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My father and I have been traveling on this dirt road for what seemed like forever. "We're going to be okay Grace, we'll find somewhere to hold up soon" he said patting me on my left shoulder.

Night soon came around, and we were using what little light we had until it was too dark to travel to find something to hold up in for the night. Until I saw a prison, with a camping fire in the middle of a group of people. I smiled tugging on the back of my dads shirt.

"Dad look. There's people down there, do you think we could ask to join their group?" I asked not looking away from the group.

My dad stared down the people, trying to see who they are until he finally decided something and looked to me "I'll go down there first to see if they're friendly, you stay here in case anything goes wrong, okay?" He looked me in the eyes. "Okay." I stated confident.

I watched as my dad walked towards to gate, and started talking to the people, eventually he started to shake the fence yelling. I couldn't tell if this was good or bad. I was pacing, trying to decide if I should go down there or not. That was until they let him in and he called for me "Grace! Come on I found grandpa!" That was enough for me to take off running.

I rand through the gate and straight for my Grandpa Hershel. "Grandpa! Maggie! Beth!" I shouted happily, hugging each and everyone one of them, then finally going back to my dad and sitting with him. Their leader, Rick I think decided to let us stay, and while my dad caught up with grandpa I decided to go see who the guy in the hat was.

I walked over to the cowboy and laid next to him. "Hi there cowboy" I said "my names Grace" I said politely.

"Carl." He said simply pushing his hat out of his eyes with his finger.

"So your related to Hershel, and all of them" Carl said pointing towards my family.

"Yea that's my family" I said happily. We ended up falling asleep on the grass after talking a bit.

The next morning I woke up and I saw no one was up but Carl and I. "Hey cowboy" I said walking to him.

"I already told you my names Carl, now cowboy, like a little kid" he said trying to act grownup.

"Well maybe I like cowboys, with cute hair" I said blushing. How could I like someone and it's only been a day.

"Maybe I like girls who don't call me cowboy" he said to me.

"Okay then, cowboy" I laughed.

Carl walked over and kissed me. "I think I'm starting to like girls who call me cowboy" he smiled. He then grabbed my hand and we went back to where everyone was.

I got my own cowboy now. I smiled.

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