Chapter 1

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Of all things I had to end up here. At a Carnival. If it weren't for my friends who literally dragged me with them I would sit at home and learn for school.
„Jake don't behave like that and have some fun" Jungwon rolled his eyes. Easy to tell hard to actually do. Of course he could have fun. He knew almost everyone and socializing was his second name. My second name was antisocial. If I wouldn't have fallen on my first day while trying to come punctual and these boys hadn't helped me I would be alone all this time. So I'm quite happy about the accident. Doesn't mean I want more people in my life. They all just come and go anyways...

„Yah Jaeyoon! Are you gonna stand there for the entire night or are you gonna come inside?" Heeseung hyung said ironically.
I sighed and continued to walk inside. I was totally nervous and my heart was beating fast, it could jump out of place. I could already hear the loud music coming from inside. As I saw more and more people my instinct told me to run away.

Inside we already saw Ni-ki, Sunoo and Jay Hyung so we joined them.

„Heyy Jay! Glad you're here." one of Jay's other friends came. „Oh heey Heeseung!" he noticed Heeseung Hyung too.

Soon Jay's friends all talked with Jay Hyung, Heeseung Hyung, Jungwon, Sunoo and Ni-ki. I was the one who awkwardly stood there so I made my way out of the crowd to get some water. They stood beside a Water fountain so it will be easy to find them later. My whole Body was shaking and the crowd made it worse. There weren't that many people but still to many for my taste.
I soon saw the table with all the foods and drinks so I got a cup of water and sat down on the bar chairs.
„Hey are you alone here?" someone asked me. When I turned to my side there was a boy who looked near my age. „O-oh n-o... I'm here with M-my f-friends" I stuttered. Not like I want to stutter but around strangers I couldn't talk in normal sentences. „Haha cute" he responded and laughed. He didn't seem bad until he suddenly came near to me and held me by my waist. „Wanna kiss?" he straightforward asked. „No!" I yelled in shook trying to get away from him. „Why not? Come on it'll be fun" he grinned. Fun? Does this man know what a kiss is? A kiss ain't supposed to be fun...

„I-i already said N-no!" I still tried to loosen his grip but no his hands were to strong when all of a sudden a pair of hands pulled me from the chair to him. „He said no didn't he" I heard a familiar voice. It was Sunoo.
Sunoo is a very sweet person but if he gets angry you're done.

„If I see you near him one more time I'll punch you so hard, you'll cry in front of everyone!" Sunoo yell-whispered into his ear. „Come on Jakey" he held my hand and dragged me with him.

I'm actually older than Sunoo but he, Jungwon and Ni-ki don't call me Hyung because I don't like being called Hyung. I don't see myself older as them because we get along like we are at the same age.

„Jake don't disappear again. I almost panicked because I thought I lost you!" Sunoo brought me back to the white water fountain with little details, where we stood at the beginning. I nodded.
„Let's go to the others" Sunoo started walking while I followed him. Heeseung Hyung, Ni-ki, Jungwon and Jay Hyung were still talking and chit chatting with Jay's friends. „Oh you're back" Heeseung Hyung smiled.

There we go again. They all talked while I stood there quietly. Right beside them there was a sofa so I sat down beside some other boys. Almost an hour passed and I got tired minute by minute. My eyes got heavy, I lost balance and fell asleep.


My eyes slowly opened coming across the familiar things in this room. We are still here.... And in front of me they are still talking. Jeez aren't they bored yet? I looked left when I suddenly saw a face to near to mine so I backed away. „w-why were you so near to my face...?" I asked with a worried look. He smirked, raised one eyebrow and looked at me up and down „You were the one sleeping on my shoulder and you blame me?"
I thought about how I slept and remembered that my eyes got heavier and my head fell on his shoulder after I lost balance. „I-I'm s-sorry..." I looked down in embarrassment and walked away.

How could I just fall asleep? Now I embarrassed myself in front of a stranger... great. Will he expose me to our whole school? What if he's laughing about me right now?! I couldn't sto-

„aghhh" „what's hap-" „b-blood!"

Everyone screamed and ran to several directions not knowing what's even happening. There was blood everywhere on the floor. Two boys behaved extremely weird. Their faces where pale and their eyes became as red as the curtains hanging in front of the big windows. They fell over other people in front of them. I couldn't exactly see what they were doing but I was scared.

