Chapter 1

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Leigha's POV

I sit on the plane with my five-year old little sister, Daisy, sitting in my lap, asleep. I twirl the engagement ring on my finger and think about Troy. I've known him practically my whole life. He moved away almost a year ago and he hasn't been able to talk much. His parents are very controlling and overbearing. We write to each other all the time but now I'm moving to the same city as him. That's my first goal for once we make it to the house: Find Troy.

"Please fasten your seat belts as we prepare for landing."

"Move Dais back to her seat, Leigha," my mother says as I gently wake her up.

"You've got to sit in your own chair, Daisy," I tell her buckling up the seat belt.

"When we get to our new house, I have to go straight to work after that," Mother announces.

"Okay. I'm gunna go look around and find my school if that's cool."

"Daisy and I will be fine," Father grins from in front of me.

"Cool," I smile as we land. I hate airports with a burning passion. They're loud and obnoxious and people really gotta stop dressing up so much unless you're going on a business trip. I carry Daisy on my back and we go to the parking lot looking for our car.

"There it is. And we're off on a new leg on our adventure," Father smiles.

"Do you think Troy will go to the same school?"

"I'm not sure. It's be nice if he did," Mother says calmly.

"Look. I know that you don't like the fact that we haven't actually talked in a year, but we love each other. He's a good guy," I protest.

"People change," comes the unsatisfying answer from Father.

"Not that much."

"We're not talking about this anymore, Leghia," Mother says firmly.

"Okay," I grump and sit back in the seat. I stare out the window and watch the highway rush by.

"Here it is. Home sweet home," Father pulls into the garage.

"I'll see you guys later!" Mother says backing out after we unloaded out suitcases.

"I'll be back in a bit," I say grabbing my purse and phone.

"Be back before dark, Leigha. Be careful!" Father calls out.


I walk back into the city and see my school. I remember it's location and decide to head to the nearest mall. I walk in and see a frozen yogurt place. I walk in an order a plain yogurt. I turn around and almost run into a guy.

"Oh I'm sorry."

"It's cool. I haven't seen you around here. I'm Orion," he holds out his hand I shake it.

"I'm Leigha. I just moved here."

"That's cool. Here, I'll introduce you to some of my friends."

"Okay." He leads me over to a table and I see a couple girls laughing.

"Heh guys. This is Leigha. She's new here. Leigha, this is Emma. And that's Gia."

"Hi. Nice to meet you both." I smile.

"Same. Come join us!" Emma gestures to an empty chair.

"So where did you move from?"

"Monalua. It's an island several hours away," I say taking a bite of my yogurt.

"Oh I visited there a few weeks ago! It's so pretty!" Gia gushes.

"I love it there!" Emma adds.

"Yeah! It's great! So where do you two go to school?" I ask hoping it's the same as where I'm going.

"We go to Harwood High," Emma says.

"Cool! I start there tomorrow!"

"What's your schedule? We might have classes together," Gia turns a bright gaze on me. I pull out the schedule from m bag and they look it over.

"We have the same homeroom!" Goa exclaims.


"We'll introduce you to our other friends," Emma adds.

"Sounds good!"

"Wanna go shopping?"


We've been walking around for about an hour when there's a loud boom and an explosion nearby. Everyone starts running away, screaming.

"What was that?! A bomb?!" I yell.

"No. It's the aliens," Emma yells fearfully.

"Aliens?!" I ask.

"We'll explain tomorrow. Now we have to get home! Run! Quick!" Gia yells and we take off in opposite directions.

I start running towards my new house and I see a bunch of weird gray things. They're beating people up and it pisses me off. I run down and kick a few. I start chasing them into the parking lot and start fighting back. I hear talking and I see a giant monster.

"What the hell is that?" I breath out and stare at it and get smacked across the face. "Not cool." I punch the gray thing and the giant monster starts walking towards me. I take a shaky breath as I size him up. Well, this won't end well unless a miracle happens.

"A human that fights back. Rare but not for long."

"Help! Someone please help!" I scream as it walks towards me.

"Screaming for help is useless. The Power Rangers are busy. No one's going to save you now." It laughs before picking me up around by the throat. I struggle to breath and claw t hits fingers which are wrapped tightly around my neck. It laughs and tosses me across the parking garage. I moan as my back collides with the cement pillar and I fall down. I struggle to catch my breath and I can't muster the strength to get up.

"Please! Somebody help me!" I cry out again as it walks towards me laughing maniacally, hitting its sword on its hand.

