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[ alternatively : we hate edward club ]

"YOUR BROTHERS A DICKHEAD." CATA SAID DEFINITIVELY AS SHE SAW THE BLONDE Cullen approach her, where she leant against her car in the school car park. They were early, unnecessarily so.

Rosalie didn't disagree with the girl.

"Here's the clothes you wanted." Rosalie said without argument, handing Catalina the neatest stack of clothing she'd ever seen. "Late night?" Her voice echoed around the empty car park, a light laugh escaping her lips as Cata slapped her arm jokingly.

"Come on, I need to change." Rosalie glanced down at the clothes the girl wore, smirk widening at the sight of a t shirt that she was positive wasn't the Swan girls given that it was about three times too large for her and she had to knot it at her stomach, still in the same jeans as yesterday.

"I got everything you asked for." Rosalie told her as she pushed open the door to the school; voice echoing through the corridor given the lack of people frequenting it. "Also looked through your earring collection, very nice."

"Oh, yeah?"  Cata grinned, "Which were your favourite?"

"The little egg ones, definitely." Rose nodded, gripping Cata's arm excitedly as they pushed their way into the girls toilets, Cata slipping into one of the cubicle's.

"You can have them." Cata called through the door, pushing her clothes off.

"Really?" Rosalie smiled warmly at her reflection in the mirror, lifting a hand to blot at her lipstick. "Alice would hate them."

"Yeah." Cata chuckled, pulling the flared jeans Rosalie had grabbed for her over her hips. "But if you like them, wear them."

"Thank you." Rosaie said smally, watching as the girl stepped from the cubicle, now dressed in a hoodie and jeans, her leather jacket thrown over the top of the outfit. She crossed to the sinks, leaning over so she could splash water on her face - the cold doing little to wake her up.

"Right." Cata straightened up, water droplets still dripping from her eyelashes. "I need to go put these-." She held her dirty clothes up. "Back in my car - and I'm starving, do you think the cafeterias open yet?"

"Oh, erm." Rose started, flustered all of a sudden. "I made you a sandwich and a flask of coffee."

"Really?" Cata asked, shock written over her face as she looked to the blonde who would've blushed if she were human.

"Yeah, let me go fetch it from my car." The blonde nodded, hurrying to her car as Cata unlocked hers, throwing her clothes into the backseat before taking a seat in the drover's seat, head resting against the seat. "Here." The blonde spoke quietly, handing out a box and flask towards the Swan girl.

"Did you buy this?" Cata asked, holding up the flask before she took a sip.

"Yeah." Rosalie nodded sheepishly, allowing a smile to spread over her face as Cata took a sip of the coffee.

"Very good for someone who wasn't alive during instant coffee." Cata teased before a more serious look passed her face. "Thanks, Rosie. I mean it."

The blonde beside her shrugged nonchalantly, smiling to the Swan girl.  "So? Were you with that boy? The one you like?"

"Maybe." Cata mumbled through a mouthful of the sandwich, holding up an okay sign with her fingers as she tasted it. "Yes." She sighed as Rose raised her eyebrows inquisitively.

"Did you sleep with him?"

"You're nosey." Her eyebrows raised higher. "Yes."


"And what?"

"Well? Have you gotten over the imprint thing?"

"I don't think there is 'getting over the imprint thing'." Cata laughed, closing the lid back on the box leaving half the sandwich still in there.

"You don't like it."

"I'm just full, Rose." Cata smiled. "It was nice, I promise."

"So, what's happening between you two, then?" Rose pushed as Cata took another sip of the coffee.

"I don't know." She shrugged. "Guess we'll just have to wait until he shifts."

"How long will that be?"

"Soon." Was all Cata said, resting her head back on her seat tiredly.

"You don't want him to?" Rosalie furrowed her eyebrows, looking to the girl who sat besides her, eyes glued to the finger she circled the cup in her hands with.

"Let's not talk about it."

"Why not?"

"Because." Cata sighed, hitting her head against the seat lightly before lifting her body so she could face Rosalie. "Because it's your families fault that they're shifting. And I know it's not your fault, it wasn't your intention. But, Jared- Jared hasn't been home in weeks. When Sam first shifted, he couldn't phase back for days." She spluttered a breath to try and calm herself. "And you, your family - I mention the word wolf and you act like they're dirt. Like they're the enemy.

They wouldn't live this life if it wasn't for you."

Rosalie's eyes widened at her words. "I- I didn't realise-."

"And Paul." Cata cut her off. "He deserves a good life so forgive me for not wanting to talk about something that he has no control over, and I can't stop." She paused, looking to Rosalie's downcast face. "I don't meant to make you fee bad. I really don't. But I also really don't want to talk about it."

The blonde stayed silent, eyes glancing over the Swan girl as her head leant back against the seat, her cheek pressing against the material.

"Why did you ring me?" Rose asked instead.

Rosalie Hale was anything but self conscious; but it had been years since she had had a friend outside of her family. When she had seen Catalina Swan's name flash up on her phone she had thought the worst, so be still her beating heart when Cata muttered sheepishly down the phone that she needed some clothes, her hand still running down the side of Paul's sleeping face, which was nestled into her neck.

"We're friends, Rosie." Cata shrugged with a smile. "Besides - Genie would ask too many questions that I can't answer right now. Bella won't look at me, and no offence but I wouldn't trust Ang and Jess to pick out clothes for me."

A soft smile spread over Catalina's face at the sight of Tyler's van pulling into the car park, "Come on." Cata muttered, "I think it's time you meet my friends, yeah?" Rise hesitated, watching as Cata's hand reached for the handle. "One conversation won't hurt."

