Caught part 3

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Levi's POV:

I don't even bother going home to (f/n). I have been with Petra for about 3 months, (f/n) doesn't even know, what a stupid girl. Petra is better than (f/n) in every way. I usually invite Petra over when (f/n) is at work.

I kiss Petra while we are in the bedroom me and (F/n) share. While we are kissing I hear the door fly open.

"(F-f/n)?!" I say, after I say her name a smile finds it's way on her face, I let go of Petra and I stare at (F/n)

(f/n) walks over to the closet and takes out a wooden baseball bat and the smile is gone in an instant. The fury in her eyes returns. "You want to cheat on someone you lying short stack!!!" She yells making me and Petra jump. She called me a short stack, why did it hurt when she said that?

"Get a load of this!!!" She yells charging towards me and Petra before I could react, the bat made contact with my chest, and the bat broke, I fell backward and as I sat up, (f/n) kicked me in the face three times. I blacked out.

I jolted up when i felt immense pain in my ribs, my arm and my nose. "(F-f/n), I'm sorry please don't hurt us anymore!" I wanted to say don't leave, I didn't want her to go.

"Now you know how my heart feels, sucka!" And with that she leaves with my heart. I heard sobbing and saw that Petra was crying. There was blood everywhere, "You ruined my relationship." I say to her and I also leave, I try to catch (f/n) but she was too quick and I wasn't fast enough.

I lost her

Eren's POV:

My phone started to buzz and I saw that it was (f/n) calling me.

"Hey (f/n) what's up!" I heard sobbing, was she crying? "He cheated on me Eren that bastard cheated on me. I caught him in our room with her, I beat them up for crying out loud."

"(F/n), do you need a place to stay? You can stay with me." I really liked (f/n) I wanted to be there for her.

"Yes I do Eren, I'm on my way there." I hang up and I run around the house cleaning up as much as I can.

(Time skip brought to you by Levi's bruises)

(F/n) arrives and I automatically hug her,after the hug, "(f/n) tell me what happened." After she sings like a canary I wipe her tears and i embrace her, I pull away slightly turquoise eyes looking into (E/c) eyes.

I couldn't help myself and I kiss her, she doesn't refuse. After I break the kiss I ask:"(f/n) will you be my girlfriend?"

(a/n): What do you guys think will happen next?

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