I couldn't process the scene so I couldn't run away I was completely stiff. I slowly took a few steps back but unexpectedly I fell into the water fountain. All of my clothes were wet and I coughed repeatedly. As i looked to the front nobody was there. Where did they go? I was all alone here. Not even one noise...
Going out of the water fountain I walked through one of the doors to see a corridor in front of me. It was darker than I expected and the lights weren't working properly. I continued walking but immediately stopped as the lights got weaker. My Heart felt like exploding, my Body was shaking and tears were running down my face. I tried to calm down but it didn't work. I heard aprubt noises behind me. Scared to look back I gulped. I took a deep breath and ran for my life. The person behind me chased me. I looked back multiple times while running and all I could see was a boy with pale skin, brown curly hair and red eyes

„Stop!" he yelled. I ran to the right hallway only to be followed by him nonstop. „I won't hurt you so stop!" he yelled. I won't believe him! I won't believe a person who's literally chasing me as if they try to kill me. I saw multiple doors so I ran towards them. „COME HERE!" he yelled again and fastened his pace. I kicked one door open and ran into it closing the door and pressing all my weight into it.

„Come outside!" he yelled punching on the door, trying to open it. I don't have any energy left. Putting my last press against the door I was about to give up when a strong hand held the door. I looked at him and was about to scream when he covered my mouth with his other hand. It was the boy from before. The Boy which I embarrassed myself because I slept on his shoulder.
„I'm not one of them!" he gave me a promising look. „Lock it. Trust me" he said. I looked to the door again finding the key which I turned to the right to lock the door. The boy outside still kicked and punched on the door. All my Energy was gone so I collapsed but the stranger caught me in his arms „are you alright?!" he asked worried putting me down slowly. „Y-yeah I g-guess" I inhealed and closed my eyes. „Did you catch a cold?" he asked placing his balm on my forehead. „You have a little fever" he stated taking off his jacket and putting it on me. „I'm f-fine r-really" I said looking down. „Wait- your clothes are wet what happened?" he helped me stand up and placed the jacket on my shoulders. „I-i just fell into the w-water fountain N-nothing big..." I still stuttered. First because he was still a stranger and second I still couldn't believe what just happened right now. „Did you hurt yourself?" he checked on my face and on my hands. „Your face is scratched!" he said softly touching it. It really hurt. „ah!" „Yours doesn't look better..." I whispered. He laughed „probably yeah". „Since when are you in here?" I asked curiously. „the crowd got me so I had to get to a safe place. I saw these doors so I had been hiding here for 20 minutes now. As I saw you trying to close the door I rushed to help you. Glad that I didn't come late" he smiled. „t-thank you" I thanked him bowing. „No it was nothing to thank me for!" he shook his hands. „ohh by the way my name is Sunghoon. Park Sunghoon. I'm 19 years old btw" he introduced himself bowing. „my name i-is Shim J-Jake. My Korean n-name is Jaeyoon. I'm 19 too" I bowed. „Jake? Cute. But you are 19? You look like 17!" he widened his eyes.

'That's not even the problem right now' I thought. „What's even happening outside?" I asked still shaking. „I really don't know... When people suddenly started screaming everybody ran and I got dragged out of there too so I couldn't even see what was going on" he explained.

„T-there were 2 boys who suddenly appeared... I-i don't know why but t-they had pale skin and red bloody eyes.... As I walked down the hallway somebody even ch-chased m-me..." I told him. He listened to me carefully while thinking.

„I think we need to find out what's happening don't we?" he stated looking confident as my jaw dropped.

„A-are you crazy? The boy tried to kill me right n-now! We don't know what those people want and how this happened either... W-what are you planning to do?" my heart beated fast and my legs were about to give up.
„Look. I know this isn't the best idea but we can't stay here forever. We don't have food, water, clothes or anything that would help us survive. If we get to know the cause of all of this we could stop this!" he seemed to be pretty confident right now.

My heart told me to die here and now but my mind said to agree with him. Because this was a serious situation I went with my mind even though I was about to cry because of my anxiety to went out there again. „okay.... I'm coming with you" I whispered but he still heard me.
„Thank you! I promise I will protect us both! Just stay behind me and follow me alright?" I simply nodded. I don't even know why I'm trusting this guy so much. My life's on the line and he is a complete stranger. What if he's one of them? But wouldn't he already do something to me then? Ahh I don't know anymore!

