Aftermath, Part 1 (Newt)

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**Contains COG spoilers**

You had only intended to visit your best friends, the Scamander brothers, yet you were dragged into the core of Grindelwald's rise. Following Newt and Jacob to Paris in search for their girls, you met up with old friends, made new acquaintances, and lost some along the way. Now, with the recent Paris events over, the group split up. Newt, Theseus, Tina and Yusof had gone to the British Ministry of Magic to handle the admin stuff. That left you, Nagini and Jacob back at Newt's house to recover.

"Third house on the right, just use the unlocking charm," Newt had said.

"I know."

"Sorry, I thought maybe because of..."

"Don't worry," you reassured him, "I'll watch them."

The last thing you saw before you disapparated with the other two was the small smile on Newt's face, the first one ever since the rally.

Jacob was still in a daze when the three of you stepped into the house. Muttering Queenie's name repeatedly under his breath, he wandered about the house, almost walking into the wall.

"Jacob," you spoke softly, "Do you want to go to bed?"

He nodded, "Yeah, yeah. I'll do that. Bed's good."

"Second door on the-"

But Jacob had already crashed on the bed next to the round table where, unknown to him, he and Queenie had their last meal together.

"Does Mr Scamander have another room?"

You turned to Nagini, still dressed in the silk blue dress she wore in Paris. Her face was pale and her eyes drooped.

"Yes, he does," you replied, "Second door on the left. There's some clothes in the drawer, change into something comfortable."

The smile she offered seemed forced, "It's alright. I...don't need them."

Without another word, she headed up the stairs, leaving you alone in the sitting room with a snoring Jacob. You stared at him for a while, only breaking out of the trace when you realised you were being a creep. You removed your coat and exited the room. Just as you were about to head to the basement, you heard people apparate behind you. You whipped out your wand and spun around.

"Sorry! I own this house, I mean, uh, it's just us."

Your wand had just touched the tip of Newt's nose. You lowered it.

"Where's Kama?"

"Gone back to Paris. French Ministry needed his account," said Theseus as he squeezed past Newt and Tina, "I'll be upstairs, got a few letters to write for the Ministry."

With that, he went up. The first door to the left was closed and locked the moment Theseus entered.

"Tina, give me your coat. I'll go dry it," Newt said, taking off his own. It was only then that you realised how wet the two of them were.

"Raining again?" you asked, offering a smile to Tina. She returned it and nodded.


She was about to answer, but a sudden cry from Jacob made the both of you jump. He had shouted Queenie's name again, followed by a few 'Don't do it!'s after.

"No thank you," she said after Jacob had quietened down, "I think we all need some rest."

"You can take my room, Tina."

Newt had appeared from his basement, his bow tie and coat removed. His hair was a bit of a mess but he was definitely much drier than before.

"The door on the right."

"Where'll you-"

"I've got other rooms," Newt cut her off as she tried to look at her, "Don't worry."

He finally found the courage to look straight into her eyes and smile. Tina reciprocated the action before being on her way.

As soon as she was out of sight, you muttered to Newt, "Might want to worry."

"Why's that?" Newt hadn't taken his eyes off his room door.

"You've only got three rooms, and Jacob's taken the sitting room. Theseus and Nagini are in one each. And Tina is in your room..." you raised your voice slightly, realising Newt wasn't even paying attention, "Which you can't stop staring at."

"I'll think of something," Newt simply responded before tearing his eyes off the door, "You've got nowhere too."

"I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight."


He leaned against the wall, hands in his pockets. You did the same.

"You alright?" you asked. It was just the two of you now.

"Do you want my honest opinion?"

"You're my best friend, Newt. What's on your mind?"

Newt's eyes were fixed on the floor, "Everything. There's a lot to take in. I'm still taking it in, to be honest. Just 48 hours ago I was talking to Leta about dinner with Theseus, and having dinner with Queenie and Jacob, and now..."

The words came out mumbled, but you were used to it. You have listened to him talk like that for years.

"I won't be having dinner with any of them."

Remaining silent, you gave Newt the time to dry his eyes.

"It's been quite a day."

It was his turn to ask once he calmed down, "Are you alright?"

"I will be, don't worry," you replied, "Worrying just means-"

"-you suffer twice," Newt finished the sentence together with you. The both of you laughed softly.

"Make yourself at home, then. I'll be checking on my creatures. Tea's in the cupboard as usual."

"Thanks, Newt."

You entered the kitchen, pointing your wand at the cups on the counter. Casting a spell, two cups lined up neatly, being filled up with hot water.

"Oh, and (Y/N)?" Newt appeared at the stairway again, "Could you-"

"I didn't prepare two cups for nothing," you summoned two tea bags from the cupboard, "I know you're concerned, so am I. And he's not the only one who's lost someone. You have too."


You moved towards the younger Scamander and reached out to stroke his cheek, "I didn't know Leta as well as you and Theseus did. I'll be fine."

"Besides," you continued, "You've got someone else to check on as well."

Newt's face started to feel warm, but he lowered your hand before you could determine whether your hands were playing tricks on you. He flashed an awkward smile, eyes falling on the cups.

"Where's mine?"

Eyes widening slightly, you quickly conjured a spell to prepare another two cups.

"There it is," you said as the two cups were placed neatly beside the others.

"Why's there two?"

You raised a brow, "I thought you were going to check in on Tina while I did Theseus."

"Oh," he moved away from the basement stairway, "Right."

"You were going to, right?"

"Right," he took the two cups, almost spilling over the first one. You took the other two.

"Tina's really nice, Newt," you said as the both of you walked up the stairs, "You should keep her."

Newt turned to the right, "That's if I don't chase her away first."

Pausing outside Theseus' door, you looked over at Newt, who had stopped in front of his own. The two of you shared a look, one that brought comfort, and said to each other at the same time.

"Good luck."

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