The two girls exited the car, Cata brushing of the crumbs from the sandwich as she stood. "Cata!" She heard an excited call, smiling largely as Genie slammed the door of Tyler's door and jogged over to her. The car park had filled up by now, students milling around the cars.

"Hey." Cata laughed as Genevieve wrapped her arms around the girl. "I only saw you yesterday."

"I can't miss my best friend?" Genie pouted mockingly, Tyler rolling his eyes as he walked over.

"She had an iced coffee this morning." He snitched, Genie scoffing loudly as she pushed his shoulder.

"You said you wouldn't say!"

"Guys." Cata intervened before they started arguing properly. "You know Rose, right?"

Their eyes widened in shock, seemingly noticing the blond Hale for the first time. Genie was the first to recover, Tylers jaw still slack in shock. "Yeah, course. I love your top." She smiled warmly at the blonde.

Rosalie felt herself tense in shock, not expecting such warmth from the human. "Thank you." Rosalie nodded with a delicate smile toying at her lips. "I like your necklace."

The necklace in question hung around Genie's neck, a small shell hanging delicately off a golden chain. "Thanks, Cata made it for me."

"Did I not tell you I was a part time jeweller?" Cata joked at the raise of Rosalie's eyebrows. "She had matching earrings but she broke them."

"I said I was sorry about that." Tyler scoffed lightly, "I did!" She laughed. "I was drunk!"

Rosalie watched the three friends move together, the way they talked and flowed from joke to joke; Cata's hand reaching out to grip Tyler's shoulder as she doubled over in laughter.

Rosalie wanted this.

"Ang!" Rose's eyes snapped across the car park as Genie called out to the Weber girl, eyes catching sight of her family as they climbed from the car. Edward wasn't there.

"I'd better get going." Rosalie nodded to the other Cullen's trying her best at a friendly smile in Tyler and Genie's direction.

"It was nice talking to you." Genie waved, quickly becoming distracted by Angela as she reached them; Eric and Mike on her heels.

"I'll see you in art." Cata smiled, lifting a hand to squeeze the blonde's shoulder before she pushed away from the group - Jess appearing just as Rose left.

"What did she want?" Jess asked snarkily, Cata frowning at her tone.

"Just talking, Jess." Tyler defended the blonde before Cata could, the girl humming in response before gesturing over to Eric who was clutching at a stack of posters.

"Eric's got the prom posters." She explained.

Eric beamed excitedly, Angela chuckling at his excitement as he began babbling excitedly. "Picture this." He raised his hands excitedly, scrambling as a posted escaped his grip - thanking Cata as she grabbed it from the ground for him. "Bond, James Bond. Gambling. Casinos." He paused dramatically, "Monte Carlo?"

"Monte Carlo?" Genie echoed with a hint of a laugh. "The schools letting you corrupt our pure, innocent, naive minds with all this gambling?"

"Gambling is an addiction, Eric." Cata continued teasingly, placing a hand on Eric's shoulder. "Get some help."


"We're joking." Genie spoke as she saw Eric fumble for his next words. "It sounds sick."

"Yeah, I'm going as Bond." Mike piped up.

"I'm going as a Bond girl." Cata winked obnoxiously at Mike, "But, you know. With a personality."

Angela laughed loudly at this, lifting her camera to her eyes as she reached to go take a picture of Eric with his posters, Cata leaning into his side as she raised the one poster in her grip to smile into the camera. "Let me take one of all of you." Angela pleaded, Tyler groaning as Genie pulled him closer to the others.

Catalina lifted herself up on her tiptoes, wrapping an arm over Tyler's shoulder as she pulled Eric closer to her. Genie moved to Eric's side, pulling Jess closer to her, Mike on the end. The group tried not to flinch at the sight of the flash, Angela leaning back to check the photo. "Beautiful." She chirped. "One more for luck?"

Her camera raised once more, her finger pressing the button softly before turning, the camera still poised over her eye. "Oh, my god." She drawled with a disbelieving smile, lowering it until it dropped to hang back at her chest. Furrowing her eyebrows, Cata felt herself tense as she turned to follow Angela's eye line, the sight of Edward's volvo filling her gaze.

Isabella Swan climbed from the passenger seat as Edward Cullen pulled open the door. Her twin looked uneasily around the car park, flinching at the sight of the numerous faces watching her.

"When did that happen?" Genie muttered to Cata, who had a heavy frown sat on her face as she looked to the pair.

"Wish I could tell you."

She wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off of Edward's face, his eyes lingering on her a little longer than they should as he stalked across the concrete.

Her eyes found Rosalie, the blonde matching her frown at the sight of the couple.

Isabella passed by her twin without a glance, Cata bristling as Edward's hand lifted to wrap over her shoulders.

"Cute couple." Jessica almost snapped, her tone filled with spite.

Catalina had never shared Jessica's jealousy, her insecurity. But now, as they joined eyes Cata couldn't help but feel as if they were sharing something.

A loss.

Jessica Stanley had never had a hope with Edward Cullen, and she knew that deep down. Deep down she didn't even want a chance with him; it was bragging rights plain and simple. She could prove something if she captured his attention, or at least thought she could. Prove she could get the boy. Prove she even liked boys.

Catalina Swan always knew she would protect Bella Swan until her dying breath. It was the one constant in her life; no matter the witchy powers or whatever came knocking on their door. She had Bella's back. And Bella had hers.

Or so she thought.

Jessica Stanley dropped Cata's gaze after a second, eyes squinting to the pavement in front of her.

Isabella Swan was taking and taking and taking.

Maybe this life was for her after all.

[ authors note!
more human friendship
bc, again
i am a slut for them.
i havent written much of jess yet
but she's my bby and her & cata
are gonna get closer as the book
10 comments for next
chapter? ]

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