21| They want a war.. I'll give them one

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"I want him so bad."

I glance at Lizzie as she's gawking at Isaac. I honestly can't believe she's this obsessed with him. I mean it's cute in a way.

They've talked a lot since the dance and apparently things are going good. Which good for them.

"Enough about Isaac."

"If I have to hear you and Stiles-"

"Shut up!"

"Oh, come on!" She says. "Scott's the dumbest person on the planet for not realizing sooner that his sister and best friend are in love."

We finally reach Allison and Lydia who are waiting at the front doors for us. I look at Allison, I can't get the look out of my head from Kate's funeral.

Of all people she wanted me by her side. Even after her cunt of an aunt shot me, I still went.

I look at Lydia who looks rather chipper considering the circumstances. Rumors have ran through the halls of what happened.

But it's her first day back at school since the entire sheriffs station found her naked, wandering the woods.

The second we walk in everyone stops and stares at Lydia. Lydia's not one to feel nervous, she's probably the most confident person I've ever met but I can sense an uneasiness in her.

"Didn't your parents ever tell you it's rude to stare?" I ask. "Scram."

Everyone immediately starts walking again. Lydia flips her hair and walks down the hall. Lizzie and Allison follow her.

I walk out to the lacrosse field to watch practice, mainly because I want to see Stiles. By the time I get there practice is all started.

I sit down alone, pulling out my phone. I roll my eyes at the newest text from Strange.

Fake Doctor: You can't keep ignoring me, Olivia. You will need us.

I know I should probably talk to him. My life is changing fast. But I can't forgive him or Clea for what they did.

My head jolts up, sensing something off. I look at Scott and Isaac on the field talking to one another. I put my phone in my back pocket, walking down to the field at the same time as Noah and two of his deputies.

"What the hell is going on?"

Noah pulls Isaac to the side. I look at Stiles, getting caught up in his beautiful brown eyes. I want to kiss him but I know I can't.

"His father's dead." Scott says. "They think he was murdered."

"I'm sorry but when did Isaac become a werewolf?"

"How do you know?"

"I'm a witch, really?"

Scott nods his head. I turn my head as Lizzie happily walks towards us. Her smile falls when she sees Isaac talking to Noah.

"You know the full moon is tonight, right? And they're taking him in as a suspect which means-"

"They can keep him in a holding cell for twenty four hours."

Stiles finishes my sentence. I look at him and smile.

"What's going on here?"

We both look at Scott.


"I knew it! I knew it!" Scott yells. "God.. mom was telling me that I'm crazy but I knew I wasn't crazy!"

He punches Stiles in the arm.

"Ow!" Stiles yells. "Not everyone can take a punch from a werewolf."

Scott then turns to me.

"Scott, you lay a finger on me and I'm breaking your fucking neck."

He pulls me in for a hug.

"Family time!"

Lizzie throws her arms around us.

"This isn't family time."

I push them both away.

"Okay but I need to chem before Harris gives me another detention."

Lizzie walks with me to chemistry, sitting beside me per usual. I pull my notes out and look at the white board.

I smile, feeling Stiles eyes on me. Him and Scott are sitting directly behind us. I feel a tap on my shoulder, rolling my eyes before turning around.

"When's the last time you talked to Derek?"

"Not for weeks."

I know I agreed to help him with the whole Alpha thing but everything changed.

"He obviously turned Isaac."

Lizzie whips her head around.

"What are you talking about?"

"Isaac didn't tell you?"

She tilts her head at Scott.

"You're telling me Isaac is a-"

"Shut it!"

I turn back towards the board at Harris' yell. I write down what he's writing down on the board when a ball of paper hits the back of his head. He whips his head around.

"Who in the hell did that?"

He looks behind me.

"The three of you principals office."

I've never gotten sent to the principals office in my life. Anytime I did something worth I covered it up with my magic.

"I'm sorry but why am I going to the principals?"

He points behind me. Scott's pointing his finger to me. I pack my things up and walk to the principals office with them. I sit in between Stiles and Scott outside the office.

The door opens and Noah walks out with a deputy. Stiles grabs a magazine, covering his face. Noah shakes his head.

"Scott." He sighs. "Liv."

I force a smile as they walk away.

"Gentleman.. and lady."

I turn my attention to the man standing at the door. I glare at Gerard. I met him at Kate's funeral. Why on Earth Argent didn't out me to him is beyond me. But he knows. Gerard knows what I am.

I stand up first, walking into the office. Again I'm in between Stiles and Scott. I cross my arms as he looks at all our folders.

"Olivia McCall. Twin sister to Scott over here. Nothing real special in your folder. Excellent grades.." he says. "One of the top students here."

"Can we cut the shit?" I ask. "We all know this is a little interrogation because my brother dated Allison."

Stiles and Scott snap their heads to me. I don't care. Gerard isn't scared of many things in this world. A person can almost see it in his eyes.

But there's a twinkle when he looks at me. My power, my species scares him. He's scared of my potential. And that terrifies him.

"Alright.." I smile. "I gotta get back to class."

I stand up, leaving Stiles and Scott in his office. I walk out and Lizzie grabs my arm the very second I do.

"Did you leave class?"

"I threw a notebook at Harris' head." She smiles. "But look."

She shows me a picture on her phone.

"What the hell is this?"

"A message."

I take a closer look at the picture.

"That's in Latin.. do I look like I can read Latin?"

"I already had Lydia translate it." She says. "It says 'war is coning'."

"Where did you even get that?"

I look at her and she shrugs.

"Lizzie, what happened?"

"Kol and Davina were attacked by a group of witches.. Davina's hurt but she's strong. The only reason she's alive is because of Kol."

My stomach drops. I don't know what to say or what to think.

"Kol managed to kill four of the witches but the last one wrote that message.. for you."

"They want a war.. I'll give them one."

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