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Drawing on himself. Completely not paying attention to his final period of the day, Dream looks up at the clock in the room as it reads 2:49 in the afternoon. One more minute.

He saw other students starting to slowly and quietly pack their bags as they get ready to finally leave this hell hole they call "school".

He started packing up. Not being that cautious since he sat in the back of the room.

"Clay!" He heard his teacher call his name.

Sighing, almost rolling his eyes. He looked up at his teacher, clearly exhausted.

"Why are we so eager to leave my class today?" The teacher asked in such a tone that was almost sarcastic.

Dream was clearly irritated. Other students were packing up. Why was he the one to be called out?

He didn't want to answer to an adult he felt was irresponsible in his life, because eventually he's going to have an actual occupation and forget about all his teachers.

He simply shrugged at his teacher and shook his head with his eyebrows raised.

Almost the whole class was looking at him. Feeling awkward and uncomfortable whilst they stared. 

"Are we not answering now?" The teacher gave him a slight attitude.

"Yeah, pretty much." Dream responded.

The obnoxiously loud sound of the school bell made Dream jump a little.

"Okay guys, have a good weekend! No homework from me, alright?"

Dream stood up as he put the strap of his backpack on his shoulder, surprised that the teacher didn't keep him after class this time. 

He noticed the teacher give him a certain look he couldn't describe as he walked out. Yet he pretended like he didn't notice it. 

As he started walking towards to lockers to meet his friends, he put his earbuds in so he wouldn't feel awkward walking for that long in silence with many students talking. 

Walking to his locker he found himself observing other students around the school.

Musicians. Artists. People with good grades. People with bad grades. Actually nice people. Actual bitches. People who smoke. People who drink. There's too many to count out in total.

Somehow through the music in his ears, he started hearing people talk about some party happening tonight. That can never be good.

As he finally reached his locker his friends hadn't arrived yet.

To not make himself look awkward, he opened his locker and placed random stuff he didn't need into it.

Once he closed it he looked around again. There was one of his friends across the hall.

To make himself look like he's not just standing in the hallway as students walk by, he pulled out his phone from his pocket as he looked down at his lock screen. Seeing no notifications as he scrolled through his socials so it looked like he was doing something.

Somehow he could feel as his friend got closer to him, but he didn't want to look up yet.

Eventually he started to pick up the sound of footsteps as they specifically got closer and closer to him, but he still didn't want to look up yet.

"Hey Dream!"

He felt as chills ran down his spine hearing his voice. He's always enjoyed the way his voice sounded.

He looked up from his phone as he smiled. Feeling confident at the sight of him.

"Hey Sapnap!"

Dream slipped his phone back in his pocket as he saw Sapnap smile back at him.

"Who you texting?" Sapnap asked with a smirk.

"Oh. I wasn't texting anyone I was just like scrolling through Instagram."

Dream felt a little awkward just staring at Sapnap.

Realization hit him when his best friend since grade nine wasn't standing next to Sapnap. Looking behind Sapnap. Behind himself. The student body. He was no where.

"Where's George?"

Sapnap looked back to where he had just walked from. "He's not back yet?"

"Back from where?" Dream shrugged.

"Oh, I think he just went to ask the teacher something. I'm not sure what it is he's asking. He shouldn't be taking too long though, he's just asking a question. We really just need to wait."


What am I even supposed to say to him as we wait?

Start a conversation? About what?

We can't just sit in silence that's so awkward!

"So what's this party tomorrow that everyone's talking about?" Dream broke the small silence.

"Apparently some kid's parents are going on vacation. Leaving the guy alone at the house." Sapnap uttered.

Dream scoffed. "Some smart parents he has. What grade's he in?"

"Grade ten."

Dream knew exactly who this kid could possibly be. "Did you get his name by any chance?"

"Something like... Tom, or Tommy, not sure which one it was though. Oh and I'm pretty sure he's a transfer from the UK."