„Ready to go?" he asked with one hand on the key. I sighed and gave him a yes before he opened the door. It made a 'click' sound signalizing that it was open.

„We need to stay as quiet as we can okay?" he gave me a reassuring look which I replied with a nod again. What was I supposed to say? 'ah yes I'll stay silent sir' or 'okay hihi'....

It was the easiest to just nod and leave it as it was.

We slowly made our way to the main hallway of the corridor. After a few minutes which flew by quietly there came a loud noise from the right side. Sunghoon immediately stopped and pulled me towards him. I chewed on my lips as I was scared to death right now.
Sunghoon showed to the left side and began walking again but the noise became even louder as we approached the way.

I froze instantly when I suddenly saw a guy there drinking the blood from a dead body on the floor. I was about to scream when Sunghoon put his hand on my mouth trying to stop me. Still the guy saw us and began running into our direction. „RUN!" Sunghoon yelled and ran dragging me with him. The guy was very fast and made creepy noises as he ran behind us. Like the other guys I saw before he also had pale skin and red eyes. Soo that's a feature of those guys.

We turned to the right seeing a door at the end making our way to reach it. When I looked back to see how far away he was, there were suddenly 3 guys chasing us. „Oh shit" Sunghoon yelled still holding my hand. We ran for our lives as we reached the door and managed to run inside and lock the door. However I don't think it will last for long since they are three of them banging and kicking from behind it. „What do we do! What do we do!!" I panicked walking in circles out of breath.

„OPEN IT!!" one of them yelled scratching the door. „OPEN THE DOOR!" he yelled with a raspy voice.

„Let's go before they break the door!" Sunghoon again held my hand and made his way to find the place where it all started. The big hall with the big white water fountain in the middle of the room.

„I-i think it's there!" I said as I saw a slight piece of a room. Going near it got bigger and bigger and yes it was the big hall where the Carnival took place in the beginning.
We went inside checking if there were people. Sunghoon went left and I went straight to the front where I saw a few bodies laying on the ground. My hand found it's way to my mouth preventing me to scream out of shock.

There was it. The water fountain. But it wasn't like before. The pretty big white water fountain with little beautiful details turned into a Blood fountain. It was still white outside but the water was replaced by blood. I got goosebumps just from looking at it and couldn't hold myself from shrieking. How did the blood even get here?

I heard someone run towards me and as I was going to scream the boy grabbed my shoulder „What happened?" Sunghoon asked worried. I heavily breathed. „T-the water fountain l-look" I pointed towards the now blood fointain and Sunghoon widened his eyes. „Oh God-" he looked shocked too. „We need to-"

Loud choughs were heard across the room followed by weird pandemonium. Then I saw eyes looking directly into mine. There they were again. Those red eyes. They were hypnotizing me. I felt weird and out of place as those eyes locked with mine.


Those red bloody eyes made me want to look more into them. I took a step forward trying to get closer to that guy who those eyes belonged to.

„Jaeyoon come to your senses!"

A devilish smirk set on the boys face which revealed sharp and long canine teeth. The shadow of the person was getting longer and scarier but I couldn't help it. My body made it's way towards him.

„Come here!" the husky and deep voice said in my head. It sent me the shivers and my heart felt like it was exploding. My breath got heavier and I couldn't see clear anymore. I was about to finally get to the person when Sunghoon pulled me away.

The guy in front of me didn't seem satisfied as his eyes turned into a dark red and his smirk disappeared as he opened his mouth letting a dark shadow escape. It looked like a Soul!

„You didn't listen" it whispered „I will get you now"
It was about to catch me when Sunghoon all of sudden stabbed the guy in his mouth with a piece of glass which he got from a broken wine glass. The dark soul vanished and the boy screamed with the most disgusting and horrible voice I ever heard. It was so loud I had to cover my ears. „Ahhh stop it" i screamed. The sound was horrible! After about 10 seconds the sound was cut off and the boy wasn't there anymore.

