a wonderful father. I let out a sigh as the Shiba House comes into view. I just want to be with Jayden and Daisy now. I see Jii outside watering the flowers.

"Welcome back. How was shopping? Were you all successful?"

"It was good. And yeah. We found dresses!" I smile.

"Are you alright?" Jii asks.

"No. I just need Jayden," I bite my lip.

"He's in the dojo working out."

"Thanks, Jii," I give him a hug.

"Of course."

I run inside, kicking off my shoes as I go. I get to the dojo and see him working with the punching bag. He's covered in sweat and is completely focused. I sit down on the step and lean against the door. I watch him punch the bag over and over before he starts kicking it.

"She's my girl," he growls punching harder, "not his."

"Well you're certainly right about that," I say standing up, "I'm yours. Nobody else's."

"Lei," he breathes out and comes over. He picks me up in a bear hug. His arms wind around my waist tightly as mine go to his neck. I play with the hair at the back of his head. I close my eyes.

"How was shopping?"

"Good. I missed you a lot," I wrap my legs around him.

"Did you?" He asked, moving to push me against the wall.

"I did. I missed you so much," he kisses my neck lightly.

"Lei. What's wrong?" Jayden pulls back and looks at me.

"I saw Troy. He got my letter."

"Oh? How was he?" I can his jaw muscles working back and forth angrily.

"Really upset. It was hard. That's why I wanted to come back here. To you," I close my eyes, resting my forehead against his.

"I love you, Lei. I know he'll always be important to you, but I hope I can make you happy for as long as you will let me."

"You do make me happy. When I'm with you, everything makes sense. It's like a puzzle piece. You complete me," I kiss his cheek, "I love you, Jay."

"I'm okay if you don't want-"

"Never say or finish that sentence. You're the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to grow old, have children, see the world, and just be with you, Jayden. You see this?" I move to show him the engagement ring, "This is my promise to you as well. I promise to stay with you. I want to be with you. I wouldn't have said yes if I was one hundred percent sure I wanted to be Mrs. Shiba," I explain.

"That's all I wanted to hear," Jayden smiled kissing me.

"Good. Now how about we go take a shower together?"

"I like how you think."

"I love you, Jayden."

"I love you too, Leigha.""

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