Chapter 06

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"All done, sir. You may now speak with her," he says.

When Alfred leaves the room, Batman looks down upon Catwoman, who's still lying still on the table. Batman caresses her head, his gloved hands moving through her hair, since her mask was taken off.

"How are you feeling?" he asks.

"I'm fine." Catwoman tries to lift herself up from the table, only to tumble back down. "I need to fix your communicator," she groans.

Batman gently pushes her back down. "No, you need to rest."

"Bats, come closer," Catwoman whispers.

Batman leans down just a bit, only for Catwoman to pull him down, pressing her lips against his. A slow kiss. Gentle yet soft. Batman smiles when he realizes that this was Catwoman's way of saying that it was his turn to be tended to. Batman helps Catwoman up into a chair within his line of vision while Alfred comes back, ready to tend to Batman. After helping Catwoman, Batman smiles and lies back on the table, with Alfred cleaning up the knife wounds.

"How is the medicine working, Miss Hardy?" Alfred asks.

"They're fine. Thank you," she replies.

After a few minutes of silence, Alfred breaks it by saying "All finished, sir."

Batman gets up, sitting on the edge of the table. "Thank you, Alfred. Could you give Felicia and I a moment?"

"Yes, sir."

After Alfred closes the door, Batman turns to Felicia. "Felicia, I have a question."

"Okay," Catwoman says casually.

"Um... How would like to be Felicia Wayne?"

Catwoman's eyes start to sparkle. "Are you serious? We have so much to do! Well, if you want the wedding to be perfect.."

Batman pulls her close, smiling. "I want it to be perfect."

"Well... You can give it a go on the guest list."

Batman ponders for a moment. "Hmm.The Justice League, Young Justice League, and the Avengers?"

"Yes, yes, and yes!" Catwoman flashes Batman a smile.

Batman glances down, his smile fading. "Robin was on the Young Justice League. We were going to bring him up to the Justice League. But... He died from the explosion.. Now he won't be here for my wedding."

"Our wedding?" Catwoman asks.

"Yeah. I say mine because he didn't know about us."

"Right..." Catwoman glances down, pulling Batman close for a hug.She then pulls away, remembering something. "Wait. When you fought Scarecrow, did you take a purple cloth pouch?"

"Yeah, I even took his mask."

Catwoman shrugs off the comment about the mask. "The pouch contains a substance that can bring Robin back. Scares said he was going to use it to rule the world."

"How will it affect Robin?" Batman asks.

"I don't know." Catwoman smiles playfully. "Use that Batcomputer of yours."

Batman turns away, walking to a grandfather clock and opens it, revealing a staircase leading down to the Batcave. He climbs down them, he turns to the Batcomputer and researches about the power substance that Catwoman was talking about. Catwoman sneaks behind Batman, following him into the Batcave so she can fix his broken communicator. Finishing up his research, Batman looks over his shoulder at Catwoman and watches her work. He leaves the computer and walks to her, hugging her from behind and kisses the back of her neck.

"I found something," he whispers.

Catwoman turns around and smiles brightly. "Really? Can we bring Robin back?"

Batman easily returns her smile, his hands on her waist. "Yes, we can."

"So, what are the effects?" she asks.

Batman gently pulls her over to the Batcomputer. "The powder will allow Robin to come back as if he was sleeping. Returning him healthy and fit."

"Good, so where is he?"

Batman glances down. "In the sewers."

Catwoman wrinkles her nose. "Gross. You can get him."

"I know." Batman puts on his waterproof Batsuit and disappears into the sewers, quickly returning with Robin's body. Batman then lays Robin's body on a table.

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