"I know that kid. He sits next to me in my AP Tech class. He's pretty chaotic." Dream chuckled.

"Are you gonna go?" Sapnap questioned.

Dream shrugged. "Maybe, I'm not sure. If George wants to go I'm probably gonna go too. He tends to drink too much when going to parties."

"Well if you two are gonna end up going it's at 10:00pm tomorrow at his house." Sapnap smiled.

Dream found himself rubbing his forehead. Feeling as his hands move down to his eyes.

Sapnap's eyes followed Dream's hand as he caught the bags under his eyes.

"Are you okay man?"

"What do you mean?" He dropped his hand from his face.

"You look so exhausted."

"Oh. Yeah, I haven't slept in the past three or four days." Dream chuckled.

"There's no way you're planning on driving right now." Sapnap scoffed.

"Well yeah. My car is here."

"I can't let you do that when you're this exhausted. Let me take you home! My house isn't too far from yours, I can walk."

Sapnap alone in Dream's car with him. Dream started to feel a cluster of butterflies appear in his stomach. He didn't think he was mentally ready to sit in a car alone with the guy he has feelings for.

"No you don't have to." Dream mumbled.

"Clay. You and I both know that we don't want you getting in a car crash."

He even felt a slight sting in his cheeks hearing Sapnap say his actual name. He wasn't used to it since everyone besides his family just called him Dream.

I might as well let him drive me.

But again. what would we even talk about in the car alone?

Would we even talk in the first place?

Just try small talk. That's simple.

Fuck. Why is it so hard to have feelings for someone?

But this could be my chance to at least get to know him better.

"Okay fine. But I don't want you ruining my car after what happened to yours." Dream sighed.

Sapnap scoffed at the comment. "You know I won't make the same mistake twice."

"Hey guys! Sorry I took a while."

Dream knew that voice. That stupid British accent that he loves.

"At least you didn't take up to an hour George." Dream teased.

"Never bring that up again." George giggled as he pointed at Dream .

"You ready to go Dream?" Sapnap interrupted. Dream nodded as he smiled slightly.

"Woah, go where?" George added, confused.

"Sap's just gonna drive me home. According to him I'm too tired to drive myself." Dream mocked.

"Oh." George felt a sudden wave of irritation overtake him. Realizing that they would have to be in the car alone together.

"What about your car Sapnap? Wouldn't you have to take it back home with you?" George was trying to come up with any excuse he could so they wouldn't have to be alone together.

"My car broke, didn't I tell you? I can't drive it for a week."

George had forgotten that Sapnap broke his car. He felt like an idiot. "Oh... right."

"Why can't I drive you Dream?" George uttered sarcastically.

"Because you don't have a license you idiot." Dream teased as he gave George a friendly push.

"I know! I'm only joking." George mumbled. Feeling like a dumbass.

"Anyway! Have a good weekend George. See you Monday." George watched as Sapnap started walking with the crowd towards the door that leads to the parking lot.

"You're not walking with us George?" Dream questioned.

George sighed as he shook his head. "Mum needs me to walk that way for some reason today. I don't even know why she wants to pick me up over there." George pointed in the opposite direction they usually walk. 

George caught Dream smiling at him. Feeling as his cheeks slightly go pink.

"What?" George scoffed.

"There's a party tomorrow at 10:00pm if you want to go." Dream uttered. "If not we don't have to."

George smiled. He always loved when Dream invited him to do something. Even if it was as small as simply asking to go pick up a book with him.

"I'll definitely think about it." He smiled wider.

Dream smiled back as he brought his hand on top of George's head. "Call or text me when you know the answer."

"I call or text you non the less." George mocked.

Dream found himself completely messing up George's hair.

"Bye pretty boy."

George felt waves and waves of butterflies enter his stomach.

What did he just call me?

George watched as Dream laughed at George's reaction. Walking in the direction Sapnap walked. Leaving George alone.

George sat processing. He scoffed again as he walked in the opposite direction of the two.



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