I think I'm sorry to my parents and sister. I don't want I leave like this. Who's going to watch Daisy? Who's going to take her to school and comfort her when she's scared? It sure as hell won't be Mom or Dad since they're always on business trips and when they are home, they leave early in morning at get home late.

"Stupid human. Fighting against the Alien Armada is pointless-" it gets cut off!

"LEAVE LEIGHA ALONE!" A male voice shouts and jumps in between us. The person is in red and has on a helmet. He's armed with a sword and a gun.

"How did you get here? The xborgs should've held you off," it yells frustratedly, as it fends off the bullets and starts swinging it's sword

"I have friends taking care of them. Now leave Leigha alone!" The voice commands, shooting a few more times.

"How do you know my name?" I gasp.

"Not important," comes the answer as he shoots the beast a few times.

I tilt my head trying to figure out how this person would've known my name. I push myself off of the ground where I was laying and study him intently. I watch the way he fights and squint hard trying to figure out the voice. It suddenly all clicks.

"Troy?! Is that you?" I gasp.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," he answers. "Now go before you get hurt again."

"Troy! I know it's you. You don't have to lie. Especially not to me," I try again.

"Leave! It's going to get ugly," he demands as a few others join him; silver, green, and blue come charging into battle.

"Please leave. Get to safety! Hurry!" The blue one stops by me and shoos me away.

"Fine. I'll leave. But don't think for one minute this is over, Troy Burrows," I stand up and start limping home.

Troy's POV

I watch Leigha limp away and my heart sinks. She knows it was me. I gave myself away by using her name. I can't believe I was so careless. I knew she was coming to Harwood and I didn't even think about how I would keep this from her.

"Retreat!" The alien yells and disappears with the xborgs.

"Cowards!" Orion shouts after them.

"Troy! Who was that and how does she know your name?!" Noah asks as we demorph and come together.

"No one important," I mutter.

"Okay. Whatever you say," Jake smirks.


"Come on, Troy. She's obviously someone important," Noah persists the next day before homeroom starts.

"That girl said, 'But don't think for one minute this is over, Troy Burrows'. She must be someone important," Jake adds.

"She's no one," I say.

"This is homeroom. And here are our friends," Emma's voice says at the doorway and we all turn towards them.

I see Leigha looking at Emma and then she turns her head. Our eyes lock and her eyes widen.


"Yeah," I whisper, nodding with a small smile.

She drops her bag off her shoulder and runs over to me. I meet her part of the way and lift her up around her thighs. Her fingers grab the hair at the back on my neck and she buries her face in my shoulder. Her body starts to shake, and I realize she's crying.

"Don't cry, baby," I say into her ear, setting her down.

"I found you! You're here! We're in the same city again," she sniffs wiping away tears.

"Yeah we are. I've missed you, Leigha."

"I've missed you too! So much! I thought about you everyday," Leigha smiles as I pull her into my chest. I lean down and kiss her for the first time in a year. Her lips taste exactly as I remember and feel the same. I've missed this so much.

"Same here. How are your parents and Daisy?" I ask when we pull apart.

"They're good. Daisy just turned five and you know how my parents are. Mother left on a business trip right after we got here and Father left on one this morning. You can come over to my house after school if you'd like," she offers lacing our fingers together.

"I'd like that a lot," I give her hands a squeeze.

"Me too," she smiles.

"Sorry to interrupt a reunion but how do you two know each other?" Gia asks.

"Oh uh sorry guys. This is Leigha Michaels; my fiancée," I introduce her.

"Fiancée?! You're engaged?" Jake's jaw drops and I see his shock reflected on their faces.

"Yeah. We've been engaged for a year and a half," I smile and kiss her on the cheek.

"Troy?" Leigha asks

"Yeah, hun?"

"Was that you yesterday who saved me?"


"Troy, please tell me the truth. Don't start lying to me the first day we get back together. I recognized your voice and I saw the way you fought. It was just like during all our classes," she looks me square in the eye.

"Yes, Leigha. It was me."

"Troy!" Noah hisses.

"And you! You're the one who encouraged me to leave!" Leigha turns to Noah.

"No! I have no idea what you're talking about," Noah says a little too quickly.

"Yes it was you. I can tell you're lying. Look, if you need, I can keep it a secret. I won't spill," Leigha promises and I see everyone looking at her skeptically.

"She won't tell," I agree, wrapping an arm around her tiny waist.

"Okay," Jake says.

"We have a lot to catch up on," I smile down at her.

"I'd say we do," Leigha smiles back and leans up to give me a quick kiss.

Other people start flooding in and then the bell rings. I take my seat and Leigha slides into an empty desk next to me. I reach out and grab her hand. She gives my hand a light squeeze and I smile.

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