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Dream flinched again at the sound of his phone ringing. Only this time he had just woken up from a long slumber.

He turned to face his phone as he stretched his body a little. He turned his phone screen to face him as he read the number calling him.

sap <3 is calling...

He felt his heart was racing a marathon.

He's calling


Why is he calling?


Me of all people?


He chose to call me?


He sat up stretching his back. As he quickly slid his finger across the phone screen answering the call.

"Hello?" He mumbled still a little tired.

"Hey Dream! I just need a little help with homework if that's okay."

Dream smiled hearing his voice. He was moved that Sapnap asked him for help out of everyone he could've potentially asked.

"Yeah of course! What do you need?" Dream uttered as he rubbed his eyes with his other hand.

All Drista heard through Dream's door were the muffled sounds of her brother's laughter and smile. She checked her phone as the time read 12:46PM.

What the hell is he doing past noon?

Her curiosity got the best of her as she pressed her ear against his wooden door.

She heard pauses before Dream went on explaining some english homework and some slight giggles during some pauses so she assumed he was on the phone with someone and helping them with homework.

"Yeah no problem!" She heard his muffled voice through the door.

She heard another giggle before he finally ended the call. She was extremely curious now. Curious as to who he was talking to like that.

Was that George?

I swear if it's that other guy I saw him with yesterday...

Knock Knock.

Dream turned his head to face the door as he continued stretching. "Come in!"

He watched as his door opened revealing his sister poking her head out. She stood there with an eyebrow raised and a questioning expression.

Dream felt confused.

"You good? Like do you need anything?" He shrugged.

"Who were you so happy to be on call with?" She questioned.

"Why are you so nosey?" He chuckled.

"I'm just curious! Who was that?" She crossed her arms smirking.

He sighed as he shook his head slightly. "It's that guy you saw me talking to yesterday."

He watched as she gave disoriented look. Still crossing her arms. "Him!?" She watched as he nodded smiling slightly.

"Clay..." She mumbled rubbing her face with the palms of her hands.

"What? I think he's cute!"

"Cute." She widened her eyes.


"What? Are you calling him ugly?" He teased.

"No! Of course not! I'm just disappointed that you don't feel that way about George!" She groaned.

"Oh my god..." He mumbled splatting his face into his palms.

"Drista we've been over this so many times!" He expressed as he slid his hands off his face.

"I've never felt that way about George, nor do I plan on feeling that way about George!" He threw his hands around.

She rolled her eyes as she began to walk out the door again. "Well that's your loss Clay." She teased as she swung the door shut.

"Oh my fucking god..." He mumbled laying his face on his palms again.

He let his body fall in his back again as he laid there for a good couple minutes. He didn't even think about anything he


He snapped back to reality as he felt his phone buzz again. Only once this time so he knew it must've been a message.

georgie :D

is it cool if i you can pick me up before the party starts? i can't drive lol.

Dream chuckled a bit at the message.

georgie :D

is it cool if you can pick me up before the party starts? i can't drive lol.

yeah ofc! you down to come over at 9:30ish? i'll pick you up.

George smiled at the message. He always loved going on car rides with Dream. Even if they were very short.

georgie :D

is it cool if you can pick me up before the party starts? i can't drive lol.

yeah ofc! you down to come over at 9:30ish? i'll pick you up.

i'm so down :)

Dream checked the time on his phone as it read 1:12PM.

Woah I slept in!

He finally got off his bed as he looked through his closet of clothes. Picking out an outfit to wear for tonight.

His final decision came out to be black sweats, a beige sweater and a black t-shirt he would wear over the sweater. As for shoes he decided on his black Nike's that he wears almost everyday.

He laid out the outfit on his bed as he did his usual morning routine.

Shower, brush teeth, wash face, fix up hair and maybe shave a little.

"Clay are you hungry at all?!" He heard his mom shout from downstairs.

"Uhh... A little bit!" He shouted down the stairs.

"Okay well we have some bacon and eggs if you want any but if you'd rather have something more light that's okay too!"

"Okay I'll be down in a bit! Thank you!" He smiled as he shouted.

He finished up his short shaving session, ate a light breakfast and went back to his room as he finished up some of the homework he couldn't finish last night.

Once he had finished he checked his phone again for the time. 5:23PM.

He sighed in relief. Relieved that he wouldn't have to stress about his work after he would have to deal with a George hangover. Yes, he knew George would have a hangover.

There were only 4 more hours until he had to go pick up George so he began to dress himself up. He made sure he looked presentable. Having hopes that Sap might be there tonight.

He said "probably".

There's still a chance he could be going tonight.

As he was finally dressed he went to fix up his hair again whilst taking the only lint roller owned in the house and rolling it all over his black clothing. Taking off all the fur from Patches.

He sat on his bed whilst scrolling through socials on his phone for a couple hours until he noticed the time again.


As he got off the bed he fixed up his hair and clothes one last time before walking out his bedroom door.

"Woah! Where are you going?" His mom smiled as he came down the stairs.

"Oh! George and I are gonna go to the park in case we have projects we need to finish by Monday."

"This late?" She raised an eyebrow.

"We focus better at night." He chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck.

She nodded slightly. "Okay..." She shrugged.

"How late do you think you'll be?" She questioned.

"I'm not sure it really depends on how long it takes us to finish our projects."

"The latest I want you home is 11:00 to 11:30, okay? " She scolded.

Dream smiled. God how much he loves his mom.

"Yes, yes of course!" He brought his hand down from his neck.

"I will be asleep at the time so I will ask your sister if you came home later and if she tells me you came home later we're gonna have a problem." She chuckled.

He nodded. "Thank you mom!" He uttered as he slipped his shoes on.

He opened the front door as he waved to his mom. "I love you! Bye!"

"Love you too! Stay safe!" She smiled as she watched him swing the door shut.

"Where's he going?" She heard her husband's voice.

"I think he's going to a party." She smirked.

"And you're not mad about it?"

She shrugged. "He's young! He needs a little fun in his life before he gets a job."

As Dream sat in his car driving he only felt the anticipation of Sapnap possibly being there. He wanted to see him be there yet he didn't want to get his hopes up too high.

At least he would have George if anything.

He noticed as the street ahead of him looked familiar. George's house is a block away.

He turned the car as he parked in front of the house he knew so well.

georgie :D

i'm here.

George heard as a car pulled up at the front of his house as he looked out the window. Seeing Dream's car sat in front of his house.


He took his phone out of his pocket as he smiled at the message sent by him.

He opened his front door as he walked towards the car. Opening the car door to see Dream smiling at him.

"For George?" Dream teased.

"Oh so you're an Uber now?" George mocked as he placed the seatbelt over his chest.


"So where's the house?" George questioned.

"Oh Tommy sent me his address so I'm just gonna Google Map it."


They finally arrived at the street. Noticing a house that stood out to them.

It had lights and what looked to be dozens of people standing on the front lawn of the house. Some with cups in their hands and some just being stupid and running around.

"This is definitely his house." Dream giggled.

As the car parked Dream took a deep breath. George raised an eyebrow at him.

"You good?" George teased.

"I'm ready to have to deal with your hangover." He teased back.

"It won't be that bad!" George rolled his eyes as he stepped out of the car.

"Tell me that once you're wasted." Dream scoffed as he walked around the car to walk next to George.

George checked the time as it read 9:58PM.

He slipped his phone back in his pocket as he followed Dream's movements as they slowly entered the house.


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