I fell on my knees searching for air. „Jake! Are you okay?" Sunghoon ran towards me.
„S-Sunghoon- i-" I still tried to breath but failed „I c-can't b-breathe-" I held my neck

„oh shit! What should I do?!! Jake let's get you some water come on I can't leave you here alone!" he panicked helping me stand up while I still tried to breath but only got a little bit of air.
He quickly got a glass and put some water in it handing me the glass „drink!" he ordered me as I gulped down the whole liquid. It felt a bit better but it was still hard to breathe. My neck felt like someone was grabbing me there. I held the shirt of Sunghoon to prevent myself from falling. „Jake!" he held me by my arms. „This isn't going to do..." he held me up carrying me to the sofa and laying me down to it. „If I find my jacket here I can give you some medicine! I just hope it's here somewhere!" he started looking for it.

Sunghoon's PoV
I was really worried of Jake's state. I know we are strangers and don't know each other for long but we need to survive! I can't let this boy die! And I don't know but something in my heart is breaking into pieces seeing him like this. I finally found my jacket hoping that the medicine was still in there. „Yess it's here" I felt a rock fall down from my heart and I brought the medicine to Jake who laid there with his mouth open breathing heavy. „Hey Jake take this. You might feel better" I said and supported his back as he sat up and opened his mouth in order for me to give him the medicine. I smiled and put the medicine in his mouth and gave him water so he could chug it down. „You'll feel better after about 15 minutes" I told him and he nodded „T-thank you" he said in between his breaths. „No need to thank me little boy now let's find a safe place to rest. It's very dangerous here!" I stated. He once again nodded and tried to stand up but I turned my back to him and kneeled down. „W-what...a-are...y-you doing?" it was really hard for him to speak while trying to breath normally. „I'm going to carry you. You will get worse if you continue to walk" I told him „b-but-" he started but I shushed him. „Just do what I tell you please" I smiled at waited for him to hold onto me. He tried to be careful which made me chuckle. He's just to cute! I wish we could meet at better circumstances.... But maybe if it weren't for this we wouldn't met at all!

I went to the left hallway which we haven't discovered yet and I gotta say it looked creepier in here-

The light was red and weak, the end of the hallway completely dark and on the walls were several scratches and blood stains as well as on the floor. I saw a door a few steps away and sighed in relief as I went there and opened the door. I stepped inside when I saw 3 people in there sitting there. „shit-" I was about to run outside when someone yelled „J-Jake?!" I turned around to face the one who yelled and he already stood in front of me looking into Jake's face. „Oh my God Jake! What did you do to him?! Wait oh my God are you one of them too?! B-back away! No wait give me J-Jake!" he yelled back and fourth and gave me no time to answer. „let me talk please! Jeez! I'm not one of them! Jake ran away from one of those monsters and found the room I was in and then we just stuck together.... Then one of them tried to take Jake and something came out of his mouth and after I killed it Jake couldn't breathe anymore... I already gave him medicine but he needs to rest..." I explained and looked up at Jake who Peacefully slept, his head placed on my shoulder, legs around my waist and his arms hugging my neck. I smiled at how beautiful he was when I realized that the guy was still standing I front of me. „oh mY GOD I'M SO SORRY THAT I MISTOOK YOU FOR ONE OF THOSE! It's just we were so lost and we couldn't find Jake, Sunoo or Jungwon!" he stated with worried eyes. „No problem I would be worried too. Let's lay Jake down first." I said walking to the middle and laying him there putting my jacket on top of him. „Sooo you are who?" the guy asked.
„I'm Sunghoon. Park Sunghoon" I introduced myself and bowed.

„Nice to meet you Sunghoon I'm Lee Heeseung and those are Park Jongseob and Nishimura Riki" he introduced themselves.

„Just call me Jay and him Ni-ki" Jay said.

„Nice to meet you too" I said. „So who are Sunoo and Jungwon? And do you know where they are?" I asked

„Sunoo and Jungwon are our friends but since that fiasco happened we all got separated. Luckily you came with Jake but we still don't know where Sunoo and Jumgwon are..." Niki said. „I understand" I replied. I looked to Jake who slowly started to breath faster as usual. He turned from side to side and muttered things. „N-no mhghm let me gomggmghhm" he yelled. „Oh my God Jake!" Jay tried waking Jake up. „Jake can you hear me? Wake up!" I shook him slightly trying not to hurt him. We all tried waking him up as he seemed to have a scary nightmare. „N-noooo! AHHH-" Jake forcefully got up and started crying. I hugged him tight as the other boys joined the hug too. Jake flinched of the sudden skinship and looked up to meet with Heeseung's, Jay's and

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