(a/n): I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, I might make the next chapter continuing this chapter but with a new name. Enjoy!
"What did you just say Eren?" I can't believe what I am hearing."(f/n) I know this must be a lot to handle but I hope it won't effect our relationship." Eren looks like he is on the verge of tears. Of course it won't effect our relationship, I like Eren, and I despise Petra. Well when I meet his family that won't go too well.
"It won't but you'll probably hate me, I broke a few of her bones." Eren pulls me into an embrace. "I could never hate you, I love you, I loved ever since I first laid eyes on you. I wouldn't get mad at you for their mistakes." What Eren said just touched my heart, Eren pulls away slightly to look into your (e/c) eyes.
"Eren, I love you too." I've been in love with Eren ever since we became friends. When Levi came into the picture, everything changed. Eren puts his hand on my cheek brushing a strand of my (h/c) hair behind my ear. Eren kisses me and I respond. When he breaks the kiss I smile at him.
"Eren can we go out somewhere, like on a date." Eren's face becomes red and he nods. We stand up and we go outside. "Eren can we go to the park?" Eren looks at me. "I was just thinking of going there. Let's go." We walk towards the park and I sit on the swing. Eren sits down on the one next to me. "I love the park." I say while I start to swing back and forth.
I look straight ahead and see a familiar figure.
It's Levi
Levi's POV:
I look towards the park and I see (f/n) and she is sitting with Eren. Did she move on already, the thought of her and Eren kills me. I walk towards her and she is glaring at me. "(f/n)!!" I call out to her and she stops swinging on the swing set. Eren gets up and she grabs his hand and starts to walk away but I run towards her and grab her other hand.
Her glare darkens and she pulls away her hand and kicks me in the shin, I don't care what pain I am feeling in my ribs and my arm. I love (f/n) and I need her to know this. "(f/n) I love you and I want you back." She looks at me with a glare still on her face, I've never seen her look at someone like this. "Levi you are too late, I love Eren and you took advantage of my love, go back to Petra or something." I grab her hand again. "Levi will you stop this, if you loved me you wouldn't have cheated on me."
"You were caught." And with that she leaves with Eren. I won't give up on her, on our love, I will try until she loves me again.
(a/n): What do you guys think Levi will do to win back your love come back tomorrow to find out.
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