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It was now time to get back to our original Country, lol. I loved Paris but I don't think I'd imagine myself living here for more than a few days to weeks at a time. It's beautiful and the sights are AMAZING, but definitely something as a planned "Trip." That'd I'd take more so than living here.

I had most of my bags packed expect for one, which was my regular bag that I always had with me. Essentials, books, wallet, everything that you'd need just to carry with you. I grabbed what bags I did have packed and piled them into the car next to my sister's. Charlotte definitely was not done packing. She had stayed up all night chatting with this new dude she met so she was super tired and started packing a lot later than most of us.

As Charlotte had finally packed her last bag and put it into the car everyone was ready to go. Everyone was getting into the car but I stood there for a moment. I turned and looked at the house we had been staying in, it just felt.. weird leaving so soon. "You good. Em?" Kenzo called from the car. "Yeah...." I mumbled as I turned around, "Yeah, I'm good." I said as I walked to the car.

As we boarded the plane I felt a sense of relief actually, I didn't feel the anxiety that I did the first time. I think knowing that we were all going to be fine and everything was going to be ok really helped. Can thank Kenzo for that one. I sat down in my seat next to Kenzo as I put my headphones on. I always played my reading playlist whenever I was reading, or I'd listen to the audiobook as I was reading since it helped me focus; but the main thing was if I didn't have headphones while reading, I was easily distracted. Which I couldn't let happen since this book was so good. I pulled out my phone and turned the audiobook on. Kenzo eventually got settled in his seat as well before he turned to me. He tapped me on the shoulder, unfortunately disrupting me of my reading, but I didn't mind.

I took off one side of my headphones and look at him, "So what's the plan with you and Garcia?" He asked. "Why do you care?" I replied with a slight attitude. I still wasn't completely happy with him after what happened but I'd pretty much got over it. "Ok, jeez sorry. Just was interested." He replied in surrender. "He invited me to his next game so I guess I'm going to that." I replied as I looked at him, he went silent and I could tell that's not the answer he wanted, "Oh nice, good for you." He replied as he turned back towards his window. "Do you want your jersey back?" I asked looking at him. "Nope, I'm sure you'll still find use of it in a little."

What was that supposed to mean?


This wasn't at all supposed to happen. But maybe it's mostly my fault that I wasn't quick enough with my actions and acted the way I did. Sure, that was on me, but seriously? My teammate Garcia? Wow. New low. I was loosing hope on if me and her would actually end up together or if that jersey actually would mean nothing at all.

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